Date(s) - 24/02/2022
10 h 00 min - 11 h 00 min
Bird Strike Canada Seminar 2—2: Managing wildlife hazards in a dynamic environment: seasonal and daily variations in wildlife risk at CYVR
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Wildlife risks vary over time, including the daily and annual cycle, based on animals activity patterns. Understanding these patterns can help airport wildlife managers allocate finite resources towards mitigating hazards. The Vancouver International Airport (CYVR) Wildlife Management Program uses several streams of data to understand risk on and around the airport, and how it varies over time. In this session, we’ll discuss the use of strike, intervention, and radar data to understand temporal patterns of risk, especially as it relates to gulls, ducks, geese, and hawks.
David Bradbeer is the wildlife program coordinator for the Vancouver Airport Authority. He is responsible for coordinating the execution of the Wildlife Management Plan, including risk assessment, strategic development of mitigation measures, and performance review. David obtained a B.Sc.(agroecology) in 2004 and a M.Sc. (wildlife management) in 2007, both from the University of British Columbia. His past work experience includes delivery of agricultural stewardship programs on the Fraser River delta and a variety of waterfowl research and survey projects.