Date(s) - 25/03/2021
13 h 00 min - 14 h 00 min
Bird Strike Canada Seminar 3: Bird Migration and Tracking
This even was recorded on 25 March 2021. These talks have been moved to the Gary F. Searing E-Library. For access to this library click here.
Combined Sessions A&B: Wingtips at our fingertips: understanding the complex lives of migratory animals
Canadian Migration Monitoring Network & Motus Wildlife Tracking System
Presenter: Stuart Mackenzie, Birds Canada
The protection of migratory birds and their habitat requires a complete understanding of how they use landscapes and habitats throughout their full annual cycle. This information not only tells us where we should invest our limited time, resources and energies, but it also communicates the story of migration to engage and link people and communities in conservation action. Join Stu Mackenzie, Director of Migration Ecology at Birds Canada to learn how we’re advancing our understanding and conservation of migratory animals through the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network and Motus Wildlife Tracking System.
The Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus) is an international collaborative research network that uses coordinated automated radio telemetry to facilitate research and education on the ecology and conservation of migratory animals. Motus is a program of Birds Canada in partnership with collaborating researchers and organizations. Motus allows researchers to track the smallest animals possible (birds, bats, and insects), with high temporal and geographic precision, over great distances and reveal important aspects of their life movements, connectivity, ecology, and life histories. Motus combines the collective impact of local, regional, and even hemispheric projects into one massive collaborative effort that expands the scale and scope of everyone’s work and maximizes the use of scarce resources. It also makes data available and more useful for future projects, collaborative endeavors and large-scale meta analyses. Motus will play a vital role in increasing our understanding of our declining birds, and also help us to meet critical outreach and education objectives.
The Canadian Migration Monitoring Network (CMMN) is a network of bird observatories and other organizations across Canada that conduct standardized migration monitoring research, and education on migratory birds and other wildlife. It is a collaborative initiative among member stations, Birds Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Canadian Wildlife Service. The CMMN provides vital long-term information on bird demographics and population trends for more than 200 species, and contributes meaningful scientific data to further the understanding of migratory animals in Canada. The network also acts as a training centre for biologists and researchers, and provides a unique gateway to the public to increase their knowledge and understanding of Canadian birds and their conservation.
All sessions will be presented on Zoom. Seminar time is given in Eastern Daylight Time. Please adjust for your time zone. Note that Eastern Daylight Time is 4:00 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time.