Bat incidents with U.S. civil aircraft.Biondi, K.M., J.L. Belant, T.L. Devault, J.A. Martin and G. …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:22:00
Reducing mammalian risk to aircraft using alternative landcovers.Biondi. K., J.L. Belant, J.A. Martin, T.L. DeVault and G. …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:20:00
Vulture flight behavior and implications for aircraft safety.Avery, M.L., J.S. Humphrey, J.W. Fischer, M.P. Milleson, E.A. Tillman, W.E. …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:18:00
Bird use of stormwater-management ponds: decreasing avian attractants on airports.Blackwell, B.F., L.M. Schafer, D.A. Helon, and M.A. Linnell. 2008. …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:16:00
Evaluation of bird-strike risk in two Columbian airports: A standard methodology to rank species and propose management priorities.Amaya-Espinel, J.D., S. Cordoba-Cordoba and G. Rico-Hernandez. 2006. Evaluation of …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:14:00
Use of infrared technology in wildlife surveys.Blackwell, B.F., T.W. Seamans, and B.E. Washburn. 2006. Use of …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:12:00
Recommended Practices No. 1 Standards For Aerodrome Bird/Wildlife Control.Allan, J. 2006. Recommended Practices No. 1 Standards For Aerodrome …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:10:00
Efficacy of aircraft landing lights in stimulating avoidance behavior in birds.Blackwell, B.F. and G.E. Bernhardt. 2004. Efficacy of aircraft landing …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:08:00
The development of birdstrike risk assessment procedures, their use on airports, and the potential benefits to the aviation industry.Allan, J., A. Orosz, A. Badham and J. Bell. 2003. …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:06:00
Study on the potential safety risks from birds at and around a potential new airport at Cliffe Marshes and measures for mitigating those risks.Bell, J. N.H. Burton, R. Walls, A. Musgrove, M.M. Rehfish, J. …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:04:00
Using bird strike reports at both an international and a local level.Bell, J.C. 2002. Using bird strike reports at both an …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:02:00
An evaluation of techniques for the control of birds on landfills near airports.Allan, J. and A. Baxter. 2000. An evaluation of techniques …2018/03/022018-03-02 06:00:00
An evaluation of population trends in large flocking bird species around the world in relation to bird strike hazard to aircraft.Allan, J. and J. Sharp. 2000. An evaluation of population …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:58:00
The costs of birdstrikes and birdstrike prevention.Allan, J.R. 2000. The costs of birdstrikes and birdstrike prevention. …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:56:00
Alpha-chloralose immobilization of rock doves in Ohio.Belant, J.L., and T.W. Seamans. 1999. Alpha-chloralose immobilization of rock doves …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:54:00
The effects of changes in the Northern Lapwing population on the bird strike hazard in the UK.Bell, J.C. 1999. The effects of changes in the Northern …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:52:00
Evaluation of electronic frightening devices as white-tailed deer deterrents.Belant, J.L., T.W. Seamans, and L.A. Tyson. 1998.  Evaluation of electronic …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:50:00
Comparison of d-pulegone and mangone as cowbird feeding repellents.Belant, J.L., S.K. Ickes, L.A. Tyson, and T.W. Seamans. 1997.  Comparison …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:48:00
Towards standardised birdstrike resistance testing: The work of the international birdstrike research group.Allan, J.R. 1996. Towards standardised birdstrike resistance testing: The work …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:46:00
Aircraft Flights of The Future Demand a Deeper Understanding of Nocturnal Migration.Alfiya, H. 1994. Aircraft Flights of The Future Demand a …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:44:00
The potential of Lumbricide chemicals for use in airfield bird control.Allan, J. and Cordrey, L. 1992. The potential of Lumbricide …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:42:00
The U.S Navy’s Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Problem 1985-1989.Bivings, B. and K.A. Medve. 1990. The U.S Navy’s Bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:40:00
The Snow Bunting Hazard to Aircraft at Andoya Airport in Northern Norway.Bentz, P-G. 1984. The Snow Bunting Hazard to Aircraft at Andoya …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:38:00
Summary and Analysis of Bird-Aircraft Collisions and Presence of Bird Carcasses on Runways at Ben Gurion International Airport.Agat, I. and S. Su-Aretz. 1984. Summary and Analysis of Bird-Aircraft …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:36:00
Exclusion of gulls from reservoirs in Orange County, California.Amling, W. 1980. Exclusion of gulls from reservoirs in Orange …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:34:00
Importance of Vegetative Cover to Cycles of Microtus Populations.Birney, E.C., W.E. Grant and D.D. Baird. 1976. Importance of …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:32:00
Progress Report from Belgium.Belgian Delegation. 1971. Progress Report from Belgium. Proceedings of the …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:30:00
The Management of Problems caused by Canada Geese – A Guide to Best Practice.Allan, J. n.d. The Management of Problems caused by Canada …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:28:00
Document 780Hagberg, S. and C. Wagner. 2005. How urban sprawl has affected …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:26:00
Document 689Fennessy, G., T.C. Kelly, R. Bolger, S. Sheehy, and M.J.A. …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:24:00
Document 887Horton, N. 2000b. Year 2000 – fifity years since Adams. …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:22:00
Bird use of solar photovoltaic installations at US airports: Implications for aviation safety.DeVault, T.L., T.W. Seamans, J.A. Schmidt, J.L. Belant, B.F. Blackwell, …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:20:00
Rethinking airport land-cover paradigms: agriculture, grass, and wildlife hazards.DeVault, T.L., M.J. Begier, J.L. Belant, B.F. Blackwell, R.A. Dolbeer, …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:18:00
Birds vs. offshore helicopter operationsChristiansen, G. 2012. Birds vs. offshore helicopter operations. Proceedings of …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:16:00
Wildlife use of solar facilities on and near airportsDeVault, T.L., T.W. Seamans, J.A. Schmidt, L.A. Tyson, L. Van …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:14:00
Morning has broken: The legacy of Jim Forbes: Conception and success of BSC-USADolbeer, R.A. 2012. Morning has broken: The legacy of Jim …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:12:00
MCAS Beaufort Wetland mitigation bank.Daugherty, T. 2012. MCAS Beaufort Wetland mitigation bank. Bird Strike Committee-USA …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:10:00
Testing the terrain hypothesis: Canada geese see their world laterally and obliquely.Fernandez-Juricic, E., B.A. Moore, M. Doppler, J. Freeman, B.F. Blackwell, …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:08:00
Guidebook for addressing aircraft/wildlife hazards at general aviation airports.Cleary, E.C. and A. Dickie. 2010. Guidebook for addressing aircraft/wildlife hazards …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:06:00
Bird strike analyses on the parts of aircraft structure.Doubrava, R. 2010. Bird strike analyses on the parts of …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:04:00
Preliminary wildlife hazard assessment: Proposed Akutan Airport project, Akutan, Alaska.DeFusco, R.P. and D.C. DeFusco. 2007. Preliminary wildlife hazard assessment: …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:02:00
Canada goose populations and strikes with civil aircraft: positive trends for aviation industry.Dolbeer, R.A. and J.L. Seubert. 2006. Canada goose populations and …2018/03/022018-03-02 05:00:00
Bird strikes to civil helicopters in the United States, 1990-2005.Dolbeer, R.A., S.E. Wright and E.C. Cleary. 2006. Bird strikes …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:58:00
Foraging ecology of bald eagles at an urban landfill.Elliott, K.H., J. Duffe, S.L. Lee, P. Mineau and J.E. …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:56:00
North American bird strike advisory system: strategic plan.DeFusco, R.P., M.J. Hovan, J.T. Harper and K.A. Heppard. 2005. …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:54:00
Towards an operational bird avoidance system: combining models and measurements.Bouten, W., J. van Belle, A. Benabdelkader, L. Buurma, H. van …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:52:00
Bird control plan for the Atascocita Recycling and Disposal Facitity, Humble, Texas.Davis, R.A. and G.W. Miller. 2003. Bird control plan for …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:50:00
Border-collie patrols are among newest methods of airport wildlife control.Flight Safety Foundation. 2002. Border-collie patrols are among newest methods …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:48:00
Have population increases of large birds outpaced airworthiness standards for civil aircraft?Dolbeer, R.A. and P. Eschenfelder. 2002. Have population increases of …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:46:00
Population increases of large birds, airworthiness standards, and high-speed flight: a precarious combination.Dolbeer, R.A. and P. Eschenfelder. 2002. Population increases of large …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:44:00
Managing Birds and Controlling Aircraft in the Kennedy Airport-Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Complex: The Need for Hard Data and Soft Opinions.Brown, K.M., R.M. Erwin, M.E. Richmond, P.A. Buckley, J.T. Tanacredi …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:42:00
Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with the proposed Resortport Development on lands of the Calgary International Airport.Davis, R.A. 2000. Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:40:00
FAA perspectives on future directions of research and development to reduce the bird strike threat.Hovan, M.J. and W.J. Hughes. 2000. FAA perspectives on future …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:38:00
Wildlife strikes to civilian aircraft in the United States, 1991-1999.Cleary, E. C., S. E. Wright, and R. A. Dolbeer. …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:36:00
Bird monitoring at Vancouver International Airport: Data Report: 1994-99 (winter).Demarchi, M.W., G.F. Searing, M.K. McNicholl and T. Mochizuki. 1999.  …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:34:00
CAP 680 Bird Control On Aerodromes.CAA. 1998. CAP 680 Bird Control On Aerodromes. Civil Aviation Authority, …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:32:00
Bird monitoring at Vancouver International Airport: Data Report: 1994-98 (non-winter).Demarchi, M.W., G.F. Searing, M.K. McNicholl and T. Mochizuki. 1998.  …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:30:00
Managing problems caused by urban Canada Geese.Gosser, A.L., M.R. Conover, and T.A. Messmer. 1997. Managing problems …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:28:00
Avian use and vegetation characteristics of conservation reserve program fields.Delisle, J. M, and J. A. Savidge. 1997. Avian use …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:26:00
Falconry for Bird Control on Airdromes (The Spanish Experience After 26 Years).Chamorro, M. and J. Clavero, J. 1994. Falconry for Bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:24:00
Airfield Bird Counts. A management Tool in the Prevention of On-Airfield Birdstrikes.Dekker, A. 1994. Airfield Bird Counts. A management Tool in …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:22:00
Laughing Gull nests in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge marshes [aerial photos with overlays] 6-9-94Dolbeer, R.A. 1994. Laughing Gull nests in Jamaica Bay Wildlife …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:20:00
Evaluation of shotgun shooting to reduce aircraft strikes by laughing gulls at John F Kennedy International Airport 1991.Dolbeer, R. A. 1992. Evaluation of shotgun shooting to reduce aircraft …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:18:00
Document 714Frawley, B.J., and L.B. Best. 1991.  Effects of mowing on …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:16:00
Document 696Finnish Air Force 1990. Finnish Air Force Bird Strike Summary 1981 …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:14:00
Static Blades Under Load Foreign Objects Damages Testing ProgramDevaux, J.-P. 1990. Static Blades Under Load Foreign Objects Damages …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:12:00
Bird hazards to aircraft at JFK International Airport.Buurma, L.S., J.E. Karlsson, and V.E.F. Solman and C.S. Thomas. …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:10:00
Review of bird control techniques and design of a gull control program for Site VI in Peel Region.Davis, R.A. 1989. Review of bird control techniques and design …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:08:00
An Overview of Aerodrome Bird Control and Related Activities in the UK.Brough, T. 1988. An Overview of Aerodrome Bird Control and …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:06:00
Terms of Reference of the Steering Committee of BSCE.BSCE Steering Committee 1988. Terms of Reference of the Steering …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:04:00
Some Proposals for Evaluations of Bird Strike Data.Bruderer, B. 1988. Some Proposals for Evaluations of Bird Strike …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:02:00
Fight against bird strikes continues.Briot, J.L. 1987. Fight against bird strikes continues. ICAO Bulletin …2018/03/022018-03-02 04:00:00
The urban-suburban Canada goose: an example of short-sighted management.Conover, M.R. 1987. The urban-suburban Canada goose: an example of …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:58:00
Frightening Devices in Airfield Bird Control.DeFusco, R.P. 1986. Frightening Devices in Airfield Bird Control. Proceedings …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:56:00
Factors affecting bud strikes on aircraft at a coastal airport.Burger, J. 1985. Factors affecting bud strikes on aircraft at …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:54:00
Practical Observations on Falconry as a Bird Deterrant Method on Airports.di Valminuta, F. T. 1984. Practical Observations on Falconry as …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:52:00
Manipulation of flood meadow vegetation and observations on small mammal populations.Cornely, J.E., C.M. Britton and F.A. Sneva. 1983. Manipulation of …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:50:00
Frightening devices for airfield bird control.DeFusco, R.P. 1983. Frightening devices for airfield bird control. Colorado …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:48:00
Document 862Hild, J. 1979. New procedures for publication of bird warnings and …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:46:00
Document 861Hild, J. 1978. Large Scale Weather Situations and Influence on Bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:44:00
Document 729Gauthraeux, S.A. Jr. 1977. The Influence of Weather Variables on …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:42:00
Document 853Hild, J. 1976. A New Problem on Scaring Birds on Airfields …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:40:00
Document 852Hild, J. 1973. Special Considerations about Handling of Grassland Areas on …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:38:00
Document 848Hild, J. 1972. Bird Strike Situation in German Air Force. Proceedings …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:36:00
Radar Observation Methodology and Procedures Used by ATC Controllers to Avoid Bird StrikesFerry, V.E. 1972. Radar Observation Methodology and Procedures Used by …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:34:00
Bird/Weather/Radar Work in Switzerland.Bruderer, B. 1971. Bird/Weather/Radar Work in Switzerland. Proceedings of the …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:32:00
Document 799Harris, R.D. and W.M. Hughes. 1965. The bird strike problem at …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:30:00
Reduction of Herring Gull hazards, Lakehead Airport, Ontario Canada.Courtney, J.L. 1963. Reduction of Herring Gull hazards, Lakehead Airport, …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:28:00
Document 733Gauthreaux, S. Jr and C. Belser. 2003. Overview: Radar ornithology …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:26:00
Document 599Dolbeer, R.A. 2011. Increasing trend of damaging bird strikes with …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:24:00
Document 747Goodhue, L.D. and F.M. Baumgartner. 1965.  Applications of New Bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:22:00
Document 788Hamershock, D.M. and A.P. Branch. 1992. Ultrasonics as a Method …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:20:00
Document 1253Nicholson, R. 2012. Kinetic energy of bird strikes & damage to …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:18:00
Document 1223Montemaggiori, A., U. Ciotta, R. Grillanda and C. Eminente. 2012. …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:16:00
Document 1279Ostrom, J. 2012. 2012 Update. Bird Strike Committee-USA Annual Meeting, …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:14:00
Document 1094Leshem, Y.2012. 3 Decades of Reducing Bird Strikes in Israel …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:12:00
Document 1296Patrick, K., J. McKee and P. Shaw. 2012. An Aviation …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:10:00
Document 1012Korhonen, O. 2012. Informing air traffic on bird hazards. Proceedings …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:08:00
Document 964Keirn, G., J. Cepek, B. Blackwell and T. Devault. 2010. …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:06:00
Document 1118Linnell, M.A., M.R. Conover and T.J. Ohashi. 2009. Using wedelia as …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:04:00
Document 913IFALPA. 2008. IBSC anti-birdstrike recommendations. Aerodrome & Ground Environment Briefing …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:02:00
Document 1568Stephen, V. 2008. A review of mitigation measures and their …2018/03/022018-03-02 03:00:00
Document 1228Morgenroth, C. 2005. Bird deterrence at airports by means of long …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:58:00
Document 917International Civil Aviation Organisation 2004. Annex 14 to the Convention on …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:56:00
Document 1395Ruhe, W. 2003. Radar bird observations and bird strike warnings …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:54:00
Document 1471Shamoun-Baranes, J. 2003. Bird migration, weather and flight safety: Towards …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:52:00
Document 1505Short, J.J. and N. Sullivan. 2003. Managing airfield bird hazards …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:50:00
Document 1544Sowden, R. and T. Kelly. 2003. Airport bird hazard assessment …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:48:00
Document 1522Sodhi, N.S. 2002. Competition in the air: Birds versus aircraft. …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:46:00
Document 1341Pyper, W. 2001. Plain predictions. Ecos 106(January-March):19-212018/03/022018-03-02 02:44:00
Document 1439Seamans, T.W., C.D. Lovell, R.A. Dolbeer, and J.D. Cepek. 2001. …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:42:00
Document 1172Matthew, D. N., M. Gangadharan and T.J. Jacob. 2000. Waste …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:40:00
Document 952Kaiser, G. No Date. Bird Hazard Information. National Research Council Associate …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:38:00
Document 1242Navás, F., R. Griell, M.A. Pindado, P. Montalvo, X. Ferrer …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:36:00
Canada Geese: Control and Management in Southwestern British Columbia.McFarlane-Tranquilla, L., D.W. Smith, G. Grigg and G. White. 2008. …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:34:00
Efficacy of aircraft mounted lighting to reduce bird strikes.Philibin, S.T. 2005. Efficacy of aircraft mounted lighting to reduce …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:32:00
Managing birdstrike risk with information technologies: a review of the state-of-the-art in 2005.Kelly, T.A. 2005. Managing birdstrike risk with information technologies: a …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:30:00
Development of a Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard Program at Langley AFB, Virginia.Sprague, T. and S. Kendrot. 2001. Development of a Bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:28:00
Damage liability and compensation in case of bird strike.Matijaca, A. 2001. Damage liability and compensation in case of …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:26:00
Document 1215Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat. 1999. Birds on a future …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:24:00
Document 1117Linnell, M.A., M.R. Conover and T.J. Ohashi. 1999. Biases in Bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:22:00
Document 1125Lovell, C.D. and R.A. Dolbeer. 1999. Validation of the United …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:20:00
The behavioural responses of birds to commercial aircraftKelly T. 1999. The behavioural responses of birds to commercial …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:18:00
Document 1238Murar, B. and D. Vladimir. 1998. First experience on bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:16:00
Document 1173Matthew, D.N., S. Sreekumar, K.T. Joseph, M. Gangadharan, T.T. Jacob …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:14:00
Document 1145Manueco, J C. 1998. Thermics maximum height for birds, minimum …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:12:00
Flyway management plan for Northwest Oregon – Southwest Washington Canada goose agricultural depredation control.Pacific Flyway Council. 1998. Pacific Flyway management plan for Northwest …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:10:00
Document 1555Speelman, R. J.; Kelley, M. E.; McCarty, R. E.; Short, J. …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:08:00
Document 1345Ramachandra, K., R.V. Madhusoodanan, M. Chandrasekaran, S. Ramachandra and R. …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:06:00
Document 969Kelly, T. A., E. Zakrajsek and A.M. Smith. 1996. Bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:04:00
Document 1331Prast, W., C.S. Roselaar, P.H. Schalk and J. Wattel. 1994. …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:02:00
Document 1237Murar, B. 1994. Analysis of Birdstrikes with Military Airplanes in …2018/03/022018-03-02 02:00:00
Document 1121Lischak, W. 1994. Bird Control and Reduction. Proceedings of the …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:58:00
Document 999Klaver, A. 1994. Nature Conservation and Flight Safety – A …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:56:00
Document 991Kessler, K.K., R.J. Johnson and K.M. Eskridge. 1994. Monofilament lines and …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:54:00
Starlings.Johnson, R.J. and J.F. Glahn. 1994. Starlings. Pages E109-E120. In: S.E. …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:52:00
Document 1126Lowney, M.S. 1993. Excluding non-migratory Canada Geese with overhead wire …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:50:00
Document 1486Shergalin, J.E. 1992. Soviet bibliography about aviation and radar ornithology …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:48:00
Document 1391Rubin, D. J. 1992. Low-level Airspace Birdstrike Hazard Evaluation and …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:46:00
Document 1308Perremans, K. 1992. The diversity of featherprints in the charadriiformes …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:44:00
Document 1019Krziwanek, K.C. 1992. Risk analysis of birdstrikes on Vienna Airport. …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:42:00
Document 1542Soucaze-Soudat, J. D. 1990. Scaring Away Birds by Laser Beam. …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:40:00
Document 1496Short, J. J. 1990. Bird Weight Distribution of Low-Level Birdstrikes. …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:38:00
Document 1248Nelson, P.C. 1990. Bird problems in New Zealand-methods of control. …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:36:00
Document 1245Nechval, N. A. 1990. On Predicting Accidents and Serious Incidents …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:34:00
Document 1209Milsom, T. 1990. The Use of Bird Strike Statistics to …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:32:00
Document 1156Martin, L.R. and S. Hagar. 1990. Bird control on containment …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:30:00
Document 1495Short, J. J. 1988. Characterization of the Bird Strike Hazards …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:28:00
Document 1246Nechval, N. A. and V.Y. Biryukov, 1988. Some Bivariate Probability …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:26:00
Document 1111Lind, H. 1986. The Problem of Black-Headed Gulls (Larus Ridibundus) …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:24:00
Document 1370Risley, C. and H. Blokpoel. 1984. Evaluation of effectiveness of …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:22:00
Document 1240Nankinov, D. 1982. Collisions of Bulgarian Civil Aviation Aircraft with Birds. …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:20:00
Document 1501Short, J.J. 1981a. The « Handbook on bird management and control ». …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:18:00
Document 1259Niss, G. 1981. Birdstrike Testing of the Viggen Aircraft at …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:16:00
Document 926Jacobi, V.E. and M. Beklova. 1981. Can the Pilot of …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:14:00
Document 1053Larson, B. and T. Alerstam. 1979. A forcast system for …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:12:00
Document 1368Riley, M. 1978. Preliminary Laboratory and Field Trials of the …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:10:00
Document 1020Kuckuck, H. 1978. Birdstrike Tests with Radomes and Windscreens of …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:08:00
Document 1515Smith, B.M. 1976. Alternate vegetative cover at CFB Summerside, P.E.I …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:06:00
Document 1143Mampe, C.D. 1976. Current status report: pigeon control. Proceedings of the …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:04:00
Document 1059Laty, M. 1976. Startling of Birds by Light, Experimental Devices, …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:02:00
Document 1538Solmon, V.E.F. 1976. Aircraft and birds. Proceedings of the Bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 01:00:00
Document 1581Suaretz, S. 1975. Bird Strike Problems at Ben-Gurion Airport, LOD-ISRAEL. …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:58:00
Document 1065Lavau, H.C. 1975. Global Statistical Approach to the Bird Strike. …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:56:00
Document 946Joensen, A.H. 1975b. The Use of Waterfowl Count Data in …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:54:00
Document 1122Louette 1973. Bird Migration Forecasting. Proceedings of the Bird Strike …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:52:00
Document 1402Russell, D.E. 1972. Dynamics of raptors [sic] predation. B.Sc. Thesis, …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:50:00
Document 1026Kuhring, M.S. 1972. Projects of Associate Committee on Bird Hazards …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:48:00
Document 992Kiel, W. 1972b. An Analysis of the Bird Strike Reports …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:46:00
Document 961Keil, W. 1972a. Ecological Research in Aerodrome Traffic Zone and …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:44:00
Document 1177McCracken, P.R. 1976. Bird strikes and the air force. Proceedings …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:42:00
Document 1529Solman, V.E.F. 1969. Airport design and management to reduce bird …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:40:00
Document 1528Solman, V.E.F. 1968. Bird control and air safety. National Research …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:38:00
Document 1577Stortenbeker, C.W. 1967 Bird Problems at Schiphol Airport. Proceedings of …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:36:00
Document 1300Pearson. E.W. 1967. Birds and Airports. Proceedings of the Vertebrate …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:34:00
Document 1527Solman, V.E.F. 1966. The ecological control of bird hazards to …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:32:00
Document 1097Lewis, H.F. 1966. A new aspect of man’s relations with …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:30:00
Document 1025Kuhring, M.S. 1966. International Cooperative Research (Presented at Frankfurt, Germany). …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:28:00
Document 1027Kuhring, M.S. and T. Hamal. 1963. Distress calls from Pigeons. …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:26:00
Document 1403Ryals, B. M., R. J. Dooling, E. Westbrook, M. L. …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:24:00
Document 1075Lefebvre, P.W., and D.F. Mott. 1987. Reducing bird/aircraft hazards at …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:22:00
Document 1102LGL Limited. 1974. Executive report on bird populations and movements …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:20:00
Document 1447Searing, G.F. 2000. A review of swallow strikes by aircraft …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:18:00
Document 1013Koski, W.R. and W.J. Richardson. 1976. Review of waterbird deterrent …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:16:00
Document 1099LGL Limited. 1973. Report on a preliminary investigationof bird populations …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:14:00
Document 1451Searing, G.F. 2005. Vancouver International Airport wildlife control plan. Prepared …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:12:00
Document 1377Robinson, M. 2000. The duty of care?failure to maintain an …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:10:00
Document 1569Sterner, R.T. 1998. The bait surcharge program: research improves zinc …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:08:00
Document 1234Muntze, T. 1996. The bird strike situation at the Frankfurt …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:06:00
Document 1150Maron, J. 1977. Aspects on the utilization of the airport …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:04:00
Document 1512Sillman, A. J. 1973. Avian vision. Pages 349-387 in D. …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:02:00
Document 1743Washburn, B. E. 2012. Avian use of solid waste transfer …2018/03/022018-03-02 00:00:00
Document 1771Wilkens, T. 2012. Protecting those who protect us: Reducing bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:58:00
Document 1640Thorpe, J. 2008. Update on fatalities and destroyed civil aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:56:00
Document 1598Thapaliya, R.M. 2005. The role of the government and non-government …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:54:00
Document 1712Vasilis, L., H. Jerrentrup, P. Dora and E. Anastasios. 2005. …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:52:00
Document 1700van Eekeren, R. 2000. IFALPHA’S Wild Life Hazard Policy. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:50:00
Document 1641Thorpe, J. 2010. Update on fatalities and destroyed civil aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:48:00
Affordable, real-time, 3-D avian radar networks for centralized North American bird advisory systems.Weber, P., T.J. Nohara and S. Gauthreaux Jr. 2005. Affordable, …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:46:00
Code of Federal Regulations 14 CFR Part 139.337 Wildlife Hazard Management.U.S. Government. 2004. Appendix A. Code of Federal Regulations 14 …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:44:00
Complete Control of Nuisance Birds in Airport Hangars.Vogt, P.F. 1999. Complete Control of Nuisance Birds in Airport …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:42:00
Document 1800Yashon, J. 1996. Land Management and allocation of resources – …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:40:00
Document 1659Transport Canada. 1994. Report of a system safety review on …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:38:00
Document 1704van Oostenbrugge, R. 1990. Geese and Air Traffic in the …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:36:00
Document 1650Thorpe, J. and R. van Wessum.. 1986a. Bird Strikes During …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:34:00
Document 1602Thompson, M. M. and T.J. Will. 1986. Toxic Perches for …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:32:00
Document 1711Various 1984. Bird Avoidance for Military Low-level Operations in the …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:30:00
Document 1721Vice Chairman of Aerodrome Working Group. 1981b. Code of Procedure. …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:28:00
Document 1722Vice Chairman of the Aerodrome Working Group 1981a. Experiments On …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:26:00
Document 1708Vancamp, M. 1981. Some Proposals for Alternative Ground Covering Vegetation …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:24:00
Document 1695Unknown. 1979b. About the procedures aimed at bird strike avoidance. …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:22:00
Document 1644Thorpe, J. and J.G. van Dusseldorp. 1979. Birdstrikes during 1977 …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:20:00
Document 1726Vice Chairman. 1978c. Use of Chemicals to Make the Soil …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:18:00
Document 1609Thorpe, J. 1972. Analysis of Bird Strikes. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:16:00
Summary of wildlife management plan requirements.U.S. Department of Transportation. n.d. Summary of wildlife management plan …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:14:00
Document 1706van Vuren, D. 1998. Manipulating habitat quality to manage vertebrate …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:12:00
Document 1666Troxel, S. 2002. Progress Report on Development of a Terminal …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:10:00
Document 1732Volz, T.J. and T.P. Clausen. 2001. Tannins in Puccinellia arctica: Possible …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:08:00
Behavioral traits and airport type affect mammal incidents with U.S. civil aircraft.Schwarz, K.B., J.L. Belant, J.A. Martin, T.L. DeVault and G. …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:06:00
Efficacy of aircraft landing lights in stimulating avoidance behavior in birds.Blackwell, B.F. and G.E. Bernhardt. 2002. Efficacy of aircraft landing …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:04:00
National Bird Population Statistics as a Tool for Strategic Bird Management Decisions.Allan, J. and A. Baxter. 2009. National Bird Population Statistics …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:02:00
Development of birdstrike risk assessment procedures, Their Use on Airports, and the Potential Benefits to the Aviation Industry.Allan, J.R., A. Orosz, A. Badham and J. Bell. 2002. …2018/03/012018-03-01 23:00:00
USDA Wildlife Services assistance to North Carolina airports.Annonymous. 2004. USDA Wildlife Services assistance to North Carolina airports. …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:58:00
The Relationship Between National Bird Populations and Birdstrike Risk.Baxter, A. 2009. The Relationship Between National Bird Populations and …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:56:00
Use of lethal control to reduce habituation to blank rounds by scavenging birds.Baxter, A.T. and J.R. Allan. 2008. Use of lethal control …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:54:00
Conclusions and future directions.Belant, J.L., T.L. DeVault, and B.F. Blackwell. 2013. Conclusions and …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:52:00
Nighttime Falconry to Disperse Roosting Blackbirds at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.Boyles, C. 2009. Nighttime Falconry to Disperse Roosting Blackbirds at …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:50:00
Airman.Winfield, G. 2014. Airman. Proceedings of the Birdstrike Canada Workshop …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:48:00
A model to determine the severity of a birdstrike with flocks of Canada Geese.Budgey, R. and J.R. Allan. 1999. A model to determine …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:46:00
Panel discussion on falconry.Dolbeer, R. 1999. Panel discussion on falconry. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:44:00
Radar to detect foreign object ingestion by a jet engine.Greneker, G. 1999. Radar to detect foreign object ingestion by …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:42:00
Exhibitor profile presentations.LeBoeuf, E. 1999. Exhibitor profile presentations. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada Joint …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:40:00
The benefits and costs of performing an ecological study at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport: A journey of enlightenment.Ostrom, J. 1999. The benefits and costs of performing an …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:38:00
Reception speeches.Richmond, C., T. McFall and M. Dunn. 1999. Reception speeches. …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:36:00
Canada Goose management at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International and Downtown St. Paul airports.Cooper, J.A. 2000. Canada Goose management at the Minneapolis-St. Paul …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:34:00
Cowbird responses to aircraft with lights tuned to their eyes: Implications for bird–aircraft collisions.Doppler, M.S., B.F. Blackwell, T.L. DeVault and E. Fernandez-Juricic. 2015. …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:32:00
Identifying and dealing with potential goose hazards at CPH, Denmark.Hansen, M., C. Rosenquist and T.K. Christensen. 2015. Identifying and …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:30:00
Evaluating helicopter/VTOL bird strike risks.Thurber-Duggan, B. and C.O. Bowser. 2015. Evaluating helicopter/VTOL bird strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:28:00
Wildlife hazard management plan outline.Castellano, B. 1997. Wildlife hazard management plan outline. Certalert No 97-09, …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:26:00
Who done it? Ingestions, species and phase of flight.Kelly, T.C., E. Dillane, G. Keogh, N. Coughlan, B. Keogh …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:24:00
Perspective for satellite tracking swans and geese: a review.Beekman, J. H. and M. Klaassen. 2000. Perspective for satellite …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:22:00
Mid Winter Movements of Geese in the Netherlands as a risk to Aviation Safety.Ebbinge, B. S. and L.S. Buurma. 2000. Mid Winter Movements of …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:20:00
Document 1456Searing, G.F. and J.M. Cooper. 1992. Raptor/heron management plan for …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:18:00
Document 1106Liechti, F. and H. van Gasteren. 2010. Current state of …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:16:00
Document 1136Macaulay, G.A. 1965. Some thoughts on the forces associated with …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:14:00
Collisions of Aircraft with Birds of Prey in the Alps.Bruderer, B. 1978. Collisions of Aircraft with Birds of Prey …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:12:00
The modern options for record keeping and analysis of airfield bird control.Diamond, T. 2008. The modern options for record keeping and …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:10:00
Last French experiments with lasers to frighten the birds.Briot, J.L. 1996. Last French experiments with lasers to frighten …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:08:00
Document 1668Turesson, L-O. 1976. Proposal Concerning the Distribution of Bird Strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:06:00
The Ways in Which Feather Colours are Produced and their Potential for Identification of Feather Remains.Dyck, J. 1990. The Ways in Which Feather Colours are …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:04:00
Feather identification and a new electronics system for reporting US Air Force bird strikes.Dove, C.J. 1999. Feather identification and a new electronics system …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:02:00
Document 639Dove, C.J., M. Heacker and N. Rotzel. 2007. The birdstrike …2018/03/012018-03-01 22:00:00
Document 1766White, R. and N. Jinings. 2006. Airport Canopies Become Starling …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:58:00
Bird monitoring at Vancouver International Airport: Data Report: 1994-2000 (non-winter).Demarchi, M.W., G.F. Searing, M.K. McNicholl and T. Mochizuki. 2000.  …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:56:00
Integrated management systems for Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca) on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.Shaw, P. 1999. Integrated management systems for Australian White Ibis …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:54:00
Document 847Hild, J. 1972. Bird Hazard Maps Europe. Proceedings of the Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:52:00
Document 816Heijink, I.J. and L.S. Buurma. 1978. Practical and Economical Aspects …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:50:00
Document 1286Ovadia, O. 2012. Real Time Warning System in the Israeli …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:48:00
Document 978Kelly, T.C., A. D?Arcy, J. Finn, M. Wilson, M. O’Callaghan, E. …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:46:00
Document 1339Pullins, C.K., B.E. Washburn, R.M. Swearingin, T.L. Guerrant and M.E. …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:44:00
Reporting wildlife aircraft strikes.Bennett, D.L. 2004. Reporting wildlife aircraft strikes. AC 150/5200-32A. Federal …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:42:00
Document 781Hagemeijer, W., L.S. Buurma. and M. Verbeek. 2000. Predicting strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:40:00
Hazing of Canada geese is unlikely to reduce nuisance populations in urban and suburban communities.Holevinski, R.A., P.D. Curtis and R.A. Malecki. 2007. Hazing of …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:38:00
Document 1306Perremans, K. 1990. External Surface Structures for Rachis, Rami and …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:36:00
Document 1739Ward, J.G. 1975. Feeding habits of dunlin at Vancouver International …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:34:00
Document 1104LGL Limited. 1987. Handbook of wildlife control devices and chemicals. …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:32:00
Document 1504Short, J.J. and N. Sullivan. 2003. Managing airfield bird hazards …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:30:00
Radar studies on bird migration in the South of Isreal.Bruderer, B. 1992. Radar studies on bird migration in the …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:28:00
Pigeons (rock doves).Courtsal, F.R. 1983. Pigeons (rock doves). Pages E35-41. In: R.M. …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:26:00
Document 1036Kutschbach-Brohl, L., B. E. Washburn, G. E. Bernhardt, R. B. …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:24:00
Helicopter Birdstrike Resistance.Bremond, A. 1986. Helicopter Birdstrike Resistance. Proceedings of the International …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:22:00
Document 1645Thorpe, J. and R. van Wessum. 1981. Birdstrikes During 1978 …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:20:00
Methodological framework to assess the relative threat of bird-strikes in Columbian airports.Amaya-Espinel, J.D., S. Cordoba-Cordoba and G. Rico-Hernandez. 2006. Methodological framework …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:18:00
Document 1041Ladd, E.R. 1970. Bird management at airports. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:16:00
Document 1440Seamans, T.W., C.R. Hicks and K.J. Preusser. 2007. Dead bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:14:00
Raising public awareness of bird strike risk issues with an enhanced Bird Strike Committee USA web site.Curtis, T. 1999. Raising public awareness of bird strike risk …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:12:00
Mineral Sites and Bird Strike Hazard and Risk: Practice Guide for Mineral Development and Restoration within Aerodrome Safeguarding Areas.MPA Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Group. 2015. Mineral Sites and …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:10:00
A curious phenomenon at the airfields of Nea Aghialos.Delichatsiou-Kolokotroni, A. 2005. A curious phenomenon at the airfields of …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:08:00
Minutes of the 24th Meeting.Bird Strike Committee Canada. 1996a. Minutes of the 24th Meeting. …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:06:00
Applying science to resolving land use issues: Predicting the birdstrike risk from wetlands near airports.Allan, J.R., A. Robinson and R. Walls. 2004. Applying science …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:04:00
Wildlife incidents with U.S. civil aircrafts in Mississippi.Drey, K.M., J.A. Martin, J.L. Belant and T.L. DeVault. 2012. …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:02:00
Document 1349Raytheon. 2006. Silent Guardian protection system. Raytheon Company Missle Systems, …2018/03/012018-03-01 21:00:00
Document 1513Smallie, J. and A. Froneman. 2005. Bird strike data analysis …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:58:00
Document 982Kelly, T.C., R. Bolger, G. Fennessy, M.J.A. O’Callaghan and S. Sheehy. …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:56:00
Document 941Januel, J-P.and J. Besse. 1984. French Experimental Research Program on …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:54:00
Document 987Kelly, T.M. 1999. The Avian Hazard Advisory System (AHAS). Flying …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:52:00
Document 1475Shannon, H.D., W.S. Seegar, G.S. Young, C.J. Pennycuick, M.R. Fuller, …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:50:00
Document 496de Hoon, A. 2006. Commuting birds: What to do with …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:48:00
Document 1429Seamans, T. W. 2003. Are birds scared by rotating mirrors? …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:46:00
Document 1332Prast, W., J. Shamoun, B. Bierhuizen, C.S. Roselaar, P.H. Schalk, …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:44:00
Information Paper.Chairman of BSCE. 1978. Information Paper. Proceedings of the Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:42:00
Risk assessment in relation to restoration of wetlands (lakes and wet meadows) in proximity to sirports, a basic model.Christensen, T.K. 2008. Risk assessment in relation to restoration of …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:40:00
Document 867Hild, J. 1984. Landscape management on airports for reduction of bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:38:00
Document 706Fowler, H.S. & G.G. Hughes. 1965. A discussion of methods …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:36:00
The effectiveness of a long-term Canada Goose relocation program in Nevada.Hall, T.C. and P. Groninger. 2002. The effectiveness of a …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:34:00
Document 1464Seubart, J.L. 1994. Assessing the Implementation of Wildlife Hazard Management …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:32:00
Techniques for reducing bird use at Nanticok Landfill near E.A. Link Airport, Broom County, New York.Curtis, P.D., C.R. Smith, W. Evans. 1993. Techniques for reducing …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:30:00
Document 1789Wright, E.N. 1968.  Modification of the habitat as a means …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:28:00
Document 1461Seegar, W.; Fuller; P.W. Howey and Y. Leshem. 1996. Satellite …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:26:00
Document 1400Ruiz, J. 1988. Present State of Bird Strike Hazards at Spanish …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:24:00
Document 1688Ulfstrand, S. 1975. How many Birds are there in Sweden? …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:22:00
Document 1298Payson, R.P. and J.D. Vance. 1984. A Bird Strike Handbook …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:20:00
Document 1531Solman, V.E.F. 1973. A collection of papers presented by the …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:18:00
Are visual and radar bird sampling techniques correlated?Bowser, C. and R. Beason. 2009. Are visual and radar …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:16:00
The North Central Texas wildlife consortium – expanding our borders.Boyles, C. 2012. The North Central Texas wildlife consortium – …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:14:00
Document 815Hauptfleisch, M. and N. Avenant. 2012b. Ecosystem factors at two …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:12:00
Document 1493Shorr, B.F., A.A. Inosemtzev and V.A. Rudavetz. 1994. Numerical and …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:10:00
Document 1051Larking, R. P. and D.P. Quine. 1988. Recognising Bird Targets on …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:08:00
Document 1190Mendonca, F.A.C. 2005. Avian hazard control in Brazil: The essential …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:06:00
Bird observation system semmerzake.Dupont, G. and Degrieck, R. 1992. Bird observation system semmerzake. …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:04:00
Will conspicuous pied propellers keep birds away from the aircraft?Aas, C.K. and B. Johansen, 2012. Will conspicuous pied propellers …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:02:00
Document 1324Poche, R.M. 1997. Laboratory, Pen, and Field Studies with a …2018/03/012018-03-01 20:00:00
Airfield bird control – Applying the principles.Deacon, N. 1996. Airfield bird control – Applying the principles. …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:58:00
Coping strategies for the aircraft birdstrike problem: resisting impacts, avoiding collisions, and…Speelman, J.J.III, M.E. Kelley, R.E. McCarty and J.J. Short. 1999. …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:56:00
Document 1146Manueco, J.C. 1992. Vultures in Spain. Proceedings of the International …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:54:00
A Desirable Harmonization of ICAO Documentation on Bird Hazard.Dahl, H. 1984. A Desirable Harmonization of ICAO Documentation on …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:52:00
High bird densities assessed by radar. A Robin Report.Buurma, L.S. 1994. High bird densities assessed by radar. A …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:50:00
Document 1420Satheesan, S.M. and R.B. Grubh. 1992. Migratory-bird strikes to Aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:48:00
Document 1169Matijaca, A. 2003. Bird strike outside airport boundaries.  Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:46:00
Document 1455Searing, G.F. and J.M. Cooper. 1991. Feasibility study of a …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:44:00
Document 1187Meerburg, B.G., M. Bonde, F.W.A. Brom, S. Endepols, A.N. Jensen,H. …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:42:00
United States Air Force Bird Strike Summary (1986-1987).DeFusco, R.P. 1988. United States Air Force Bird Strike Summary …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:40:00
Document 1445Searing, G.F. 1990. Starling roost control and dispersal in Vancouver, …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:38:00
Document 921International Civil Aviation Organization. 1993. Convention on international civil aviation (international …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:36:00
Document 1323Pinos, A. 2001. Seminar on bird hazards, environmental protection and …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:34:00
Document 981Kelly, T.C., P.D. Bourke, M.J.A. O’Callaghan, G. Fennessy, R. Bolger …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:32:00
Derivation of a dummy bird for analysis and test of airframe structures.Edge, C.H. and J. Degrieck. 1999. Derivation of a dummy …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:30:00
Document 1679U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Managing wildlife hazards at airports.  …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:28:00
Document 1359Richardson, W.J. 1972. Temporal variations in the ability of individual …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:26:00
Factors relating to alarm stimuli in bird controlBoudreau, G.W. 1972. Factors relating to alarm stimuli in bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:24:00
Use of aircraft for bird control.Vick, V.A. 1970. Use of aircraft for bird control. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:22:00
Document 977Kelly, T.C. and R. Bolger. 2003. The changing pattern of …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:20:00
Wildlife management practices at western Canadian airports.Hesse, G., R.V. Rea and A.L. Booth. 2010. Wildlife management …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:18:00
Document 743Glista, D.J., T.L. Devault, AND J.A. Dewoody. 2009. A review of …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:16:00
Document 1355Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and U.S. Department of Agriculture. …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:14:00
The Use of Synthetic Noise Generators in French Airports.Briot, J. L. 1988. The Use of Synthetic Noise Generators …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:12:00
Document 1639Thorpe, J. 2005. Fatalities and destroyed civil aircraft due to …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:10:00
Document 1661Transport Canada. 2000. Airport Wildlife Management: Most Hazardous Species.  Safety …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:08:00
Document 787Hamershock, D. M. 1992. Ultrasonics as a method of bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:06:00
Document 1321Pinos, A. 1996b. ICAO’s efforts to minimize bird strikes to …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:04:00
Document 740Glahn, J.F. 2000. Comparison of pyrotechnics versus shooting for dispersing …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:02:00
Document 724Gabrey, S.W. 1993. Relationship between rain and bird-aircraft collisions at …2018/03/012018-03-01 19:00:00
Forensic bird-strike identification techniques used in an accident investigation at Wiley Post Airport, Oklahoma, 2008.Dove, C.J., N.F. Dahlan and M. Heacker. 2009. Forensic bird-strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:58:00
Document 1358Richards, P.F. 1978. Operational Control of Airspeed for Minimizing Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:56:00
Bird Strikes above the boundary layer.Buurma, L. S. 2000. Bird Strikes above the boundary layer. …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:54:00
Document 1061Laty, M. 1979. Reserches en cours sur les migrations des …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:52:00
Document 1488Shergalin, J.E. 1994. Canada Geese and Great Cormorants As A …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:50:00
Document 1466Seubert, J. L. 1990. Reducing Gull Hazards to Aviation by Controlling …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:48:00
Document 1618Thorpe, J. 1981. Accidents and serious incidents due to bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:46:00
Document 1548Speelman, R. J. 1986. Enhancement of F/RF-4 Transparency System Bird Impact …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:44:00
Document 1329Poot, M.J.M, R. Lensink, I. Tulp, J. van Der Winden, S. …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:42:00
Taking account of aviation hazards In the development of a wetland vision for England.Allan, J. n.d. Taking account of aviation hazards In the …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:40:00
Preventing deer damage with barrier, electrical, and behavioral fencing systems.Curtis, P.D., M.J. Fargione and M.E. Richmond. 1994. Preventing deer …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:38:00
Document 1733Vuilammet, P. and J.L. Briot. 1990. Bird control on aerodromes, …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:36:00
Document 1790Wright, S. 2007. Some significant wildlife strikes to civil aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:34:00
Bird Hazard at Ben-Gurion Airport.Agat, I. and S. Su-Aretz. 1986. Bird Hazard at Ben-Gurion Airport. …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:32:00
Document 680Fazio, G., L. Lezzerini, G. Sacerdoti, M. Caporaletti, D. Sacerdoti and …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:30:00
Be real; the effectiveness of avian radars.Borst, A. 2012. Be real; the effectiveness of avian radars. …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:28:00
Document 1056Laty, M. 1973a. « L’ information des pilotes ». Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:26:00
Experimental Use of Long Grass in the U.K.Brough, T. 1971. Experimental Use of Long Grass in the …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:24:00
How Should Funds be Allocated to Strengthen the Structure?Cesbron-Lavau, H. 1976. How Should Funds be Allocated to Strengthen …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:22:00
Bird Observation System SEMMERZAKE. Further Steps and Improvements.DuPont, G. 1986. Bird Observation System SEMMERZAKE. Further Steps and …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:20:00
Document 1633Thorpe, J. 1996. Fatatilities and destroyed civil aircraft due to …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:18:00
Document 1682U.S. Department of Transportation. 2007. Hazardous wildlife attractants on or …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:16:00
Document 709Fowler, H.S. 1967. A firing sabot for bird impact tests. …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:14:00
Document 1702van Gasteren,ÌÀH., A. Dekker, J. Shamoun-Baranes, H. Leijnse, M. Kemp, …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:12:00
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services’ involvement at airports during FY 1999.Dewey, J. 2000. USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services’ involvement at airports during FY …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:10:00
Document 1130Lustick, S. 1976. Wetting as a means of bird control. …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:08:00
Recommendations made in ONA crash.Aviation Week and Space Technology. 1997.  Recommendations made in ONA …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:06:00
Superabundance In birds: Trends, wetlands and aviation.Buurma, L.S. 1994. Superabundance In birds: Trends, wetlands and aviation. …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:04:00
Document 1647Thorpe, J. and R. van Wessum. 1984a. Birdstrikes During 1982 …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:02:00
Document 948Johnson, D.H., and L.D. Igl. 2001. Area requirements of grassland …2018/03/012018-03-01 18:00:00
Bird strike hazards to helicopters.Buurma, L. S. and A. Dekker. 1992. Bird strike hazards …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:58:00
Document 1648Thorpe, J. and R. van Wessum. 1984b. Birdstrikes During 1981 …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:56:00
Document 1629Thorpe, J. 1994. Bird Strike Data from World Regions. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:54:00
Evaluation of Lime as an Avian Feeding Repellent.Belant, J.L., L.A. Tyson, T.W. Seamans and S.K. Ickes. 1997. Evaluation …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:52:00
Document 1774Will, T.J. 1984. Blackbirds and starlings: population ecology and habitats …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:50:00
Aerodrome Bird Control. CAP 680.Civil Aviation Authority. 2002.  Aerodrome Bird Control.  CAP 680.  Aerodrome …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:48:00
Activities of the Working Group.Bird Movement Working Group 1986. Activities of the Working Group. …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:46:00
Document 1510Sillings, J.L, Dolbeer, R.A., Wadleigh, R., Bedford, M. and Falzetta, …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:44:00
Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports: A manual for Airport Personnel.Cleary, E.C. and R.A. Dolbeer. 2005. Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports: …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:42:00
Document 1465Seubert, J. L. 1976. DC-10 Incident at John F Kennedy International …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:40:00
Diurnal local bird movements in the area of the New Lisbon Airport.Bloise, C., S. Reis, V. Miravent, H. Cabral and R. …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:38:00
Document 790Harmata, A, K. Podruzny , J. Zelenak and M. Morrison. …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:36:00
Minimizing bird-aircraft collisions caused by resident raptors in Israel.Bahat, O. and O. Ovadia. 2005. Minimizing bird-aircraft collisions caused …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:34:00
Assessment of bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with the expansion of the Bracebridge Landfill, Ontario.Davis, R.A. 2007. Assessment of bird hazards to aircraft safety …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:32:00
Survival and Management of Red-tailed Hawks at Vancouver International Airport.Searing, G.F. 2015. Survival and Management of Red-tailed Hawks at …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:30:00
Document 1443Seamans, T.W., S.C. Barras, G.E. Bernhardt, B.F. Blackwell and J.D. …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:28:00
Document 1550Speelman, R. J. and R.C. McCarty. 1988. Improving Bird Strike Resistance …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:26:00
Document 922Italian Civil Aviation Authority 1984. Airports Survey and Bird Strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:24:00
Document 1302Peled, B. 1992. Food preference of the chukar partridge and …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:22:00
Potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with the proposed expansion of the Ridge Landfill, Chatham, Ontario.Davis, R.A., R.E. Harris and P.A. Hayes. 1996. Potential bird hazards …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:20:00
Wildlife strikes to civilian aircraft in the United States, 1991-1997.Cleary, E. C., S. E. Wright, and R. A. Dolbeer. …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:18:00
A new laser equipment designed for avian dispersal in airport environment.Briot, J.L. and B. Phillippe. 2003. A new laser equipment …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:16:00
Document 1158Martindale, I. 1996. Bird Ingestion and Rolls-Royce Aero Engines. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:14:00
Document 1152Marten, M. 2006. Westover?s Bird Hazard Working Group: Actively Managing …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:12:00
Document 856Hild, J. 1977. Birdstrike Risk Forecast. Proceedings of the Bird Strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:10:00
Document 1675Turner, C. J. 1986. Military Aircraft Birdstrike Analysis 1983-1984. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:08:00
Document 1778Williams, T.C., J.M. Williams, J.M. Teal and J.W. Kanwisher. 1971. …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:06:00
Title 14, Part 139, Certification and Operations: Land Airports Serving Certain Air Carriers, section 139.337, Wildlife Hazard ManagementCFR. 2004. Title 14, Part 139, Certification and Operations: Land …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:04:00
Factors affecting pilot-reported bird-strike rates at Christchurch International Airport, New Zealand.Chilvers, B.L., C.J. Ryan and G.J. Hickling. 1997. Factors affecting …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:02:00
Monofilament lines exclude ring-billed gulls from public places.Blokpoel, H., and, G. D. Tessier. 1984. Monofilament lines exclude …2018/03/012018-03-01 17:00:00
Document 1353Renoux, D. 1986. Communications to and from the Pilot.. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:58:00
Document 1184McMurtry, D. 2006. Cattle grazing as part of an Integrated …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:56:00
The Significance of Birdtams/Birdstrike Warnings for Military and Civil Aviation.Becker, J. 1994. The Significance of Birdtams/Birdstrike Warnings for Military …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:54:00
Keeping Wildlife Control Personnel Safe: A first responder’s resource on avian mortalitiesSzabo, I. 2015. Keeping Wildlife Control Personnel Safe: A first …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:52:00
Document 1556Speelman, R.J. III. 2005. Decisions and the art of influence.  …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:50:00
Document 972Kelly, T. C., R. Bolger and M.J.A. O’Callaghan. 2000b. Weather …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:48:00
Document 1212Mingarro, M. J. V. and C.R. Martinez. 1988. Spanish Birds …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:46:00
Document 1714Vassilakis, K. 1996. Bird Strikes in Greece. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:44:00
Document 1247Nechval, N.A. 1992. Radar Cfar Thresholding in clurrer under detection …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:42:00
Hunting or scaring: 50 years of fruitful debate in the Royal Netherlands Airforce.Buurma, L. and B. Goes. 2003. Hunting or scaring: 50 …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:40:00
Birdstrike – The Airport Manager’s Brief.Austin, T.S. 1976. Birdstrike – The Airport Manager’s Brief. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:38:00
Document 954Karlsson, J and L-O Turesson. 1973. Preliminary works before the …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:36:00
Document 1376Robinson, M. 2000. Is the possibility of a costly aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:34:00
CAP 772 Birdstrike risk management for aerodromes.CAA. 2008. CAP 772 Birdstrike risk management for aerodromes. UK Civilian …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:32:00
Document 1748Washburn, B.E., G.E. Bernhardt and L.A. Kutschbach-Brohl. 2011. Using dietary …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:30:00
PBI/Gordon’s Stronghold Plus BK 800 Broadleaf Weed Control reduces mowing, and eliminates grass and weed seedheads.Tracy, E. 1999. PBI/Gordon’s Stronghold Plus BK 800 Broadleaf Weed …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:28:00
What can birds hear?Beason, R.C. 2004. What can birds hear? Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:26:00
Document 971Kelly, T. C., J. Murphy and R. Bolger. 1996. Quantitative methods …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:24:00
Document 1769Wilde, K.K. 1979. ICAO activities related to bird strikes. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:22:00
Response of birds to aircraft lighting: implications for reducing bird-aircraft collisions.Blackwell, B.F., T.W. Seamans and S. Philiben. 2006. Response of …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:20:00
Document 1745Washburn, B. E., and T. W. Seamans. 2007. Wildlife responses …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:18:00
On the spatial and temporal distribution of bird species involved in RNLAF bird strikes.Buurma, L. S.; A. Dekker and T.G. Brom. 1984. On …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:16:00
US Air Force – Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Summary Report For 1989-1993.Arrington, D.P. 1994. US Air Force – Bird Aircraft Strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:14:00
Document 768Guida, M., F. Marulo, M. Meo and M. Riccio. 2008. …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:12:00
Document 1614Thorpe, J. 1976. Bird Strikes to Engines. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:10:00
Status of bio-sonics in pest bird control.Boudreau, G.W. 1968. Status of bio-sonics in pest bird control. …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:08:00
Document 744Godin, A.J. 1994. Birds at airports. Prevention and Control of …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:06:00
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States, 1990-2011.Dolbeer, R.A., S. E. Wright, J. Weller and M.J. Begier. …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:04:00
Reporting Wildlife Aircraft Strikes.O’Donnell, M.J. 2013. Reporting Wildlife Aircraft Strikes. U.S. Department of …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:02:00
Document 687Fennessy, G., S. Sheehy, T.C. Kelly, M.J.A. O’Callaghan and R. …2018/03/012018-03-01 16:00:00
The Use of Radar Data for Bird Strike Prevention in Germany.Becker, J. 1986. The Use of Radar Data for Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:58:00
Gulls in urban environments: landscape-level management to reduce conflict.Belant, J.L. 1997. Gulls in urban environments: landscape-level management to …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:56:00
Document 1333Prast, W., M. Blok, C.S. Roselaar and P.H. Schalk. 1998. Digital …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:54:00
Document 932Jacoby, V. E. 1990. Analysis of Bird Collision with Planes …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:52:00
Importance of landfills to urban- nesting herring and ring-billed gulls.Belant, J.L., S.K. Ickes, and T.W. Seamans. 1998.  Importance of landfills …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:50:00
Document 749Goodwin, R.W. 1964. Letters. National Research Council Associate Committee on …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:48:00
Document 607Dolbeer, R.A. and P. Eschenfelder. 2002. Have population increases of …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:46:00
Document 1554Speelman, R. J., R.C. McCarty and D.A. Dversdall. 1992. Improving birdstrike …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:44:00
Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with the proposed expansion of the Orchard Hills Landfill in Northern Illinois.Davis, R.A. 1998. Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:42:00
A successful case study: the bird control program of Waste Management Outer Loop recycling and disposal facility, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.DeFusco, R.P., K.M. Mieczkowski and C.J. Quillen. 2007. A successful …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:40:00
The Mexico City International Airport project: bird and mammal concerns at the existing airport and Ex-vaso de Texcoco.Cleary, E. C., R. A. Dolbeer, and P. Ramirez Bastida. …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:38:00
Document 1436Seamans, T.W and B.F. Blackwell. 2011. Electric shock strips as …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:36:00
Document 778Gurski, K. 2008. Vehicle mounted thermal imager used as an …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:34:00
Document 682Fechenhein, F. 1967a. Ecological Research at Hamburg Airport 1966. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:32:00
Wildlife strikes to civilian aircraft in the United States, 1990-2000.Cleary, E.C., S.E. Wright and R.A. Dolbeer. 2002. Wildlife strikes …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:30:00
Bird monitoring at Vancouver International Airport: Data Report: 1994-99 (non-winter).Demarchi, M.W., G.F. Searing, M.K. McNicholl and T. Mochizuki. 1999.  …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:28:00
Document 1792Wright, S.E. and R.A. Dolbeer. 2000. Wildlife strikes: A growing …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:26:00
Document 933Jacoby, V. E., B.M. Zvonov, M. Assefa and C. Amare. 1992. …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:24:00
Airport wildlife strike summary and risk analysis report: a new addition to FAA’s wildlife hazard mitigation website.Dolbeer, R.A., H. Marriott and A. Newman. 2007. Airport wildlife …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:22:00
Lessons Learnt from Avian Radar Trial at Toronto Pearson International Airport.Nohara, T.J., G. Jones, P. Weber, C. Krasnor, A. Premji …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:20:00
Bat exclusion methods.Kern, W.H. Jr. 1995. Bat exclusion methods. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:18:00
Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft associated with the proposed expansion of the Tri-County Landfill near Grove City, Pennsylvania.Davis, R.A. and G.W. Miller. 2004. Assessment of potential bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:16:00
Document 1686Ugrcic, M. 2012. Application of the hydrodynamic theory and the …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:14:00
The Hazard Posed to Aircraft by Birds.Australia, Department of Transport. 2002. The Hazard Posed to Aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:12:00
Document 1342Rabol, J. 1974. Forecast Models for Bird-Migration Intensities in Denmark. …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:10:00
Management of birdstrike hazards at airports: A habitat approach.Caccamise, D.F.; J.J. Dosch, K. Benett, L.M. Reed, L. M. and …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:08:00
Document 1042LaHam, Q.N. 1967. Report on aircraft turbine engine bird strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:06:00
Document 1196Metropolitan District Commission Division of Watershed Management, Massachusetts Department of …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:04:00
Utility of pyrotechnics in bird control.Beck, J.R. 1968. Utility of pyrotechnics in bird control. Wildlife …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:02:00
Document 784Hahn, E. and H. Weitz. 1998. Bird strikes versus bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 15:00:00
Document 681Feare, C.J. and P. Douville de Franssu. 1992. The starling …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:58:00
Document 1735Walker, A. 2005. Bird control – what new technologies airports …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:56:00
Document 1409Sagi, M. and J. Shamoun. 1992. Bird strike preventive measures …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:54:00
The Bird Hazard Index: a tool to interpret the local bird situation.Both, I. 2011. The Bird Hazard Index: a tool to …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:52:00
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States, 1990-2012.Dolbeer, R.A., S.E. Wright, J. Weller and M.J. Begier. 2013. …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:50:00
Document 1230Mountain, P. and C. Conyers. 2003. Further developments of identification of …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:48:00
Document 1767Whitford, P.C. 2008. Successful use of alarm and alert calls …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:46:00
Document 1477Sharp, C. 2005. Management alternatives for Canada Goose control at …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:44:00
Etude De La Resistance Des Structures aux Impacts D’Oiseaux Par.Delor, B. and J. Besse. 1978. Etude De La Resistance …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:42:00
Document 738Gilsdorf, J.M., S.E. Hygnstrom and K.C. VerCauteren. 2002. Use of …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:40:00
Document 1773Wilkinson, C. 1998. Now aviation insurers must watch the birdie.  Insurance …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:38:00
Effectiveness of best practice bird control on landfill sites in relation to gull feeding behaviour.Baxter, A.T. 2005. Effectiveness of best practice bird control on landfill …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:36:00
Successful actions for avian hazard control in Brazil.Bastos, L.C.M. 2000. Successful actions for avian hazard control in …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:34:00
Document 1213Ministere de l’Ecologie. 2008. The fight against the wildlife hazard in …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:32:00
Record number of strikes reported to FAA in 2014: Is this good or bad?Dolbeer, R.A., S.E. Wright and M.J. Begier. 2015. Record number …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:30:00
Document 1390Royal Dutch Airlines. 1979. Information to pilots about the danger …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:28:00
The cost of fear.Conover, M.R. 2009. The cost of fear. Human?Wildlife Conflicts 3(2):157?158. …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:26:00
Document 1087Leshem, Y. 1992. Predicting regularity of bird migration in global …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:24:00
Document 1541Soucaze-Soudat, J. D. 1988. Self-Contained Portable Laser Transmitter. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:22:00
Document 1521Smojver, I. and D. Ivancevic. 2011. Hybrid approach in bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:20:00
Controlling Canada Geese.Mackinnon, B. 1999. Controlling Canada Geese. Airport Wildlife Management Bulletin …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:18:00
Document 1021Kuhring, M.S. 1963. Detection of birds on airfields at night …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:16:00
Document 1367Richardson, W.J., and T. West. 2003. Serious birdstrike accidents to …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:14:00
A three-year long project to reduce bird strikes caused by the American Kestrel for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Montreal International Airport.Wilson, F and M-A Fortin. 2015. A three-year long project …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:12:00
Shooting Gulls Reduces Strikes With Aircraft at John F Kennedy International Airport, 1991-1993.Dolbeer, R. and J.L. Bucknall. 1994. Shooting Gulls Reduces Strikes With …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:10:00
« Buzzard Be-Gone »: Suspending vulture effigies from roost structures to reduce the possibility of a bird strike.Ball, S. 2008. « Buzzard Be-Gone »: Suspending vulture effigies from roost …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:08:00
Document 895Howie, R. 2008. Salmon Arm Landfill Bird Management Strategy. Unpublished …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:06:00
Bird strike simulation on a wing slat using Abaqus/Explicit.Dassault Systems Simulia. 2010. Bird strike simulation on a wing …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:04:00
Document 707Fowler, H.S. & G.G. Levy. 1965. A specific proposal for …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:02:00
Canada Geese in the Fraser Valley: A problem analysis.Breault, A.M. and R.W. McKelvey. 1991. Canada Geese in the …2018/03/012018-03-01 14:00:00
Finite element analysis of bird strikes on composite and glass panels.Chuan, K.C. 2006. Finite element analysis of bird strikes on composite …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:58:00
Document 1687UK Civil Aviation Authority. 1998. Civil Aviation Publication 680 Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:56:00
Document 700Fitzwater, W.D. 1970. Sonic systems for controlling bird depredations. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:54:00
Document 775Gunn, W.W.H. 1973. Experimental research on the use of sound …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:52:00
A survey of raptor management programs at North American Airports.Viehoever, D.M. and C. Anderson. 2015. A survey of raptor …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:50:00
Document 1080Lensink, R., M.J.M. Poot, I. Tulp, J. van der Winden, …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:48:00
Document 1149Maron, J. 1976. Birdstrike Problems of the Projected Airport Munchen …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:46:00
Document 316Bull, J.O. 1970. Trapping feral pigeons. Proceedings of the Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:44:00
Document 1346Rankine, D.Y. 2010. Microhabitat utilisation by bird species at Royal …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:42:00
Alaska bird avoidance model (AK BAM) development and implementation.DeFusco, R.P., J.T. Harper and W. Ruhe. 2005. Alaska bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:40:00
Document 1222Montemaggiori, A., P. Dall’Antonia and G. Romano. 1994. The Use …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:38:00
Document 1540Soper, W.P.C. 1981. United Kingdom Ministry of Defence Preparation of …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:36:00
Document 1328Politt, W. 1974. The problem of Bird Strikes in Statistics …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:34:00
Document 1160Mason, J.R. 1998. Mammal repellents: options and considerations for development. …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:32:00
Beyond falconry between tradition and moderninity: A new device for Bird Strike Hazard Prevention At Airports.Battistoni, V., A. Montemaggiori and P. Iori. 2008. Beyond falconry …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:30:00
Document 1441Seamans, T.W., S.C. Barras and G.E. Bernhardt. 2007. Evaluation of …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:28:00
Document 1663Transport Canada. 2008. 2007 Summary Report Wildlife Strikes to Canadian …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:26:00
Airport Bird Threat in North America from Large Flocking Birds (geese)(as Viewed by an Engine Manuafacturer)–Part 1.Alge, T. 1999. Airport Bird Threat in North America from …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:24:00
Document 1399Ruhe, W. and D. Engelbart. 1996. Bird Migration observation in …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:22:00
Predicting the birdstrike hazard from gulls at landfill sites.Baxter, A., K. St. James, R. Thompson and H. Laycock. …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:20:00
Document 868Hild, J. 1984. Recommendations for Bird Control on Airports. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:18:00
Efficacy of Border Collies to Control Nuisance Canada Geese.Castelli, P.M. and S.E. Sleggs. 2000. Efficacy of Border Collies …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:16:00
Revised Index for BSCE Working Papers Issued During the Period 1966-1990, Including Papers Presented at the 1977 World Conference in Paris which was Organised Partly by BSCE.Dahl, H. 1990. Revised Index for BSCE Working Papers Issued …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:14:00
Document 1537Solmon, V.E.F. 1970b. Current work on bird hazards to aircraft. …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:12:00
Quantifying Vulture Activity at Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort, NC.Avery, M.L, J.S. Humphrey, R.P. Daughtery and M.P. Milleson. 2008. …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:10:00
Dispersing vulture roosts on communication towers.Avery, M.L., J.S. Humphrey, E.A. Tillman, K.O. Phares, and J.E. Hatcher. …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:08:00
Document 1088Leshem, Y. 1994. Twenty-Three Years of Birdstrike Damage in the …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:06:00
Early loss of herring gull clutches after egg-oiling.Blackwell, B. F., T. W. Seamans, D. A. Helon, and …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:04:00
Evaluation of Flight Control to reduce blackbird damage to newly planted rice in Louisiana.Cummings, J.L., P.A. Pochop, R.M. Engeman, J.E. Davis Jr. and T.M. …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:02:00
Document 1289Palakevieius, M. 1998. Bird Migration and weather: A short-term forecast for …2018/03/012018-03-01 13:00:00
Document 1266Nohara, T.J., R. Sowden, R. Perkins and R.C. Beason. 2012. …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:58:00
Document 278Broit, J.L. 2005. Last experiments with a laser equipment designed …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:56:00
Document 1351Reidinger, R.F. and J.L. Libay. 1979. Perches coated with glue …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:54:00
The Attempt to Get Rid of the Wood-Pigeons (Columba palumbas) from Orly Airport.Briot, J.L. 1976. The Attempt to Get Rid of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:52:00
Document 886Horton, N. 2000. Who said pigeons do not have a …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:50:00
Document 857Hild, J. 1977. Birdstrikes in German Air Force 1968-1976. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:48:00
Document 1320Pinos, A. 1996. Fifteen years of data collection by the …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:46:00
Untraviolet vision in birds.Cuthill, I. C., J. C. Partridge, A. T. D. Bennett, …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:44:00
Document 1787Woronecki, P.P. 1988. Effect of ultrasonic, visual, and sonic devices …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:42:00
Document 1255Nikolaidis, E.D. 2000. Bird strikes in Greece 1997-1998 civil aviation. …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:40:00
Document 1418Satheesan, S.M. 1996. Importance of reassessment of bird menace to …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:38:00
Document 1646Thorpe, J. and R. van Wessum. 1982. Bird Strikes During …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:36:00
Document 1091Leshem, Y. 2005. Promoting birdstrikes as a national and international …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:34:00
Document 1507Short, J.J., M.E. Kelley, R.J. Speelman and R.E. McCarty. 2000. …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:32:00
Mylar flags do not deter white-tailed deer from feeding areas.Belant, J.L., L.A. Tyson, T.W. Seamans, and S.K. Ickes. 1997.  Mylar …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:30:00
Document 1084Leshem Y. and N. Ronen. 1998. Removing Hiriya Garbage Dump, …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:28:00
Review of bird repellents.Clark, L. 1998. Review of bird repellents. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:26:00
Document 892Houghton, E.W. 1971. ATC and Bird Radar Surveillance Without Tears. …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:24:00
Controlling a Gull Colony near a New Zealand Airport 1965-1984.Caithness, T. A. 1984. Controlling a Gull Colony near a …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:22:00
Animal ambush at the airport: the need to broaden ICAO standards for bird strikes to include terrestrial wildlife.Dolbeer, R.A., S.E. Wright and P.E. Eschenfelder. 2005. Animal ambush …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:20:00
Falconry for the Control of Birds Dangerous in Airports.De La Fuente, F.R. 1971. Falconry for the Control of …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:18:00
Dusk and dawn ascend of the swift, Apus apus L.Buurma, L.S. 2000. Dusk and dawn ascend of the swift, …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:16:00
Effectiveness of three waterfowl deterrents on natural and polluted ponds.Boag, D.A. and V. Lewin. 1980. Effectiveness of three waterfowl …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:14:00
Document 1763Werner, S.J. and L. Clark. 2006. Effectiveness of a Motion-Activated …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:12:00
Collection and dissemination of wildlife strike data at airports for the US Federal Aviation Administration via the world wide web.Dickey, A.M., A.R. Newman and M. Hovan. 2005. Collection and …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:10:00
Reporting bias in birdstrikes at John F Kennedy international airport, New York, 1979/1998.Barras, S.C. and R.A. Dolbeer. 2000. Reporting bias in birdstrikes at …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:08:00
Document 904Hunt, F.R. 1973. Probability of a bird strike on an …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:06:00
Document 1578Stout, J.F. 1975. Dispersal of Gulls from the Airport Environment. …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:04:00
Document 679Farraro, E.R. and R.P DeFusco. 1987. The bird strike hazard …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:02:00
Operational improvement of Version 3 concept learned from the BIRDS at Haneda Airport.Takeda , Y. 2015. Operational improvement of Version 3 concept …2018/03/012018-03-01 12:00:00
Document 1749Washburn, B.E., P.J. Cisar, T.L. DeVault. 2013. Wildlife strikes to …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:58:00
Document 1701van Eekeren, R. 2012. New Chair: WBA Structure. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:56:00
Document 1770Wildlife Administration. 1986. Report on Permissions Granted by Wildlife Administration …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:54:00
The use of border collies in Dover Air Force Base’s wildlife control program.Carter, N.B. 2000. The use of border collies in Dover …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:52:00
Document 919International Civil Aviation Organisation. 1998. Bird strike threat is best countered …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:50:00
Document 1594Tanner, J.A. 1965. The effect of microwave radiation on birds, …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:48:00
Poor Long Grass Low Bird Intensity Ground Covwer For The Runway Environment.Dekker, A. 2000. Poor Long Grass Low Bird Intensity Ground …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:46:00
Predator urines used as barriers to white-tailed deer.Belant, J.L., T.W. Seamans, and L.A. Tyson. 1998c.  Predator urines used …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:44:00
Document 1261Noer, H. 1971. Recent Development of the Danish Bird Migration …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:42:00
Document 1030Kuhring, M.S., W.W.H. Gunn and R.D. Harris. 1963. Visit to …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:40:00
Document 1416Satheesan, S.M. 1994. The More Serious Vulture Hits to Military …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:38:00
Airport Wildlife Management Plan for Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport.Beacon Environmental. 2006. Airport Wildlife Management Plan for Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:36:00
Minutes of the 23rd Meeting.Bird Strike Committee Canada. 1995. Minutes of the 23rd Meeting. …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:34:00
The practical use of bird migration warnings. Some proposals for better co-operation between countries.Buurma, L.S. 1978. The practical use of bird migration warnings. …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:32:00
Defining and reducing wildlife hazards to aviation in the USA.Dolbeer, R.A., S.C. Barras, B.F. Blackwell, T.S. Seamans and S.E. …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:30:00
Document 1692Unknown. 1978a. First Experiences with Seagull Models at Zurich Airport. …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:28:00
Document 1281Ostrom, J.E. 2000. Chemical immobilization – one more wildlife management …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:26:00
Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft in the United States 1990-2006.Cleary, E.C., R.A. Dolbeer and S.E. Wright. 2007. Wildlife Strikes …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:24:00
Regulations Regarding Management of Airports for Reduction of the Risk of Collisions Between Aircraft and Bird/Game on Aerodromes in Denmark.Dahl, H. 1984. Regulations Regarding Management of Airports for Reduction …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:22:00
Document 1498Short, J. J. 1996. Availability of an annotated bibliography of …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:20:00
Document 1453Searing, G.F. 2010. Mandatory reporting: How good is good enough? …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:18:00
Deer on airports: an accident waiting to happen.Wright, S.E., R.A. Dolbeer and A.J. Montoney. 1998. Deer on …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:16:00
Document 715French Civil Aviation Authority 1982. The Application of EEC Council …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:14:00
Washington Dulles International Airport construction and its implications on wildlife damage management.Allaben, D. 2004. Washington Dulles International Airport construction and its …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:12:00
Bird monitoring at Vancouver International Airport: Data Report: 1994-98 (winter).Demarchi, M.W., G.F. Searing, M.K. McNicholl and T. Mochizuki. 1998.  …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:10:00
Document 1691Unknown. 1969. Bird Impact Capacity of Civil Aircraft. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:08:00
Effects of Vehicle Speed on Flight Initiation by Turkey Vultures: Implications for Bird-Vehicle Collisions.DeVault, T.L., B.F. Blackwell, T.W. Seamans, S.L. Lima and E. …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:06:00
Document 1081Lesham, Y,. O. Ovadia, L. Dinevich and O. Raz. 2005. …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:04:00
Shorebird management using trained falcons and teamwork at YVR.Bradbeer, D., K. Kirkby and G. Radcliffe. 2015. Shorebird management …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:02:00
A Biological Battle Against the thousands of garden chafers (phyllopetha Horticola) that attract large numbers of gulls (Larus SP) during the summer season at Rygge Air Station Norway.Aas, C.K, Olstad T., Drageset, O.M., Haukeland, S., Kleppesto, O. …2018/03/012018-03-01 11:00:00
Document 1221Montemaggiori, A. 1998. The importance of bird monitoring at Airports: …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:58:00
Nocturnal Bird Problems on Aerodromes.Brough, T. and N. Horton. 1990. Nocturnal Bird Problems on …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:56:00
Bird strike prevention is an interface resolving effort.Beumkes, K. 2012. Bird strike prevention is an interface resolving …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:54:00
Document 1313Phelan, F.S., and R J. Robertson. 1977. Predatory responses of …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:52:00
CRC Handbook of Avian Body Masses.Dunning, J. B. Jr., editor. 1993.  CRC Handbook of Avian Body …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:50:00
Document 1119Linnell. M.A. 1995. Assessment of Factors Contributing to Bird-aircraft Collisions …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:48:00
Document 1601Thomas, C. S. 1990. Bird Hazard Management at Manchester Airport. …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:46:00
Document 890Houghton, E. W., F. Blackwell, T. Brough, and T.A. Wilmot. 1976. …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:44:00
Document 1357Richards, P. F. 1984. Manual for the Design of Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:42:00
Plan to control gulls at the Cardiff Tansfer Station, Atlantic County, New Jersey.Davis, R.A. 1991. Plan to control gulls at the Cardiff …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:40:00
Document 1054Larsson, B. 1976. Height Distribution of Bird Movement in Southern …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:38:00
Document 1553Speelman, R. J., R.C. McCarty and C.A. Gilmour. 1994. Improving Birdstrike …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:36:00
Document 1060Laty, M. 1978. ESSAIS en Cours du Repulsif RETA Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:34:00
Document 725Gabrey, S.W. 1997. Bird and small mammal abundance at four …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:32:00
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 5200-36.Cleary, E. 2006. FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200 5200-36. Bird Strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:30:00
Document 1167Matijaca, A. 2000. Air traffic safety concerning threat of collision …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:28:00
A risk-based approach towards setting wildlife strike alert levels.Tan, A., G. Searing and W.L. Keng. 2010. A risk-based …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:26:00
Document 1074Leeming, G. H. 1984b. Military Aircraft Birdstrike Analysis 1982. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:24:00
Color vision as a model for precise altitude determination for avian radar.Beason, R.C., P. Weber and T.J. Nohara. 2010. Color vision …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:22:00
Military Aircraft Birdstrike Analysis 1974.Austin, T.S. 1976. Military Aircraft Birdstrike Analysis 1974. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:20:00
Aircraft collision with a goldfinch.Brown, V.H. 1945. Aircraft collision with a goldfinch. Auk 62:140-141. Brown_1945.pdf2018/03/012018-03-01 10:18:00
Understanding animal movements at and near airports.Belant, J.L., B.E. Washburn, and T.L. DeVault. 2013. Understanding animal …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:16:00
The application of radar for birdstrike reduction.Buurma, L. S. and B. Bruderer. 1990. The application of …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:14:00
Behavior and physiology in the development and application of visual deterrents at airports.Blackwell, B.F. and E. Fernandez-Juricic. 2013. Behavior and physiology in …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:12:00
The development for atrificial bird designs for birdstrike resistance testing.Budgey, R. 2000. The development for atrificial bird designs for …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:10:00
Initial evaluation of potential bird hazards to aircraft associated with a proposed landfill north of Winnipeg International Airport.Davis, R.A. and G.W. Miller. 1995. Initial evaluation of potential …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:08:00
Managing airport stormwater to reduce attraction to wildlife.Blackwell, B.F., D. Felstul, and T.W. Seamans. 2013. Managing airport …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:06:00
Psychologic Aspects of Air Crew and Controllers Staff Training for the Wrecking Situations caused by Bird Strikes.Aminev, G. A. and V. B. Strelkov. 1982. Psychologic Aspects …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:04:00
Document 1010Komarov, V. T. and Vasilenko, V. A. 1982. Results and …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:02:00
Document 1670Turesson, L-O. 1979. Is there a need for a « Code …2018/03/012018-03-01 10:00:00
Document 711Fowler, H.S. 1967. Tests on the bird-impact resistance of polyurethane …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:58:00
Document 1520Smojver, I. 2011. Bird strike damage analysis using coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:56:00
Document 1299Pazzetta, P. 1998. Project for organisation and regulation of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:54:00
Personal and corporate liability in the aftermath of bird strikes: a costly consideration.Dale, L.A. 2009. Personal and corporate liability in the aftermath …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:52:00
Behavioral response of cattle egrets to population control measures in Hawaii.Fellows, D.P. and P.W.C. Paton. 1988. Behavioral response of cattle …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:50:00
Document 1199Mikkelborg, G.P. and P. Ranestad. 2012. Training of ATC personel …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:48:00
Blackbird and starling roosting dynamics: implications for animal damage control.Bookhouts, T.A. and S.B. White. 1979. Blackbird and starling roosting dynamics: …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:46:00
Document 1045Laing, D.K., D.M. Bird, T.E. Chubbs and G. Humphries. 2003. …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:44:00
Document 1348Rao, A.K.R., and A. Pinos. 2003. Review of Annex 14, …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:42:00
Methyl anthranilate aerosol for dispersing birds from the flight lines at Homestead Air Reserve Station.Engeman, R.M., J. Peterla and B. Constantin. 2002. Methyl anthranilate …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:40:00
Document 1798Yakobi, V.E. 1971. Bird behaviour and man-made objects. National Research …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:38:00
Document 1782Witmer, G.W. and K.C. VerCauteren. 2001. Understanding vole problems in …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:36:00
Deveopments in Canada Goose Repellents.Cummings, J.L. 1993. Deveopments in Canada Goose Repellents. USGA Green Section …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:34:00
Document 1023Kuhring, M.S. 1964. Copy of reported bird damage incidents in …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:32:00
Radars offer bird-strike warning.Carleton, W. 2009. Radars offer bird-strike warning. Jane’s Airport Review. …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:30:00
Document 1632Thorpe, J. 1994. The Effect Of Birds On Aircraft. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:28:00
Document 1108Lieth, H. 1981. Proposal for a Joint Project About Global …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:26:00
Document 1500Short, J., M.E. Kelley and J. McKeeman. 1996. Recent Research …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:24:00
General consideration about Entomological Investigations on Airfields.Becker, J. 1973. General consideration about Entomological Investigations on Airfields. …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:22:00
Document 1564Stefanioros, V. and Z. Olah. 2012. How the European Aviation …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:20:00
Repellency of methyl anthranilate to pre-exposed and naive Canada geese.Belant, J.L., T.W. Seamans, L.A. Tyson, and S.K. Ickes. 1996.  Repellency …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:18:00
Document 1006Knittle, C.E. and J.L. Guarino. 1976. Reducing a local population …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:16:00
Document 1442Seamans, T.W., S.C. Barras and Z.J. Patton. 2003. Are birds …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:14:00
Bird use of stormwater management ponds: Design considerations relative to decreasing strikes with aircraft.Blackwell, B.F. and L.M. Schafer. 2006. Bird use of stormwater …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:12:00
Avian hazard control in Brazil: Essential role of the Aeronautical Accidents Prevention and Investigation Center – CENIPA.Bastos, L.C.M. 2002. Avian hazard control in Brazil: Essential role …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:10:00
Document 866Hild, J. 1984. Flight Procedures of German Armed Forces Concerning the …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:08:00
Bird control at airports.Burger, J. 1983. Bird control at airports. Environmental Conservation 10(2):115-124. …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:06:00
Coyote hair as an area repellent for white-tailed deer.Seamans, T. W., B. F. Blackwell, and J. D. Cepek. …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:04:00
WWW integration of FAA and SWA birdstrike reporting systems.Clark, S.D. 2007. WWW integration of FAA and SWA birdstrike …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:02:00
Avian Survey Methods for Use on Airports.Blackwell, B.F., P.M. Schmidt and J.A. Martin. 2013. Avian Survey …2018/03/012018-03-01 09:00:00
Document 1232Muller-Schwarze, D. 198?. Will mammalian  pheromones be useful in wildlife …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:58:00
Document 1705van Tets, G.F. 1969. Quantitative and qualitative changes in habitat …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:56:00
Document 758Granger, M. 2002. Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard: The year in …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:54:00
Document 1533Solmon, V. E. F.  1973.  Birds and aircraft.  Biological Conservation …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:52:00
Bird strike remains identified at no cost to aircraft owners or airports.Dove, C. and M. Heacker-Skeans. 2000. Bird strike remains identified …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:50:00
Document 1526Solman, V.E.F. 1965. Use of falcons for airport bird control. …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:48:00
Document 1009Kok, O. 2006. Prey manipulation as a management strategy at …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:46:00
Can Hunting of Translocated Nuisance Canada Geese Reduce Local Conflicts?Holevinski, R.A., R.A. Malecki and P.D. Curtis. 2006. Can Hunting …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:44:00
Amplified bird-strike risks related to population increases of large birds in North America.Dolbeer, R.A. and P. Eschenfelder. 2003. Amplified bird-strike risks related …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:42:00
Document 959Keil, W. 1971a. Report About the Bird Strike Situation in …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:40:00
Document 1295Paton, D.C. 2010. Bird risk assessment model for airports and …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:38:00
An Analysis of Australian birdstrike occurrences 2002 to 2006.Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB). 2008. An Analysis of Australian …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:36:00
Document 1758Weitz, H. 1994. Comeback of the Grey Heron: Population trends …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:34:00
Document 1317Pilo, B., A.B. Kumar, S. Oommen and K.R. Vinod. 1994. …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:32:00
Substitute bird objectives and constraints.Devaux, J.-P. 1992. Substitute bird objectives and constraints. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:30:00
Document 1667Trunov. 1979. Bird strikes to Aeroflot registered aircraft and some …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:28:00
Identification of Feather Remains.Birdstrike Committee 1981. Identification of Feather Remains. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:26:00
Document 1713Vasin, I. F. 1982. INVITATION. Proceedings of the International Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:24:00
Analysis of the use of radio-controlled models in bird dispersal.Carter, N.B. 2000. Analysis of the use of radio-controlled models …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:22:00
Some Characteristics of bird strikes to Military Aircraft in Norway 1985-1995.Aas, C. K. 1996. Some Characteristics of bird strikes to …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:20:00
Identification of birdstrike remains by DNA analysis.Allan, J. R. C. Conyers, A. MacNicholl, A. and A. …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:18:00
Document 1373Robinson, A.P. 2005. Modelling the birdstrike risk from hazardous birds …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:16:00
Document 1389Rooseleer, G. 1981. Daily Movements of Black Headed Gulls (Larus …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:14:00
A quantified species specific Bird Hazard IndexBoth, I. H. van Gasteren and A. Dekker. 2010. A …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:12:00
Document 1624Thorpe, J. 1990. Analysis of Bird Strikes Reported by European …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:10:00
Document 742Glennung, A. M. 1988. Birds at Copenhagen Airport. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:08:00
Document 897Hughes, W.M. 1965. Trapping of birds of prey on Vancouver …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:06:00
Civil aircraft collisions with birds and other wildlife in Ohio, 1990-1999.Barras, S C., and S.E. Wright. 2002. Civil aircraft collisions …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:04:00
Ineffectiveness of a Sonic Device for Deterring Starlings.Bomford, M. 1990. Ineffectiveness of a Sonic Device for Deterring …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:02:00
Document 1772Wilkins, K.T. and D.J. Schmidly. 1979. The effects of mowing …2018/03/012018-03-01 08:00:00
Responses of captive birds to candidate perching deterrents on FAA LLWAS Units.Avery, M.L. and A.C. Genchi. 2002. Responses of captive birds …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:58:00
Bird strikes and aircraft fuselage color: a correlational study.Fernandez-Juricic, E., J. Gaffney, B.F. Blackwell and P. Baumhardt. 2011. …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:56:00
Document 1678U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1994. Gull hazard reduction program at …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:54:00
Document 810Hart, J.D., A. Colyer and J.R. Allan. 2009. Developing bird-strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:52:00
The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus Alaskanus (Townsend)) as an aircraft hazard at Port Hardy Airport.Cuthbert, J.T. 1979. The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus Alaskanus (Townsend)) …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:50:00
NATO multi-year research proposal.de Hoon, A. 2012. NATO multi-year research proposal. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:48:00
Prediction and detection of bird flight across the control zone of airports.Buurma, L.S. 1995. Prediction and detection of bird flight across …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:46:00
Improving the United States Bird Avoidance Model (USBAM) predictive risk surface.Alexander, M., M. Bobo and R.P. DeFusco. 2002. Improving the …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:44:00
From Birds on the ground to birds in the air: Dutch bird avoidance model for local movements.de Hoon, A. and L. Buurma. 2003. From Birds on …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:42:00
Evaluation of potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with the City of Guelph’s proposed wet/dry recycling facility adjacent to the Guelph Air Park.Davis, R.A. 1992. Evaluation of potential bird hazards to aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:40:00
Reducing nuisance Canada Goose problems through habitat manipulation.Conover, M.R. 1991. Reducing nuisance Canada Goose problems through habitat …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:38:00
Document 1756Weaver, A. T. 1986. Bird Hazards to Large Transport Aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:36:00
Adopting an integrated, flexible approach to reducing the birdstrike risk from Canada geese.Baxter, A. and I. Witter. 2005. Adopting an integrated, flexible …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:34:00
Document 1378Robles. 2012.Management, safety assurance and bird hazards. COPA Airlines Colombian …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:32:00
Document 698Fitzpatrick, K. J. 2003. Effects of mowing on the selection of …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:30:00
Document 962Keil, W. 1979a. Work instructions for the birdstrike representatives of …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:28:00
Comparison of wildlife strike data among airports to improve aviation safetyDolbeer, R.A. and M.J. Begier. 2012. Comparison of wildlife strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:26:00
The use of working dogs as an integrated tool for the management of wildlife on aerodromes.Crumblin, P. 2010. The use of working dogs as an …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:24:00
Document 1591Takeda, Y. 2012. Height distribution of BS occurenceÌÀ- some analysis …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:22:00
Document 1634Thorpe, J. 1996b. Bird strikes to airliner turbine engines. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:20:00
Document 716Frings, H. 1964. Sound in vertebrate pest control. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:18:00
Operation of Radio-Controlled Model Aircraft for Expelling Birds from Ben Gurion International Airport and Surroundings.Agat, I. and S. Su-Aretz. 1982. Operation of Radio-Controlled Model Aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:16:00
Radar observations of local bird movement near Calgary, AlbertaBlokpoel, H. and P.P. Desfosses. 1970. Radar observations of local …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:14:00
Bird strike prevention, how to proceed?Dekker, A. 2012. Bird strike prevention, how to proceed?  Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:12:00
Document 1309Pessoa, S., C. Sequeira and H. Blokpoel. 2000. Bird Strike Hazards …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:10:00
Document 1049Larkin, R. P. 2004. Review & Assessment of Radar/Sensor Application …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:08:00
Wildlife hazard management at airports, a manual for airport personnel.Cleary, E. C., and R. A. Dolbeer. 1999. Wildlife hazard …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:06:00
Document 1086Leshem, Y. 1990. The Development of a Bird Migration Real-Time …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:04:00
Counting Bird Strikes: Old Science or New Math?Searing, G.F. 2001. Counting Bird Strikes: Old Science or New …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:02:00
Identification of Bird Remains for Birdstrike Analysis: A Literature Synopsis.Brom, T. G. 1986. Identification of Bird Remains for Birdstrike Analysis: …2018/03/012018-03-01 07:00:00
Document 1176McCoy, N.H. 2000. Economic tools for managing impacts of urban …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:58:00
Document 864Hild, J. 1984. Birdstrike Problems on Airbase Decimonannu/Sardinia/Italy. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:56:00
Document 1383Roed, A. 1975. The Bird Strike problem from a Technical …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:54:00
Document 1093Leshem, Y., J. Shamoun-Baranes, M. Yanai, R. Tamir and Y. …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:52:00
Document 1430Seamans, T. W., and G. E. Bernhardt. 2004. Response of …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:50:00
Document 701Fitzwater, W.D. 1976. The good — the bad — the …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:48:00
Laser dispersal of gulls from reservoirs near airports.Baxter, A. 2007. Laser dispersal of gulls from reservoirs near …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:46:00
CONOPS and OPSCON*: One example of integrating avian radar into airport operations.Osmek, S.D. and E.E. Herricks. 2015. CONOPS and OPSCON*: One …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:44:00
Document 1502Short, J.J. 1981b. Development of a Predictive Bird Avoidance Model …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:42:00
Document 1035Kusters, E. and W. Scheller. 1998. Birdstrikes with military aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:40:00
Document 844Hild, J. 1971. Incidents Depending on Bird Strike in Air Traffic …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:38:00
Document 841Hild, J. 1968. European Bird Migration Map. Proceedings of Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:36:00
Document 1490Shorr, B. F. 1990. Design of Aviation Engine Elements for …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:34:00
Document 1404Ryjov, S. K. 2000. Outlook on development of means to …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:32:00
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States, 1990-2004.Cleary, E. C., R. A. Dolbeer, and S. E. Wright. …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:30:00
Document 797Harris, R.D. 1967. Birds trapped on Vancouver Airport Banded and Released, …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:28:00
Document 1723Vice Chairman of the Aerodrome Working Group 1982. Economical and …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:26:00
Bird hazards to aircraft.Blokpoel, H. 1976.  Bird hazards to aircraft.  Problems and prevention …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:24:00
Document 1022Kuhring, M.S. 1963. Tests on Seagulls at Rockcliffe air station, …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:22:00
Avian perching deterrents on ultrasonic sensors at airport wind-shear alert systems.Avery, M.L. and A.C. Genchi. 2004. Avian perching deterrents on ultrasonic …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:20:00
Document 1113Lind, H. and A.M. Glennung. 1984. Birdstrikes in Copenhagen Airport …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:18:00
Document 1680U.S. Department of Transportation. 1993. Airport wildlife hazard management. AC …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:16:00
A review of crow cage trap use and misuse in Scotland 1998-2004.Abbott, J., D. Dick and A, Stronach. 2004. A review …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:14:00
Document 1737Walmsley, B. 2010. Best practice guidelines for novel endophyte grass establishment …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:12:00
In the news.Caudell, J.N. 2009. In the news. Human?Wildlife Conflicts 3(2):159?160. Caudell_2009.pdf2018/03/012018-03-01 06:10:00
Document 1693Unknown. 1978b. Measures Available to the Airport Management for the …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:08:00
Document 736Gauthreaux, S.A. Jr. 1979. Image intesification: A new method of …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:06:00
Speed kills: ineffective avian escape responses to oncoming vehicles.DeVault, T.L., B.F. Blackwell, T.W. Seamans, S.L. Lima and E. …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:04:00
Document 1559Spurr, E.B. and J.D. Coleman. 2005. Review of Canada Goose …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:02:00
Document 1159Martindale, I.G. and J.M. Reed. 1998. Birdstrike Statistics as a …2018/03/012018-03-01 06:00:00
Habitat management approaches for reducing wildlife use of airfields.Barras, S.C. and T. W. Seamans. 2002.  Habitat management approaches for …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:58:00
Document 1112Lind, H. and A.M. Glennung. 1977. Attemps to Control the …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:56:00
Avian repellents.Avery, M.L. 2002. Avian repellents. Pages 122-128 in J. R. Plimmer, …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:54:00
Document 944Jinings, N.K. 2007. Using Zena prototypes as perching deterrents on …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:52:00
Bird Strikes and The Courts: The Antonov Case.Battistoni, V. 2009. Bird Strikes and The Courts: The Antonov …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:50:00
Birds and aircraft-fighting for airspace in ever more crowded skies.Dolbeer, R.A. 2009. Birds and aircraft-fighting for airspace in ever …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:48:00
Document 1131Lustick, S. 1981. Distribution of Starlings and Blackbirds: A Way …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:46:00
Risk assessment model case study Hellenic Airports.Anagnostopoulos, A., E. Nikolaidis, E. Koumantakis and M. Katsaris. 2003. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:44:00
Document 1523Soetens, C. 1975. Experimental Bird Counting with a Real-Time Computer. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:42:00
Document 1806York, D.L., R.M. Engeman, J.L. Cummings, C.L. Rossi, D.R. Sinnett. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:40:00
Bird control on landfill sites-Is there still a hazard to your aircraft?Baxter, A. 2001. Bird control on landfill sites-Is there still …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:38:00
Document 675Eudot, A. 1992. PICA: A bird strike information program. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:36:00
Wildlife Hazards to Aviation.Eschenfelder, P. 2000. Wildlife Hazards to Aviation. International Air Line …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:34:00
Document 833Herricks, E.E., W. Bunch, P. Lazar and E. Woodworth. 2012. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:32:00
Document 1805York, D.L., J.L. Cummings, R.M. Engeman and K.L. Wedemeyer. 2000. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:30:00
Document 1186Meeking, D.N. 1998. Bird-Aircraft strike hazards: An overview of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:28:00
Document 694Ferry, V.E. 1979. The first ten years of BSCE. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:26:00
Land use zoning in the vicinity of CFB Comox.Demarchi, M.W., G.F. Searing, . 1998. Land use zoning in …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:24:00
Document 1265Nohara, T.J., P. Weber, A. Ukrainec, A. Premji and G. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:22:00
Document 735Gauthreaux, S.A. Jr. 1975. Radar Ornithology: Bird Echoes on Weather …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:20:00
Draft Management Plan for Resident Canada Geese in Nebraska.Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 2006. Draft Management Plan for …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:18:00
Document 938Jacoby, V.E. 1979. Is it necessary to destroy birds on …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:16:00
Plant growth regulator (Stronghold) enhances repellency of anthraquinone formulation (Flight Control) to Canada geese.Blackwell, B. F., T. W. Seamans, and R. A. Dolbeer. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:14:00
Shooting gulls at JFK International Airport reduces strikes with aircraft.Dolbeer, R.A. 1993. Shooting gulls at JFK International Airport reduces …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:12:00
Document 1570Sterner, R.T., D.J. Elias, M.V. Garrison, B.E. Johns and S.R. Kilburn. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:10:00
Through the eyes of the birds.Arntsen, K. 2012. Through the eyes of the birds. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:08:00
Document 956Karlsson, J. 1977. Surveys of Bird Concentration Areas as a …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:06:00
Integrated North American bird avoidance system: research and development strategic plan.DeFusco, R.P., M.J. Hovan, J.Y. Harper and K.A. Heppard. 2005. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:04:00
Document 814Hauptfleisch, M. and N. Avenant. 2012. A multi-stakeholder approach to …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:02:00
Bird strike certification standards and damage mitigation.O’Callaghan, J. n.d. Bird strike certification standards and damage mitigation. …2018/03/012018-03-01 05:00:00
Document 823Helkamo, H. and O. Stenman. 1984. Progress in Bird Control …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:58:00
Eurbase: Potential lessons from military bird strike statistics.Buurma, L.S and A. Dekker. 1996. Eurbase: Potential lessons from …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:56:00
Document 880Homan, H. J., A. A. Slowik, B. F. Blackwell, AND …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:54:00
Document 980Kelly, T.C., M.J.A. O’Callaghan, P.D. Bourke, G. Fennessy, R. Bolger …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:52:00
Document 1604Thompson, M.M. 1999. Using a GIS to integrate seasonal raptor …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:50:00
Document 1005Knauer, R.F. Jr., K.E.Ballinger and M.K. Gilmore. 2000. Practical application …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:48:00
Document 877Holdsworth, J.2012. Future development of mitigation of bird hazard to …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:46:00
Document 1098LGL Limited. 1973. Bald Eagles at Port Hardy Airport. Final …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:44:00
Reduction of Risk: A Flight Crew Guide.Eschenfelder, P. and S. Hull. 2006. Reduction of Risk: A …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:42:00
Document 1303Peles, J.D. and G.W. Barrett. 1996. Effects of Vegetative Cover …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:40:00
Document 1352Renevey, B. 1981. Study of the wing-beat frequency of night-migrating …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:38:00
Document 1562Steele, W.K. and S. Renner. 2010. Reducing the incidence of …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:36:00
Document 704Forbes, J.E., M.W. Bedford, W.W. Beck, and B.V. Archuleta. 1993. …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:34:00
FAA Aerospace Forecast Fiscal Years 2012-2032.Federal Aviation Administration. 2012. FAA Aerospace Forecast Fiscal Years 2012-2032. …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:32:00
Using Geographic Information Systems to Model Bird Distributions and Populations on a continental scale.DeFusco, R. 1996. Using Geographic Information Systems to Model Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:30:00
Bird damage to ripening field corn increases in the United States from 1971 to 1981.Besser, J. F. and D. J. Brady. 1986. Bird damage to …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:28:00
Use of lasers in avian dispersal.Aphis Wildlife Services. 2003. Use of lasers in avian dispersal. …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:26:00
Use of stormwater impoundments near airports by birds recognized as hazardous to aviation safety.Fox, B.J., W.B. Holland, F.L. Boyd, B.F. Blackwell and J.B. …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:24:00
Are Lesser Snow Geese, Chen caerulescens caerulescens exceeding the carrying capacity of the Fraser River delta’s brackish marshes?Demarchi, M.W. 2006. Are Lesser Snow Geese, Chen caerulescens caerulescens …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:22:00
The Effect of High-Tensile Electric Fence Designs on Big-Game and Livestock Movements.Karhu, R.R. and S.H. Anderson. 2006. The Effect of High-Tensile …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:20:00
Document 796Harris, R.D. 1965. Bird strikes at Vancouver during hours of darkness. …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:18:00
Document 1284Ouellet, H. and van Zyll de Jong, S. A. 1990. …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:16:00
In My Experience: Bird and Rodent Abundance at Yard-Waste Compost Facilities in Northern Ohio.Gabrey, S.W., J.L. Belant, R.A. Dolbeer, G.E. Bernhardt. 1994. In …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:14:00
Effects of tall fescue endophyte infestation on relative abundance of small mammals.Coley, A.B., H.A. Fribourg, M.R. Pelton and K D. Gwinn. …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:12:00
Document 1808Zalakevicius, M. 1996. Basic Bird Migration Characteristics in Lithuania: Towards …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:10:00
Some Statements and Some Questions to the Bird-Problem at Zurich AirportBruderer, B. 1972. Some Statements and Some Questions to the …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:08:00
Overhead wires and monofilament lines exclude ring-billed gulls from public places.Blokpoel, H., and, G. D. Tessier. 1984.  Overhead wires and …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:06:00
Avian surveillance and warning system.Clark, B. 2012. Avian surveillance and warning system. Bird Strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:04:00
Document 1781Witmer, G.W. and J.W. Fantinato. 2003. Management of rodent populations …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:02:00
Document 1218Moerbeek, D.J., W.H. van Dobben, E.H. Osieck, G.C. Boere and …2018/03/012018-03-01 04:00:00
Airport wildlife population management: A synthesis of airport practice.DeFusco, R.P. and E.T. Unangst. 2013. Airport wildlife population management: …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:58:00
Document 1062Laty, M. 1982. Birds on Airports. The Reason for their …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:56:00
Document 1002Klein, L.A., M. Hovan, G. Genello and P. Antonik. 2003. …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:54:00
Facing bird attracting factors outside airports: the Italian approach.Battistoni, V. 2007. Facing bird attracting factors outside airports: the …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:52:00
Document 863Hild, J. 1981. New Organisation of German Board Birdstrike Prevention. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:50:00
Keynote Address.Kern, J. 1999. Keynote Address. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada Joint Annual …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:48:00
Document 1018Krzal, J. and R. Krupka. 1998. The Protection of Military …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:46:00
Document 1793Wright, S.E. and R.A. Dolbeer. 2003. The national wildlife strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:44:00
How to get reliable information on the bird strike risk?Becker, J. 1996. How to get reliable information on the …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:42:00
Document 1643Thorpe, J. and J.G. van Dusseldorp. 1978. Birdstrikes During 1976 …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:40:00
Bird and small mammal use of mowed and unmowed vegetation at John F. Kennedy International Airport, 1998-1999.Barras, S.C., M.S. Carrara, R.A. Dolbeer, R.B. Chipman and G.E. …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:38:00
Evolution of the DFW International Airport wildlife management program –- Lessons learned.Kuehner, C.W. and J.R. Alexander. 1999. Evolution of the DFW …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:36:00
The Convair Accident in the Skagerak 1989 – A Presentation of the Identification Work on Feather Remains Found in the Wreckage.Bentz, P. G. and T.G. Brom. 1990. The Convair Accident in …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:34:00
Document 1720Verheijen, F.J. 1979. Effects of light and light ETAMS on …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:32:00
Guidance on assessing the risk of attractions of birds by areas and facilities close to aerodromes.Ditlevsen, J.E., T.K. Christensen and M. Hansen. 2010. Guidance on …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:30:00
Bird control program and documentation for the Gulf Pines Landfill, Biloxi, Mississippi.Davis, R.A. 1992. Bird control program and documentation for the …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:28:00
Document 1636Thorpe, J. 2000. Are we winning the battle? Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:26:00
Effect of vegetation cover on foraging site selection by Swainson’s hawk.Bechard, M.J. 1982. Effect of vegetation cover on foraging site …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:24:00
Document 1742Ward, J.G. 1975. Use of falcons to disperse dunlins. Prepared …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:22:00
Document 984Kelly, T.C., R. Bolger, G. Fennessy, S. Sheehy and M.J.A. O’Callaghan. …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:20:00
Document 1480Sheehy, S., T.C. Kelly, P. Bourke, M. O’Callaghan, G.J. Fennessy …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:18:00
Document 1434Seamans, T. W., G. E. Bernhardt, B. F. Blackwell, S. …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:16:00
Document 1775Will, T.J. 1984. Cattle egret hazard assessment. Pages 161-169, in: …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:14:00
Document 1276Oost, L. and J. Verboom. 2000. Larch-Airport: A Gis-Based Risk …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:12:00
Document 1530Solman, V.E.F. 1971. Report from the Bird/Radar/Weather Group Copenhagen2 Mollen, …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:10:00
Document 674Eudot, A. 1988. Management of a Bird Strike Database using …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:08:00
Effectiveness of flagging and propane cannons to disperse Canada Geese in winter wheat fields.Drake, D. and A. Villano. 2005. Effectiveness of flagging and …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:06:00
Document 1552Speelman, R. J., M.E. Kelley, R.E. McCarty and J.J. Short. 1998. …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:04:00
Document 1191Merrit, R., E. Zakrajsek and A. Smith. 2012. Operational Use …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:02:00
Document 1799Yashon, J. 1994. Birdstrike Deterrence and Threat Management at Ben …2018/03/012018-03-01 03:00:00
Document 801Harris, R.E. and R.A. Davis. 1997. Study of bird hazards to …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:58:00
Deterrent techniques and bird dispersal approach for oil spills.Lehoux, D. and D. Bordage. 2000. Deterrent techniques and bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:56:00
Document 1338Pula County Court. 2000. Liability of Pula Airport for the …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:54:00
Bird strike simulation for BA609 spinner and rotor controls.Cheng-Ho, T. and M. Smith. u.d. Bird strike simulation for BA609 …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:52:00
Monitoring the distribution, abundance, and movements of birds near Vancouver International Airport.Demarchi, M.W., G.F. Searing, M.K. McNichill and T. Mochizuki. 1999. …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:50:00
Document 1202Miller, G.W. and R.A. Davis. 1992. Evaluation of bird use …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:48:00
Document 1050Larkin, R.P., J.R. Torre-Bueno, D.R Griffin and C. Walcot. 1976. …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:46:00
Document 1776Will, T.J. 1985. Air Force problems with birds in hangars. …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:44:00
Document 1762Weller, J.R.. 2012. Beyond the Fence – Operations and off …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:42:00
Document 1180McKee, J., P. Shaw, K. Patrick, A. Winslow and P. …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:40:00
Document 697Fischer, R. and R. Hasey. 2012. An integrated approach to …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:38:00
Document 1224Montoney, A.J. and H.C. Boggs. 1993. Effects of a bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:36:00
Document 782Hahn, E. 1994. Birds as Bioindicators. Proceedings of the International …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:34:00
Document 1511Sillings, J.L.. 1993. Gull control at John F. Kennedy International …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:32:00
The need to strengthen the provisions of ICAO Annexe 14, Volume 1, Relating to Bird Control on and in the Vicinity of Airports.Pinos A. 1999. The need to strengthen the provisions of …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:30:00
Document 1315Phillips, P.L., K.S. Gurlavich and A.T. Clapper. 2012. Increasing stakeholder …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:28:00
Synchronous monitoring of vulture movements with satellite telemetry and avian radar.Beason, R.C., J.S. Humphrey, N.E. Myers and M.L. Avery. 2010. …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:26:00
Object detection and avoidance by birds: It’s not a matter of « outrunning » a jet.Blackwell, B.F., E. Fernandez-Jurcic and S. Lima. 2010. Object detection …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:24:00
Document 1665Trivikram, N.L., M.R. Yeli, R. Venkatesan and V.R. Sural. u.d. …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:22:00
Document 1535Solmon, V.E.F. 1970. Airport design and management to reduce bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:20:00
Current status of the USAF bird avoidance model (BAM).DeFusco, R.P. 2000. Current status of the USAF bird avoidance …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:18:00
Document 884Horton, N. 1990. Distinguishing Between Ducks, Geese and Swans by …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:16:00
Document 1425Schwarzenbach, T. 1978. The Birdstrike Reporting System in Swissair. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:14:00
Document 1123Louette, M. 1972. The Distribution of the Black-Headed Gull (Larus …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:12:00
Spring Migration of Cranes over Southern Scandinavia.Alerstam, T. 1975. Spring Migration of Cranes over Southern Scandinavia. …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:10:00
Document 1393Ruhe, W. 1998. The Weather Radar Network – Another monitoring …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:08:00
Document 1669Turesson, L-O. 1978. Report from an ICAO workshop on reducing …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:06:00
Document 1536Solmon, V.E.F. 1970a. Bird hazards to aircraft. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:04:00
Document 875Hoffman, O. 1984. Bird Strikes to German Registered Civil Aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:02:00
Document 1729Vogt, P.F. 1997. Control of nuisance birds by fogging with …2018/03/012018-03-01 02:00:00
Document 1755Wattel, J. 2003. Prevention and identification.  Proceedings of 26th International …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:58:00
Minutes of the 27th Meeting.Bird Strike Committee Canada. 1997b. Minutes of the 27th Meeting. …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:56:00
Incident Analysis Report.Australian Civil Aviation Authority 1982. Incident Analysis Report. Proceedings of …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:54:00
Airport responsibility for wildlife management.Rillstone, D.J. and, C.M. Dineen. 2013. Airport responsibility for wildlife …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:52:00
Population Recovery & Bird Hazards: Threats / Responses –case of Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) in Ireland.Nicholson, J., T.C. Kelly, N. Mitham and B.O. Mahoney. 2015. …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:50:00
Document 1337Pugh, T. 2008. Airport Wildlife Evaluation (2/29/2008) Brookings Municipal Airport, …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:48:00
Document 916International Birdstrike Committee. 2006. Recommended Practices No. 1. Satandards for aerodrome …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:46:00
Document 1141MacKinnon, B., R. Sowden, and S. Dudley (Editors). 2001. Sharing …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:44:00
Do native warm-season grasslands near airports increase bird strike hazards?Schmidt, J.A., B.E. Washburn, T.L. DeVault, T.W. Seamans, and P.M. …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:42:00
Document 1780Witmer, G.W. 2011. Rodent population management at Kansas City International …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:40:00
Document 1802Yo, S. and C-C Lee. 2003. Community dynamic study or …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:38:00
Document 1563Stefanioros, V. and A. Anagnostopoulos. 2005. The view of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:36:00
Document 1616Thorpe, J. 1978. Some Notes on Analysis of Birdstrike to …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:34:00
Title 50, Parts 1-100, Wildlife and Fisheries.CFR. 2003. Title 50, Parts 1-100, Wildlife and Fisheries, 494 …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:32:00
Document 1214Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat. 1999. Bird control at airports. …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:30:00
Brazilian Avian Hazard Control Program: Educational Initiatives.Bastos, L.C.M. 2000. Brazilian Avian Hazard Control Program: Educational Initiatives. …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:28:00
Document 1417Satheesan, S.M. 1996. Evaluation of weed control efficacy of Klass …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:26:00
Does shooting alter flight patterns of gulls: case study at John F. Kennedy International AirportDolbeer, R.A., R.B. Chipman, A.L. Gosser and S.C. Barras. 2003. …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:24:00
Environmental protection in the area of Hellenic airports and airfields – rules and legislation.Delichatslou-Kolokotroni, A., D. Antoniou, M. Katsaris and A. Anagnostopoulos. 2003. …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:22:00
Document 1470Shamoun-Baranes, J. 1998. Comparison of israeli Air Force birdstrike statistics …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:20:00
Document 237Blokpoel, H. and G.D. Tessier. 1987. Control of ring-billed gull …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:18:00
Feral Canada Geese (Branta Canadensis) As A Hazard To Aircraft In Europe: Options For Management And Control.Allan, J.R. and C.J. Feare. 1994. Feral Canada Geese (Branta …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:16:00
Document 888Horton, N. and T. Milsom. 1996. Bird Strike Statistics can …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:14:00
Document 1736Walls, R. 2005. Monitoring avian movement using bird detection radar: …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:12:00
The avian radar for airport risk and hazard assessment: a biologist’s tool.Allard, M. 2011. The avian radar for airport risk and …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:10:00
Document 901Hunt F.R. 1975. Automatic radar equipment to determine bird strike …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:08:00
Document 1605Thompson, R.D., B.E. Johns and C.V. Grant. 1979. Cardiac and …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:06:00
The use of radar to augment visual observations in wildlife hazard assessments.Beason, R.C. and M.J. Begier. 2006. The use of radar …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:04:00
Document 718Froneman, A. 2000. Towards the management of bird hazards on …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:02:00
Document 754Gosler, A.G., R.E. Kenward and N. Horton. 1995. The effect …2018/03/012018-03-01 01:00:00
Fatal injuries to birds from collisions with aircraft reveal anti-predator behaviours.Bernhardt, G.E., B.F. Blackwell, T.L. DeVault, and L. Kutschbach-Brohl. 2010. …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:58:00
Document 1069Leach, B. 1964. Suggested outline for work at the air …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:56:00
Nocturnal Migration of Birds Over Isreal, Changes in Direction and Rate of Migration According to the Time of Night.Alfiya, H. 1990. Nocturnal Migration of Birds Over Isreal, Changes …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:54:00
Document 994Kim, D.H., F. Chavez-Ramirez and R.D. Slack. 2003. Effects of …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:52:00
Document 771Gunn, W.W.H. 1964. 1964 World Conference on radio meterology incorporating …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:50:00
Document 1406Ryzhov, S. and J. Ryzhova. 2012. Insufficient Registration of Birdstrikes …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:48:00
Nocturnal Behavior of Gulls in Coastal New Jersey.Burger, J. and K.J. Staine. 1993. Nocturnal Behavior of Gulls …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:46:00
Average Weights of Birds.Brough, T. 1984. Average Weights of Birds. Proceedings of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:44:00
Document 752Gorenzal, W.P. and T.P. Salmon. 2008. Bird hazing manual techniques …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:42:00
Evaluation of the adequacy of the bird control program for the proposed Tri-County Landfill, Pennsylvania and assessment of resulting bird hazard to aircraft safety issues.Davis, R.A. 2001. Evaluation of the adequacy of the bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:40:00
Safety management systems: how useful will the FAA National Wildlife Strike Database be?Dolbeer, R.A. and S.E. Wright. 2009. Safety management systems: how …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:38:00
Document 1572Stevens, M.R., L.M. Schafer and B.E. Washburn. 2005. Trash and …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:36:00
Document 1503Short, J.J. 1998. An annotated bibliography of bird hazards to …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:34:00
Document 1256Nikolaidis, E.D. 2003. Bird strikes in Greece 1999-2000 civil aviation.  …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:32:00
Document 820Heirman, J. 1975. A Belgian Birdstrike Risk Map based on numbers …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:30:00
Document 850Hild, J. 1973. Public relation in Germany as to the Bird …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:28:00
Document 760Graves, T.A., S. Farley and C. Servheen. 2006. Frequency and …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:26:00
Independent evaluation of the adequacy of the bird control program for the proposed Jefferson Landfill, Pennsylvania.Davis, R.A. 2000. Independent evaluation of the adequacy of the …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:24:00
Document 1590Takeda, Y and Y. Murai. 2010. Bird strike as an …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:22:00
Management of bayberry in relation to tree-swallow strikes at John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York.Bernhardt, G.E., Z.J. Patton, L.A. Kutschbach-Brohl and R.A. Dolbeer. 2009. …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:20:00
Risk-based modeling to develop zoning criteria for land-use near Canadian airports.Davis, R.A., T. Kelly, R. Sowden and B. MacKinnon. 2003. Risk-based …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:18:00
Establishment of bird control units at 6 Dutch air bases.Buurma, L.S. 1977a. Establishment of bird control units at 6 …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:16:00
Document 1588Szczepanik, R. and J. Szymczak. 2003. Colisions of military aircraft …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:14:00
Document 1322Pinos, A. 2001. ICAO Position and Activities with respect to …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:12:00
Document 1014Kreithen, M., Seamans, T.W. 1997. Evaluation of Flight ControlÌ¢ as an …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:10:00
The control of mammal problems at Canadian airports: Technical report.Green, J.E. 1981. The control of mammal problems at Canadian …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:08:00
Fences and Deer-Damage Management: A Review of Designs and Efficacy.VerCauteren, K.C., M.J. Lavelle and S.E. Hygnstrom. 2006. Fences and …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:06:00
The use of birdstrike statistics as an aerodrome bird hazard control auditing tool.Deacon, N. 2003. The use of birdstrike statistics as an …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:04:00
Document 1408Sacramento County Airport System. 2007. Sacramento International Airport Wildlife Hazard …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:02:00
Document 1485Shergalin, J.E. 1992. Bird Strikes analysis in Estonia 1989-1991. Proceedings …2018/03/012018-03-01 00:00:00
Document 830Herricks, E.E. et al. 2004. Development of a National Wildlife …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:58:00
Document 1000Klaver, A. I. 1982. Long Term Grassland Exploitation at Schiphol …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:56:00
Bird Control on Aerodromes.Civil Aviation Authority. 1981. Bird Control on Aerodromes.2018/02/282018-02-28 23:54:00
Letter to the FAA regarding modified standards for bird strike impacts.Eschenfelder, P.F. 1999. Letter to the FAA regarding modified standards …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:52:00
Management of the yellow bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis) on Guam to minimize threats to aviation safety.Vice, D.S. and M.E. Pitzler. 1999. Management of the yellow …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:50:00
Document 1058Laty, M. 1975. The Black-headed Gulls(Larus Ridibundus) are Assigned their …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:48:00
Wildlife Strikes With Military Rotary-Wing Aircraft During Flight Operations Within the United States.Washburn, B.E., P.J. Cisar and T.L. DeVault. 2014. Wildlife Strikes …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:46:00
Document 1642Thorpe, J. and I. Hole. 1988. Bird Strikes During 1985 …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:44:00
Hazardous wildlife attractants on or near airports.Bennett, D.L.. 2007. Hazardous wildlife attractants on or near airports. …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:42:00
Document 1592Takeshima K., Y. Tasaka, Y. Murai, Y. Takeda and H. …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:40:00
Document 889Houghton, E. W. 1973. Highlights of the Nato-Gibralter Bird Migration Radar …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:38:00
Control of ring-billed gull colonies at urban and industrial sites in southern Ontario, Canada.Blokpoel, H. and G.D. Tessier. 1987. Control of ring-billed gull …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:36:00
Alternative vegetative ground cover.Austin-Smith, P.J. and H.F. Lewis. 1969. Alternative vegetative ground cover.  …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:34:00
Wildlife control at Vancouver International Airport: Introducing border collies .Ball, D. 2000. Wildlife control at Vancouver International Airport: Introducing …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:32:00
Ecological risk assessment framework for low-altitude overflights by fixed-wing and rotary-wing military aircraft.Efroymson, R.A., W.H. Rose, S. Nemeth and G.W. Suter II. 2000. …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:30:00
Document 1734Wakeley, J S. 1978. Factors affecting the use of hunting sites …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:28:00
Responses of Pest Birds to Reflecting Tape in Agriculture.Bruggers, R.L., J.E. Brooks, R. A. Dolbeer, P. P. Woronecki, …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:26:00
Document 800Harris, R.D. and W.W.H. Gunn. 1964. Toronto International Airport – Malton. …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:24:00
Starling abatement at Pirinclik Air Station in Eastern Turkey.Buurma, L. S. and R. McKenna. 1990. Starling abatement at …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:22:00
New Zealand Aerodrome Bird Hazard Evaluation Tour.Davidson, P. and A. Rowell. 1990. New Zealand Aerodrome Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:20:00
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States 1990-1998.Cleary, E.C., S.E. Wright and R.A. Dolbeer 1999. Wildlife strikes …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:18:00
Document 1330Port of Seattle and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services. …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:16:00
Document 818Heimbs, S. and T. Bergmann. 2012. High-velocity impact behaviour of …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:14:00
Document 1635Thorpe, J. 1998. The implications of recent serious birdstrike accidents …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:12:00
Document 1294Patijn, S. and A. Vreeke. 2012. Bird Control at Schiphol. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:10:00
Commercial Transport engine geographic bird threats & trends.Alge, T. L. 1996. Commercial Transport engine geographic bird threats …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:08:00
Document 741Gleizer, H., P. Bar, O. Bahat, E. Groner and O. …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:06:00
Zero bird-strike rate – an achievable target, not a pipedream.Satheesan, S.M. 1999. Zero bird-strike rate – an achievable target, …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:04:00
Document 1277Orndorff, R. 2012.Tools for managing compatible land uses to sustain …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:02:00
Canada Geese and shorelines: Seasonal techniques to deter geese.Canadian Wildlife Service. 2006. Canada Geese and shorelines: Seasonal techniques …2018/02/282018-02-28 23:00:00
Communal starling roosts: implications for control.Caccamise, D.F. 1990. Communal starling roosts: implications for control. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:58:00
Document 942Jarman, P. 1993. A Manual of Airfield Bird Control.2018/02/282018-02-28 22:56:00
Elmendorf AFB BASH Program.Hahn, R.J. 2001. Elmendorf AFB BASH Program. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:54:00
Bird Hazard Management on Wetlands at UK Aerodromes.Baxter, A. 2008. Bird Hazard Management on Wetlands at UK …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:52:00
Document 883Horton, N. 1990. Advising on Aerodrome Bird Control. Some Requirements …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:50:00
Not at our airport: A planner’s approach to integrated wildlife management.Bowie, R. 2004. Not at our airport: A planner’s approach …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:48:00
Wildlife hazard or national resource? Interagency collaboration and wildlife management at the Jackson Hole Airport.Harmon, L. and D. Hirchert. 2015. Wildlife hazard or national …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:46:00
Document 1364Richardson, W.J. and R.E. Harris. 1993. Gulls, vultures and other …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:44:00
Minutes of the 21st Meeting.Bird Strike Committee Canada. 1994. Minutes of the 21st Meeting. …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:42:00
Document 1070Leach, B.A. 1964. Biological survey 1 Air Div Report No. …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:40:00
Document 1394Ruhe, W. 2000. ASR – bird observation program at German …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:38:00
2008 annual environmental report.Calgary Airport Authority. 2008. 2008 annual environmental report. Calgary, Alberta. …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:36:00
Document 1810Zalakevicius, M. 2000. Wetlands and aviation:Between protection and regulation. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:34:00
Document 927Jacobs, T. 1976. Experiment of Presentation of Actual Bird Intensity …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:32:00
Avian survey methods for use at airports.Blackwell, B.F., P.M. Schmidt, and J.A. Martin. 2013. Avian survey …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:30:00
Document 1063Laty, M. 1990. Experiments Taking Place: Tests for the Frightening …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:28:00
Treatments of Lawns on the Paris Airport.Briot, M. 1982. Treatments of Lawns on the Paris Airport. …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:26:00
Studies of numbers and movements of gulls with respect to potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with a proposed landfill near the Collingwood Municipal Airport.Davis, R.A. and R.E. Harris. 1995. Studies of numbers and …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:24:00
Document 859Hild, J. 1978. Biophenological Observation and Information Service in GAF, A …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:22:00
Document 1768Whitford, P.C.. 2012. Outside the fence – MSN Airport. Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:20:00
Document 1194Merritt, R.L. and R.L. Dogan. 1992. Bird Strikes to U.S. …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:18:00
Document 1068Laybourne, R.C. 1974. Collision between a vulture and an aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:16:00
Document 1001Klaver, I. A. 1990. Influence of Bird-Shooting on the Relation: …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:14:00
Document 1115Linnell, M.A., M.R. Conover and T.J. Ohashi. 1996. Analysis of Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:12:00
Predation of fish in farm dams by cormorants, Phalacrocorax spp.Barlow, C.G., and K. Bock. 1984. Predation of fish in …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:10:00
The Bird Strike Situation and Its Ecological Background in the Copenhagen Airport.Dahl, H. 1984. The Bird Strike Situation and Its Ecological …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:08:00
Document 1469Shah, P.S., J.R. Mason and L. Clark. 1992. Avian chemical …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:06:00
Document 873Hinnah, R.C. and B.E. Washburn. 2012. Non-lethal harassment to deter …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:04:00
A Simulation Model for Determining Cost-Effectiveness of Fences for Reducing Deer Damage.VerCauteren, K.C., M.J. Lavelle and S.E. Hygnstrom. 2006. A Simulation …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:02:00
Document 1219Mollen, G. 1971. The use of distress calls for scaring …2018/02/282018-02-28 22:00:00
Document 1600Thomas, C. 1988. The Development of an Effective Bird Detection …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:58:00
Document 1620Thorpe, J. 1984. Serious Birdstrikes to Civil Aircraft 1981-1984. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:56:00
Document 1415Satheesan, S. M. 1998b. Need for imparting training at national …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:54:00
Managing airport stormwater to reduce attraction to wildlife.Blackwell, B.F., D. Felstul, and T.W. Seamans. 2013. Managing airport …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:52:00
Bird strike.Bailey, G. 2000. Bird strike. Flight Safety Australia. January-February. Bailey_2000.pdf2018/02/282018-02-28 21:50:00
Temporal and spatial patterns of avifauna on wetlands in the vicinity of Bush Field Airport, Augusta, Georgia, USA.Kennamer, R.A., L. Brisbin Jr., K.F. Gaines and W.L. Stephens …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:48:00
Document 1203Miller, G.W. and R.A. Davis. 1993. Potential bird hazards to …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:46:00
Document 762Green, J.E. 1981. Control of mammal problems at Canadian airports: …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:44:00
Evaluation of the efficacy of products and techniques for Airport Bird Control.Harris, R.E. and R.A. Davis. 1998. Evaluation of the efficacy of …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:42:00
NWRC’s Ohio Field Station: Research to alleviate wildlife-aviation conflicts.Annonymous. 2004. NWRC’s Ohio Field Station: Research to alleviate wildlife-aviation …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:40:00
Document 1516Smith, D.W. 2000. Management of Canada Geese in the Lower …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:38:00
Fatal injuries to birds from collisions with aircraft reveal antipredator behaviors.Bernhardt, G.E., B.F. Blackwell, T.L. DeVault and L.A. Kutschbach-Brohl. 2010. …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:36:00
Document 1066Laybourne, R. C. 1984. Identification of Bird Remains from Bird-Aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:34:00
Document 1597Terry, L.E. 1984. Deterring waterfowl from water features: A wire …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:32:00
The impact of lethal control as a reinforcement technique when deploying IBSC best practice standards on an aerodrome.Baxter, A. 2008. The impact of lethal control as a …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:30:00
Document 1340Pyke, N., P. Rolston, R. Chynoweth, M. Kelly and C. …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:28:00
Avian ecology and air-traffic safety at Vancouver International Airport: Non-winter monitoring.Demarchi, M.W. 1996. Avian ecology and air-traffic safety at Vancouver …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:26:00
Document 1573Stickley, A. 1973. Avitrol. Proceedings of the Bird control Seminars …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:24:00
Document 720Froneman, A. and M. van Rooyen. 2003. The successful implementation …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:22:00
Document 1557Speelman, R.J., R.H. Walker and L. McKenny. 1981. Enhancement of …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:20:00
Document 865Hild, J. 1984. Falconry as a Bird Deterrent on Airports. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:18:00
Document 1608Thorpe, J. 1982. Accidents and Serious Incidents to Civil Aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:16:00
Effectiveness of PCC-969 as an Avian Contact and Grazing Repellent.Belant, J.L., S.K. Ickes, R.A. Dolbeer and T.W. Seamans. 1996. Effectiveness …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:14:00
Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft associated with the proposed expansion of the Ogle County (Illionois) Landfill.Davis, R.A. and G.W. Miller. 1994. Assessment of potential bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:12:00
Predictions of the Spring Migration of Snow Geese across the Terminal Control Area of Winnipeg International Airport.Blokpoel, H. 1975a. Predictions of the Spring Migration of Snow …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:10:00
Integrating mammalian hazards with management at U.S. civil airports: a case study.Biondi, K.M., J.L. Belant, J.A. Martin, T.L. DeVault and G. …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:08:00
Document 989Kensington. 2009. Queensway bird hazard risk assessment and bird hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:06:00
Document 945Joensen, A.H. 1975a. European Bird Hazard Map. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:04:00
Use of DRC 1339 to control crows in three roosts in Kentucky and Arkansas.Boyd, F.L. and D.I. Hall. 1987. Use of DRC 1339 …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:02:00
The Ability of Avian Radars to Track Near Miss Bird Strike Events: A Missing Informational Link.Klope, M.W., M.J. Begier and T.J. Nohara. 2008. The Ability …2018/02/282018-02-28 21:00:00
Treatment for Repelling Birds at Ben Gurion (LOD) International Airport, Israel.Dar, G. 1977. Treatment for Repelling Birds at Ben Gurion …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:58:00
Evaluation of the efficacy of products and techniques for Airport Bird Control.Harris, R.E. and R.A. Davis. 1998. Evaluation of the efficacy of …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:56:00
Document 1625Thorpe, J. 1990. Serious Birdstrikes to Civil Aircraft 1987-1989. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:54:00
Trends in reporting of wildlife strikes with civil aircraft and in identification of species struck under a primarily voluntary reporting system, 1990-2013.Dolbeer, R.A. 2015. Trends in reporting of wildlife strikes with …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:52:00
Document 1525Solman, V. E. F. 1994. Gulls. Pages E49-52 in S. E. …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:50:00
Document 1029Kuhring, M.S., E.P. Cockshutt, H.S. Fowler, T.H. Hammell and L. …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:48:00
Document 1472Shamoun-Baranes, J., H. Sierdsema, E. van Loon, H. van Gasteren, …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:46:00
Percentage of wildlife strikes reported and species identified under a voluntary reporting system.Wright, S.E. and R.A. Dolbeer. 2005. Percentage of wildlife strikes …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:44:00
Document 936Jacoby, V.E. 1972. Ornithological Researches in the USSR in Connection …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:42:00
Document 637Dornbush, C., G. Feigelson, D. Gruskin, B. Hedges, and A. …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:40:00
Evaluation of ReJeX-iT AG-36 as a Canada goose grazing repellent.Cummings, J. L., P. A. Pochop, J. E. Davis, Jr., and …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:38:00
Document 1419Satheesan, S.M. and R.B. Grubh. 1992. Bird-strike remains identification in …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:36:00
Employing BASH at Westover Air Reserve Base, Massachusetts.Cooke, G. 2006. Employing BASH at Westover Air Reserve Base, …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:34:00
Helicopter Bird Strike Resistance (Revised).Bremond, A. 1986. Helicopter Bird Strike Resistance (Revised). Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:32:00
Document 826Henze, T. 1996. Operational methods for birdstrike prevention. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:30:00
Document 1630Thorpe, J. 1994. Keyword index for bird-aviation bibliography. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:28:00
Document 1055Larsson, B. 1978. Continuous Work With the Migratory Bird Forecasting …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:26:00
Last French Experiments Concerning Birdstrike Hazards Reduction (1981-1986).Briot, J. L. 1986. Last French Experiments Concerning Birdstrike Hazards …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:24:00
Evaluation and mitigation of bird hazards in Ex-Vaso de Texcoco: proposed site for a new international airport for Mexico City.Cleary, E. C., R. A. Dolbeer, and P. Ramirez Bastida. …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:22:00
Document 1307Perremans, K. 1990. Rachidial Structures of Feathers and Their Potential …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:20:00
Document 1750Washburn, B.E., S.C. Barras and T.W. Seamans. 2007. Foraging preferences …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:18:00
The European Space Agency’s Flysafe project, looking at the bird strike problem from another perspective.Dekker, A., H. van Gasteren, W. Bouten, J. Shamoun-Baranes, A. Borst, …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:16:00
Document 1637Thorpe, J. 2003. Fatalities and destroyed civil aircraft due to …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:14:00
Document 525Bird Hazard Warning Using Next Generation Weather Radar.DeFusco, R.P., R.P. Larkin and D.B. Quine. 1986. Bird Hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:12:00
Document 1142MACTEC. 2003. Ekwok airport rehabilitation wildlife survey report. Report prepared …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:10:00
Document 1759Weitz, H. 1996. Standardized bird counts on German airfields – …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:08:00
How birds interpret distress calls: implications for applied uses of distress call playbacks.Conover, M.R. 1994. How birds interpret distress calls: implications for …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:06:00
Lasers as non-lethal avian repellents: Preliminary experiments.Blackwell, B.F. and G.E. Bernhardt. 2000. Lasers as non-lethal avian …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:04:00
Canada Goose Repellency Trial at Chestnut Run, Study No.00112996.Ballinger, K.E. and R.M. Price. 1996. Canada Goose Repellency Trial …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:02:00
Document 1318Pilo, B., B.A. Kumar, S. Oommen, K.R. Vinod and G.P. …2018/02/282018-02-28 20:00:00
Document 836Hicks, C.R., R.J. Outward, J.D. Cepek and T.W. Seamans. 2007. Managing …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:58:00
Document 1809Zalakevicius, M. 2000. Global Climate Change, Bird Migration and Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:56:00
Proposal for the Establishment of a European Centre for the Identification of Bird Remains.Brom, T. G. and J. Wattel. 1990. Proposal for the Establishment …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:54:00
Document 1311Petersen, N. E. 1990. HWH Airport Lawn Mower Tyoe HS-2 …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:52:00
Document 870Hild, J. and J. Becker. 1974. The Birdstrike Problem in German …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:52:00
Document 1479Sheehy, S., T.C. Kelly, G. Femmessy, M.J.A. O’Callaghan and R. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:50:00
Document 1354Reznick, K. 1984. Development of Bird Hazard Reduction for Airport …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:50:00
Evaluation of dimethyl and methyl anthranilate as a Canada goose repellent on grass.Cummings, J. L., J. R. Mason, D. L. Otis, and J. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:48:00
Document 1015Kretsis, M. and Thomas, C. S. 1990. The Development of …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:48:00
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States, 1990-2003.Cleary, E. C., R. A. Dolbeer, and S. E. Wright. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:46:00
Document 1474Shamoun, J. and Y. Yorn-Tov. 1996. Five years of feather …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:46:00
The airport is not a wildlife refuge.DeFusco, R.P and R.L. Dogan. 2006. The airport is not …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:44:00
Document 730Gauthreaux, S. Jr and C. Belser. 1998. Displays of Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:44:00
Document 1509Sierdsema, H. 2003. Using bird atlas and monitoring data for …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:42:00
Document 1482Shergalin, J. E. 1990. Bird Strikes Analysis in Estonia 1951 …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:42:00
Vegetation Preferences of Captive Canada Geese at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska.Pochop, P.A., J.L. Cummings, K.L. Wedemeyer and R.M. Engeman. 1999. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:40:00
The Ring-Billed Gull Versus Flight Safety; A Continuing Conflict in Ontario, Canada.Blokpoel, H. 1984. The Ring-Billed Gull Versus Flight Safety; A …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:40:00
Document 1181McKelvey, R.W., D.W. Smith, G.E.J. Smith and R.A. Keller. 1985. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:38:00
Document 1660Transport Canada. 1994. Wildlife Control Proceedures Manual. Envrionmental and Support …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:38:00
Document 909Hunt, F.R. 1976. Bird Density and the Birdstrike Risk. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:36:00
Document 1197Meyer, G.E. and M.J. Boulter. 1973. Bird control at the …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:36:00
Document 1165Mathew, D.N., R. Palat and M.M. Kumar. 2003. Bird strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:34:00
Document 765Grimm, J.W., and R.H. Yahner. 1988.  Small mammal response to …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:34:00
Document 1473Shamoun, J. and Y. Tom-Tov. 1994. Birdstrike Remains Identification for …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:32:00
Document 876Holcomb, L.C. 1976. Experimental use of av-alarm for repelling Quelea …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:32:00
Feathers in the fan.Dolbeer, R.A. 2008. Feathers in the fan. Aerosafetyworld. June:23-26. Dolbeer_2008.pdf2018/02/282018-02-28 19:30:00
Multi-engine strikes to turbine-powered aircraft.Cleary, E.C. and R.A. Dolbeer. 2005. Multi-engine strikes to turbine-powered aircraft. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:30:00
Effects of mowing on Anthraquinone for deterrence of Canada Geese and survey of Canada Goose fecal contaminants.Ayers, C.R. 2009. Effects of mowing on Anthraquinone for deterrence …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:28:00
Document 809Harrison, M.J. 1976. Land use planning for control of birds …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:28:00
Document 1589Takahiro,T. 2012. Bird Strike Control and Reduction system in Japan. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:26:00
Document 1011Komenda-Zehnder, S., M. Cevellos and B. Bruderer. 2003. Effects of …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:26:00
Effects of Lethal Control at Aquaculture Facilities on Populations of Piscivorous Birds.Belant, J.L., L.A. Tyson and P.A. Mastrangelo. 2000. Effects of Lethal …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:24:00
Towards a European Database of Military Bird Strikes.Dekker, A. and L.S. Buurma. 1990. Towards a European Database …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:24:00
Document 1454Searing, G.F. 2013. Airport grass management: past, present, future.Summer Winter …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:22:00
Document 1386Rogachyov, A. I. 1990. Bioacoustic Scaring of Birds in Airports. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:22:00
Synthetic bird calls and their application to scaring methods.Aubin, T. 1990. Synthetic bird calls and their application to …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:20:00
Document 1334Pratt, G. K. 1982. Use of Plastic Netting to Control …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:20:00
A protocol for bird strike risk assessment at Airports.Allan, J. 2000. A protocol for bird strike risk assessment …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:18:00
Document 1421Saul. E.K. 1967. Birds and aircraft: A problem at Auckland?s …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:18:00
Document 1728Vogt, P. F., T. Nachtman and L. Clark. 1994. ReJex-iT Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:16:00
Quantification of Bird Migration – Different Means Compared.Bruderer, B. and F. Liechti. 1994. Quantification of Bird Migration …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:16:00
Document 1801Yashon, J. and E. Shy. 1992. Bird strikes at Ben-Gurion …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:14:00
Alleviating nuisance Canada Goose problems with accoustical stimuli.Mott, D.F. and S.K. Timbrook. 1988. Alleviating nuisance Canada Goose …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:14:00
A model for assessing bird strike risk at proposed new airports.Bell, J. N.H. Burton, R. Walls, A. Musgrove, M.M. Rehfish, J. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:12:00
Document 955Karlsson, J. 1975. Bird Strikes in Sweden 1967-1974. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:12:00
Document 997Kingston, R. 1981. Military Aircraft Birdstrike Analysis. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:10:00
Document 1188Meester, G. 1976. Perches and repellents. Proceedings of the Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:10:00
Document 1549Speelman, R. J. and McCarty, R. C. 1990. Improving Birdstrike Resistance …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:08:00
Birdstrikes During 1983.Bakker, C. and C.H. Schoen. 1984. Birdstrikes During 1983. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:08:00
Document 1365Richardson, W.J. and T. West. 2005. Serious birdstrike accidents to …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:06:00
Document 756Goyal, V.K., C.A. Huertas and T.J. Vasko. 2013. Bird-strike modeling based …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:06:00
Document 1491Shorr, B. F. 1996. Some problems on the valuation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:04:00
Document 828Herricks, E., P. Mankin and D. Schaeffer. 2002. Assessment of …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:04:00
Document 812Hartmann, J. W., S. F. Beckerman, T. W. Seamans, R. …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:02:00
Chemical bud repellents: possible use in cyanide ponds.Clark L. and P.S. Shah. 1993. Chemical bud repellents: possible …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:02:00
Means and Methods of Bird Number Reduction Within the Airport Area.Biryukov, V.Ya.; A.I. Rogachyov, and E.E. Shergalin. 1988. Means and …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:00:00
Document 1347Rao, A. and A. Pinos. 1998. Bird Strike Threat is …2018/02/282018-02-28 19:00:00
Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft safety at the Wapekeka, Ontario Airport associated with a proposed new landfill site – A Stage 1 safety analysis.Harris, R.E. and R.A. Davis. 2010. Assessment of potential bird hazards …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:58:00
Document 1725Vice Chairman. 1978b. Length of the Grass Along Runways + …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:58:00
Document 1107Liechti, F., A, Dokter and H. van Gastern. 2008. Combining radar …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:56:00
Richard A. Dolbeer: Scientist, innovator, manager, and mentor.Blackwell, B.F. and T.L. DeVault. 2009. Richard A. Dolbeer: Scientist, …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:56:00
Document 1676U.S. Department of Agriculture APHIS Wildlife Services. 2002. Canada Goose …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:54:00
Document 1567Stenman, O. and H. Helkamo. 1994. Bird Strike Prevention at …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:54:00
Field evaluation of Flight Control to reduce blackbird damage to newly planted rice.Cummings, J.L., M.L. Avery, O. Mathre, E.A. Wilson, D.L. York, R.M. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:52:00
Document 1539Sonnette, J. C. 1984. Bird Strike Collision Risk. Pilot’s Point …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:52:00
Document 950Joutsen, J. 2012. The databased e-Diary for airport bird patrols. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:50:00
Birds commuting across the runway: how to reduce this bird strike risk?de Hoon, A. and L. Buurma. 2006. Birds commuting across …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:50:00
Document 1327Pochop, P.A., R.J. Johnson, D.A. Aguero and K.M. Eskridge. 1990. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:48:00
Document 1561Steckel, J., S. Amrine and M. Pompili. 1979. Clinic on pigeon …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:48:00
Document 1804York, D.L., J.L. Cummings, R.M. Engeman and J.E. Davis Jr. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:46:00
Avian sensory perception: what do we need to know to improve avian detection of aircraft?Beason, R.C. 2003. Avian sensory perception: what do we need …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:46:00
Document 1344Ramachandra, K., R. Jain and M. Chandrasekaran 1996. Evaluation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:44:00
Document 1657Tomlin, A.D. and E.Y Spencer. 1976. Control of earthworm populations …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:44:00
Bird hazard in Braxil 2006-2010.De Morais. 2012. Bird hazard in Braxil 2006-2010. Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:42:00
Observations on the spring migration of lesser snow and blue geese through southern Manitoba.Blokpoel, H. 1971. Observations on the spring migration of lesser …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:42:00
Document 1208Milroy, A.G. 2006. Impacts of Mowing on Bird Abundance, Distribution …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:40:00
Document 1105Lid, G. 1973. The Bird Strike Problem in Norway. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:40:00
Document 1492Shorr, B., G. Mel’nikova and N. Tishchenko. 2005. Numerical and …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:38:00
Airports offer unrealized potential for alternative energy production.DeVault, T. L., J. L. Belant, B. F. Blackwell, J. A. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:38:00
Document 1612Thorpe, J. 1976. Accident HS 125 Executive Jet. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:36:00
Document 1574Stockdale, T. 1973. Auditory repellents. Proceedings of the Bird Control Seminars …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:36:00
Deer hazard to aircraft and deer fencing.Castellano, B. 2004. Deer hazard to aircraft and deer fencing. Certalert …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:34:00
Document 827Hermans, J., L.S. Buurma and J. Wattel. 1996. Identification of …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:34:00
Document 1716VerCauteren, K.C. and D.R. Marks. 2002. Feasibility of administering an …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:32:00
Document 839Hild, J. 1968. Birdstrikes in German Air Force 1967. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:32:00
Document 783Hahn, E. 1996. Falconry and bird control of a military …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:30:00
Study of Bird Concentrations and Movements; Drawing up of Special Bird Hazard Maps for Informal and Planning Purposes.Bird Movement Working Group 1984. Study of Bird Concentrations and …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:30:00
Engine Bird Strike Tests at Cepr Saclay. Tests Methods Improvements.Devaux, J. P. 1988. Engine Bird Strike Tests at Cepr …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:28:00
Document 855Hild, J. 1976. Growth Prohibiting Substances and Effects on Grassland Areas. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:28:00
Evaluation of shooting and falconry to reduce birdstrikes with aircraft at John F. Kennedy Airport.Dolbeer, R.A. 1998. Evaluation of shooting and falconry to reduce …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:26:00
Document 1621Thorpe, J. 1986. Serious Birdstrikes to Civil Aircraft 1984 & …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:26:00
Strategies for the identification of bird remains from birdstrikes – Survey and advanced approach by biochemical analysis of tissues.De Bont, A. J.F. Boomans, P. de Raeve and B. Verachtert. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:24:00
Document 1458Searing, G.F. and R.A. Davis. 1994. A review of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:24:00
Document 1280Ostrom, J. 2012. Pyrotechnics. Bird Strike Committee-USA Annual Meeting, Memphis, …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:22:00
Use of distress calls to deter birds from Landfill sites near airports.Baxter, A. 2000. Use of distress calls to deter birds …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:22:00
High speed flight at low altitude: hazard to commercial aviation?Eschenfelder, P.F. 2005. High speed flight at low altitude: hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:20:00
Alpha-chloralose efficacy in capturing nuisance waterfowl and pigeons and current status of FDA registration.Woronecki, P. P., R. A. Dolbeer, T. W. Seamans, and …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:20:00
Document 872Hinds, L.A., C.M. Hardy, M.A. Lawson and G.R. Singleton. Unknown …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:18:00
Document 851Hild, J. 1973. Result of bird movement working group. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:18:00
Behavior and physiology in the development and application of visual deterrents at airports.Blackwell, B.F. and E. Fernandez-Juricic. 2013. Behavior and physiology in …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:16:00
Biotechnical devices of bird scaring.Biryukov, V. Y. and Lapinskis, Z. 1992. Biotechnical devices of …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:16:00
Document 1144Manktelow, S. 2000. The effect of local weather conditions on …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:14:00
Sonic deterrents in animal damage control: A review of device tests and effectiveness.Bomford, M. and P.H. O’Brien. 1990. Sonic deterrents in animal …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:14:00
Document 695Fidgen, H., A. Robinson and A.T. Baxter. 2005. Do birds …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:12:00
The German Military Geophysical Service. Bird migration observation, warning and forecasting system: New developments towards an automated bird migration information system.Ruhe, W. 1999. The German Military Geophysical Service. Bird migration …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:12:00
Document 1133Lyne, K., I. Gassner, R. Bolger, and T.C. Kelly. 1998. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:10:00
A further attempt to forecast bird migration over Cold Lake AlbertaBlokpoel, H. 1970. A further attempt to forecast bird migration …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:10:00
Document 1546Speelman III, R.J. 2003. Need resources for you project? — Get …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:08:00
Document 898Hughes, W.M. 1966. Trapping and banding birds of prey on …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:08:00
Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 125: Balancing Airport Stormwater and Bird Hazard Management.Allerton, K, . Reed, J. Lengel, M. Knecht, D. Seal, …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:06:00
Wildlife strikes with U.S. military rotary-wing aircraft deployed in foreign countries.Washburn, B.E., P.J. Cisar and T.L. DeVault. 2014. Wildlife strikes …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:06:00
A fixed netting system as a means of excluding birds From a domestic waste landfill.Jackson, V.S., J. Brown and J.R. Allan. 1999. A fixed …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:04:00
Document 1388Rooseleer, G. 1981. A check-list for birdstrike prevention on airfields. …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:04:00
Using ad hoc teamwork to influence a flock.Genter, K. 2015. Using ad hoc teamwork to influence a …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:02:00
Document 1336Preston, C R. 1990. Distribution of raptor foraging in relation to …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:02:00
Australian Aviation wildlife strike statistics: Bird and animal strikes 2002 to 2009.ATSB Transport Safety Report. 2010. Australian Aviation wildlife strike statistics: …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:00:00
Lasers as Nonlethal Avian Repellents.Blackwell, B.F., G.E. Bernhardt and R.A. Dolbeer. 2002. Lasers as …2018/02/282018-02-28 18:00:00
Responses of blackbirds to aerial application of Flight Control bird repellent to ratoon rice in Cameron Parish, Louisiana.Avery, M.L., J.S. Humphrey, and E. A. Tillman. 2002. Responses of …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:58:00
Document 1175McCloud, R.C. 1992. A trial to establish if observation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:58:00
Document 1017Krupka, R. 2003. Military project « ORNIT » – The way of …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:56:00
Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage.Hygnstrom, S.E., R.M. Timm and G.E. Larson. 1994. Prevention and …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:56:00
Tools for Birds’ Ecological Carrying Capacity Management at Airports.Bahat, O. 2011. Tools for Birds’ Ecological Carrying Capacity Management …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:54:00
Homogeneity Testing Problems in Bird Strike Data Processing When Sample Sizes are Small.Biryukov, V. Y. and N.A. Nechval. 1990. Homogeneity Testing Problems …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:54:00
Document 1207Mills, R., B. Beck, T. Becker, S. Edenhart-Pepe, G. Gabbas …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:52:00
Canadian Airport Wildlife-Strike Mitigation Cooperative Research Program.Nohara, T.J. and G.F. Searing. 2014. Canadian Airport Wildlife-Strike Mitigation …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:52:00
Document 1170Matijaca, A. 2005. Court judgements: Pro and contra. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:50:00
Humane goose-control solutions: A guide to integrated management programs.PETA. n.d. Humane goose-control solutions: A guide to integrated management …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:50:00
Document 1397Ruhe, W. 2005. Bird avoidance models vs. real time birdstrike …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:48:00
Evaluation of the efficacy of various deer exclusion devices and deterrent techniques for use at airports.Katona, G.Z., R.A. Davis and G.F. Searing. 2000. Evaluation of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:48:00
Predicting bird migration: Data-driven versus concept-driven models.Bouten, W., J. van Belle, H. van Gasteren, J.A. Vrugt and …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:46:00
Ranking the hazard level of wildlife species to aviation.Dolbeer, R.A., S.E. Wright and E.C. Cleary. 2000. Ranking the …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:46:00
Differential band wear for male and female Laughing Gulls.Dolbeer, R.A. and J.L. Belant. 1994. Differential band wear for …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:44:00
Exploitation Des Tirs D’Oiseaux A Grande Vitesse Sur Structure D’Avions Metalliques.Besse, J. 1978. Exploitation Des Tirs D’Oiseaux A Grande Vitesse …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:44:00
The need for a radar-based, operational bird warning system for civil aviation.Blokpoel, H. and B. MacKinnon. 2001. The need for a …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:42:00
Propfan Bird Ingestion Testing.Devaux, J.-P. 1990. Propfan Bird Ingestion Testing. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:42:00
Monitoring avifauna for risk analysis at Athens international Airport S.A.Anagnostopoulos, A. 2000. Monitoring avifauna for risk analysis at Athens …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:40:00
Document 1361Richardson, W.J. 1993. Gull control plan for the new Halton …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:40:00
Document 1785Woods, H. 2012. Help us everyone, you’re our only hope! …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:38:00
Document 1079Lensink, R. and S. Dirksen. 2003. Dealing with restrictions due …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:38:00
Effects of sterilization on territory fidelity and maintenance, pair bonds, and survival rates of free-ranging coyotes.Bromley, C. and E.M. Gese. 2001. Effects of sterilization on territory …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:36:00
Three dimentional bird flock structure and its implications for birdstrike tolerence in aircraft.Budgey, R. 1998. Three dimentional bird flock structure and its …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:36:00
Minimum best practice standards for aerodrome bird control.Allan, J.R. 2005. Minimum best practice standards for aerodrome bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:34:00
Risk Assessment Methods.Covello V.T. & M.W. Merkhoffer. 1993. Risk Assessment Methods. Plenum …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:34:00
Aerodrome bird hazard control training in the UK.Deacon, N. 2000. Aerodrome bird hazard control training in the …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:32:00
Document 1226Morera, P. 1988. Evaluation of Bird Populations at Spanish Airports: …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:32:00
Managing bird strike risk through insect control: Two airport case studies.Allard, M.,  P. Molina and L. Graham-Sauvé. 2015. Managing bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:30:00
Document 979Kelly, T.C., J. Murphy and R. Bolger. 1996b. Ecological Disturbance …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:30:00
Document 1653Tillman, E.A., J.S. Humphrey and M.L. Avery. 2002. Use of vulture …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:28:00
Document 1628Thorpe, J. 1994. Bird Hazard Check List. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:28:00
Document 1350Reed, J.M. 2007. Further discussion of bird strike design issues …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:26:00
Pigeon and crows population control by trapping.Foux, B. 1999. Pigeon and crows population control by trapping. …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:26:00
Keynote address: Pilots: A bird’s eye view.Buchan, A. 2015. Keynote address: Pilots: A bird’s eye view. …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:24:00
Document 1752Washburn, B.E.. 2012. Golden Eagle – Bald Eagle. Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:24:00
ROBIN Lite 3D FMCW Bird radar: Revolutionizing airport birdstrike prevention.Borst, A. 2009. ROBIN Lite 3D FMCW Bird radar: Revolutionizing …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:22:00
Secrets in the freezer: Stomach analysis of struck birds provides clues to avian attractants at airports.Barden, M., G. Berhnardt, D. Slate and A. Pomeroy. 2004. …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:22:00
Fifty years of airfield grass management in the UK.Deacon, N. and B. Rochard. 2000. Fifty years of airfield …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:20:00
Document 902Hunt F.R. 1976. The probability of bird-aircraft collisions based on …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:20:00
Influence of Land use on bird mobility, a case study on Eindhoven airport 1998/1999.de Hoon, L.J.M. and L.S. Buurma. 2000. Influence of Land …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:18:00
Document 1076Lehmkuhl, H. 1996. An aviation insurers view of the situation …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:18:00
Bird harassment, repellent and deterrent techniques for use on and near airports: A synthesis of airport practiceBelant, J.L. and J.A. Martin. 2011. Bird harassment, repellent and …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:16:00
Introduction to the WSR-88D (NEXRAD) for Ornithological Research.Diehl, R.H. and R.P. Larkin. 2005. Introduction to the WSR-88D …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:16:00
Evaluation of gull control program at Tower Landfill, Denver, Colorado May 1992-31 December 2001.Davis, R.A. and T.J. Davis. 2002. Evaluation of gull control …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:14:00
Document 894Houghton, E.W.; F. Blackwell, M. Ogilvie and T.A. Wilmot. 1975. …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:14:00
Document 1043LaHam, Q.N. 1968. Progress Report on Research into Amnio Acid …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:12:00
Document 1174McAtee, W.L. and S.E. Piper. 1936. Excluding2018/02/282018-02-28 17:12:00
Document 1305Pennell, C. and P. Rolston. 2010. The potential of specialty …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:10:00
Document 522DeFusco, R.P., M. Hovan, J. Harper and K. Heppard. 2005. …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:10:00
Document 1690Unknown 1975. No Title Given. Proceedings of the Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:08:00
Predictions of the 1974 spring Snow Goose migration at Winnipeg International Airport.Blokpoel, H. and M.C. Gauthier. 1975. Predictions of the 1974 …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:08:00
Just when you thought you knew your target species, look what happened to us!Bennet, D.G. 2009. Just when you thought you knew your …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:06:00
Analysis and classification of bird flight and echo data obtained by radar.Blackwell, F., T.A.W. Wilmot and E.W. Houghton. 1974. Analysis and …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:06:00
Document 1652Tianhao, W. 1996. Bird Strike Prevention in China. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:04:00
Thermal imaging. A new remote sensing technique for nocturnal wildlife studies.Buurma, L. S. 1988. Thermal imaging. A new remote sensing …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:04:00
Bird Strikes.Boeing. 2013. Bird Strikes. 777 Flight Crew Training Manual FCT …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:02:00
Document 963Keil, W. 1979b. Experiences with the birdstrike regulations of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:02:00
Document 753Gorenzel, W.P., B.F. Blackwell, G.D. Simmons, T.P. Salmon, and R.A. …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:00:00
Recent developments in the use of flight control to repel birds from airports.Ballinger, K.E., M.K. Gilmore and R.W. Price. 1999. Recent developments …2018/02/282018-02-28 17:00:00
Monofilament lines repel house sparrows from feeding sites.Aguero, D.A., R.J. Johnson and K.M. Eskridge. 1991. Monofilament lines …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:58:00
Document 1371Robijn. 1973. The Use of Regression in Forcasting Bird Migration, …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:58:00
Threats and prevention methods to avoid bird strikes at the Deblin Military Airfield, Poland.Cwiklak, J. 2015. Threats and prevention methods to avoid bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:56:00
Document 763Green, J.E. 1981. The control of mammal problems at Canadian …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:56:00
Document 908Hunt, F.R. 1975. Automatic Warning of Hazardous Bird Conditions. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:54:00
Document 1127Lucid, V.J. and R.S. Slack. 1979. Handbook on bird management …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:54:00
Eurobase, progress report and first impressions on bird speciesDekker, A. H. van Gasteren and J. Shamoun-Baranes. 2003. Eurobase, …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:52:00
Bird control program for the proposed solid waste disposal authority landfill, City of Huntsville, Limestone County, Alabama.Davis, R.A. 1992. Bird control program for the proposed solid …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:52:00
Document 1760Weitz, H. 2000. New mowing machines for grassland management on …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:50:00
Bird Observations at Zurich Airport.Bruderer, B. 1978. Bird Observations at Zurich Airport. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:50:00
Document 1073Leeming, G. H. 1984a. Military Aircraft Birdstrike Analysis 1981. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:48:00
Document 929Jacoby, V. E. 1976. Migrating Birds and Their Danger to …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:48:00
Bird dispersal techniques.Booth, T.W. 1994. Bird dispersal techniques. Pages 19-23 In: The …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:46:00
Le Bird Strike Committee Europe Et Les Organisations Internationales.Dallo, E. 1978. Le Bird Strike Committee Europe Et Les …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:46:00
A review of falconry as a bird-hazing technique.Erickson, W.A., R.E. Marsh and T.P. Salmon. 1990. A review …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:44:00
Document 1724Vice Chairman. 1978a. Garbage Dumps in the Vicinity of Airports …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:44:00
Document 1761Weitz, H. 2003. Rooks (Corvus frugilegus) at Giebelstadt US Army …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:42:00
2012. A decade in retrospect (2000-2012): Statewide and community involvement to reduce wildlife hazards at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport.Bowie, R.M. 2012. A decade in retrospect (2000-2012): Statewide and community …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:42:00
Mapping the Birdstrike Risk.Becker, J. 1990. Mapping the Birdstrike Risk. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:40:00
Bird/aircraft hazards at airports near solid waste disposal sites.Davidson, G.R. Jr, T.V. Degeare Jr, T.J. Sorg and R.M. …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:40:00
Document 1250Neveux, C. 1986. Resistance of Windscreen to Bird Impact During …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:38:00
Document 849Hild, J. 1973. Procedure of Bird-Strike-Warning, Forecast and Advisory in Germany. …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:38:00
Vegetation management approaches for reducing wildlife-aircraft collisions.Barras, S.C. and T. W. Seamans. 2002. Vegetation management approaches for …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:36:00
Document 960Keil, W. 1971b. Exchange of Information About Bird Strikes. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:36:00
Qualifications for wildlife biologist conducting wildlife hazard assessments and training curriculums for airport personnel involved in controlling wildlife hazards on airports.O’Donnell, M.J. 2011. Qualifications for wildlife biologist conducting wildlife hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:34:00
Document 1201Miller, G.W. and R.A. Davis. 1990. Monitoring of a gull …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:34:00
Document 1267Nohara, T.J., R.C. Beason and P. Weber. 2011. Using radar …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:32:00
Document 1103LGL Limited. 1987. (Title page missing – BFI Niagara Falls …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:32:00
Document 719Froneman, A. 2005. Conservation & industry strategic partnerships – a …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:30:00
Document 1697van Belle, J., M. Maan, H. van Gasteren and L.S. …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:30:00
Inner Thames Estuary Airport: Summary and Decision PaperAirport Commission. 2014. Inner Thames Estuary Airport: Summary and Decision …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:28:00
Synopsis of the Organisation and Activity of the B.S.C. Belgium in 1974-1975.Boomans, J.K. 1975. Synopsis of the Organisation and Activity of …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:28:00
Document 1193Merritt, R.L. 1992. A simple risk model for assessing bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:26:00
Document 1278Ostergaard, D.E. 1981. Use of monofilament fishing2018/02/282018-02-28 16:26:00
Document 1765Westlake, R.D. 1977. Hawker Siddeley HS 125 Series 600B G-BCUX …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:24:00
Visible Bird Migration and Weather.Alerstam, T. 1974. Visible Bird Migration and Weather. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:24:00
The Hazard Posed to Aircraft by Birds.Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB). 2003. The Hazard Posed to …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:22:00
Grazing repellency o fmethyl anthranilate to snow geese is enhanced by a visual cue.Mason, J.R. and L. Clark. 1996. Grazing repellency o fmethyl …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:22:00
Document 1089Leshem, Y. 1996. Establishment of an International Center for the …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:20:00
Document 1649Thorpe, J. and R. van Wessum. 1986b. Bird Strikes During …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:20:00
Document 1275Oliveira, H. 2012. What prevents implementing integrated bird hazard management …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:18:00
Document 918International Civil Aviation Organisation. 1991. Airport Seavices Manual (part 3): Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:18:00
Document 1586Swift, B. 2000. Suburban goose management: Insights from New York …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:16:00
Document 1457Searing, G.F. and M.W. Demarchi. 1994. Progress report on the …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:16:00
Document 928Jacoby V. E. 1998. Analysis of the bird-strikes to ex-soviet …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:14:00
The European database of military bird strikes from proposal to reality.Dekker, A. and Buurma, L. S. 1992. The European database …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:14:00
Cooperative Efforts to Reduce Wildlife Strike Hazards at Westover Air Reserve Base, Chicopee, MA.Cozine, M. 2006. Cooperative Efforts to Reduce Wildlife Strike Hazards …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:12:00
Bird strikes in courts: The Genoa case.Battistoni, V. 2002. Bird strikes in courts: The Genoa case. …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:12:00
Contact Persons Regarding Bird Strike Work.BSCE Chairman 1990. Contact Persons Regarding Bird Strike Work. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:10:00
Birdweight and aircraft speed in birdstrike statistics.Buurma, L. S. 1982. Birdweight and Aircraft Speed in Birdstrike …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:10:00
An integrated approach to the management of urban Canada Goose depredations.Fairaizl, S.D. 1992. An integrated approach to the management of …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:08:00
Document 1101LGL Limited. 1974. Bald Eagles at Port Hardy Airport. Final …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:08:00
Document 1622Thorpe, J. 1988. Bird Avoidance. Proceedings of the International Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:06:00
Document 1110Lind, H. 1978. The Identification of Bird Remains as Part …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:06:00
An Inside Look at Bird Ingestion Engine Certification Standards for Commercial and Business Jet Engines.Demers, C. and L. McVey. 2015. An Inside Look at …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:04:00
Document 1414Satheesan, S. and M. Satheesan. 2000. Serious vulture hits to …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:04:00
Properties of the Auditory System in Birds and the Effectiveness of Acoustic Scaring Signals.Beuter, K. J. and R. Weiss. 1986. Properties of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:02:00
Document 1619Thorpe, J. 1984. Analysis of Bird Strikes Reported. European Airlines …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:02:00
Interactions Between Wildlife and Civil Aircraft in Mississippi.Drey, K.M., J.A. Martin,  J.L. Belant, T.L. DeVault and B.F. …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:00:00
Document 831Herricks, E.E. et al. 2005. A Report of Technical Results …2018/02/282018-02-28 16:00:00
Document 1606Thomson, B. 2007. A cost effective grassland management strategy to …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:58:00
Document 1206Miller, L.A., J. Rhyan and G. Killian. 2004. GonaCon, a …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:58:00
Surgical sterilization as a method of reducing coyote predation on domestic sheep.Bromley, C. and E.M. Gese. 2001.  Surgical sterilization as a method …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:56:00
Minutes of the 29th Meeting.Bird Strike Committee Canada. 1998b. Minutes of the 29th Meeting. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:56:00
Document 1257Nikolaidis, E.D. 2005. Bird strikes in Greece – 2001 civil …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:54:00
Document 1779Wilmoth, W.F., C. Rossi and M.A. Linnell. 2001. Wildlife hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:54:00
Document 1444Seamans, T.W., S.E. Clemons and A.L. Gosser. 2009. Observations of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:52:00
Falconry, model aircraft used to reduce bird-strike hazards.Briot, J.L. 1984. Falconry, model aircraft used to reduce bird-strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:52:00
The perspectives of the Air Line Pilots Association on strikes of wildlife by aircraft.Eschenfelder, P.F. 1999. The perspectives of the Air Line Pilots …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:50:00
Document 1694Unknown. 1979. US initiatives in bird hazard reduction. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:50:00
Document 1433Seamans, T. W., C. D. Lovell, R. A. Dolbeer, and …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:48:00
Document 728Gauthier, G. and J. Bedard. 1991. Experimental tests of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:48:00
The nordic bird strike advisory group – a short presentation.Aas, C.K., P-G. Bentz and O. Stenman. 2003. The nordic …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:46:00
Document 1185Mead, H., and A.W. Carter. 1973. The management of long …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:46:00
A decade of U.S. Air Force bat strikes.Peurach, S.C., C.J. Dove and L. Stepko. 2009. A decade …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:44:00
Document 1751Washburn, B.E., T.G. Barnes and J.D. Sole. 2000. Improving northern …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:44:00
Document 970Kelly, T. A., R. Merritt, R. White, A. Smith and …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:42:00
Document 1411Sanche, J. 1978. Working Paper on the Operational Use of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:42:00
Document 838Hild, J. 1988. First ICAO Bird Hazard Reduction Workshop Mexico …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:40:00
Document 746Good, H.B. and D.M. Johnson. 1978. Non-lethal blackbird roost control. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:40:00
Distribution patterns of raptors in relation to density of meadow voles.Baker, J. A., and R. J Brooks. 1981. Distribution patterns of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:38:00
Document 939Jacoby, V.E. and V.A. Goryachev. 1974. Analysis of Bird Strikes …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:38:00
Resident Canada Geese in agricultural southern Ontario.Canadian Wildlife Service. 1997. Resident Canada Geese in agricultural southern …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:36:00
Document 1163Mason, J.R. and T. Primus. 1996. Response of European starlings …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:36:00
Red-tailed Hawk translocation for reducing collisions with aircraft.Bruggeman, M.R. 2000. Red-tailed Hawk translocation for reducing collisions with …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:34:00
Document 731Gauthreaux, S. Jr and C. Belser. 1999. ‘Reply » to displays …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:34:00
Document 1627Thorpe, J. 1992. Serious bird strikes to civil aircraft 1989-1991. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:32:00
Addendum to Aerodrome Measures Book. Some Measures Used in Different Countries For Reduction of Bird Strike Risk Around the Airport.Brough, T. 1988. Addendum to Aerodrome Measures Book. Some Measures …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:32:00
Presentation of a Book Covering All Aspects of Bird Problem for Aviation.Blokpoel, H. 1973. Presentation of a Book Covering All Aspects …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:30:00
Document 261Brasil, J.P. 1997. ?The Brazilian Bird Strike Reduction Program?. Paper …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:30:00
Document 1356Rice, M., B. Washburn, R. Swearingin, C. Pullins and T. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:28:00
Document 842Hild, J. 1970. Ecological Research Airbase Decimomannu/Sardinia. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:28:00
The avian hazard advisory system.Kelly, T.A., R. Merritt, T.J. Donalds and R.L. WHite. 1999. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:26:00
Current Work on the Problem of Collisions Between Birds and Aircraft in Sweden.Alerstam, T. and J. Karlsson. 1976. Current Work on the …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:26:00
Seasonality of bird strikes: Towards a behavioural explanation.Kelly, T.C., R. Bolger, M.J.A. O’Callaghan and P.D. Bourke. 2001. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:41
Effectiveness of Gas Cannons on the Bird Community at Sydney Airport.Hutchinson, A. 2001. Effectiveness of Gas Cannons on the Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:41
Avian foraging behaviors and habitat manipulation at Portland International Airport.Lamb, J.M. 2001. Avian foraging behaviors and habitat manipulation at …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:40
Birds and Flight Safety Awareness in the Middle East and Africa – A Test Case.Lessham, Y. and E. Sheirmeister. 2001. Birds and Flight Safety …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:40
German Bird Strike Statistics.Morgenroth-Branczyk, C. 2001. German Bird Strike Statistics. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:39
Wildlife Management Training – What Are You Doing?Ostrom, J.E. 2001. Wildlife Management Training – What Are You …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:39
Bird Strike Risk Forecasting: A Modelling Approach.Ruhe, W. 2001. Bird Strike Risk Forecasting: A Modelling Approach. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:38
Bird Deterrence at Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS) Poles.Schwartz, J. and T. Kays. 2001. Bird Deterrence at Low …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:37
Factors Influencing the Incidence of Bird-strikes at Melbourne Airport, 1986-2000.Steele, W.K. 2001. Factors Influencing the Incidence of Bird-strikes at …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:36
A review of deer control devices intended for use on airports.Seamans, T.W. 2001. A review of deer control devices intended …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:36
Designing a Terminal Area Bird Detection and Monitoring System Based on ASR-9 Data.Troxel, S., M. Isaminger, B. Karl, M. Weber and A. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:36
A Revolution in Wildlife Management.Winfield, G. 2001. A Revolution in Wildlife Management. Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:35
Management of bird and other wildlife hazards at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, Nepal.Upadhyaya, B.K. and R.A. Dolbeer. 2001. Management of bird and …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:35
Nocturnal Bird-Avoidance Modeling with Mobile-Marine Radar.Zakrajsek, E.J., and J.A. Bissonette. 2001. Nocturnal Bird-Avoidance Modeling with …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:34
An Analysis of Deer Strikes with Civil Aircraft, USA, 1982-2000.Wright, S.E. 2001. An Analysis of Deer Strikes with Civil …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:34
Evaluation of Electrobraid fencing as a deer barrier.Seamans, T.W., Z.J. Patton and K.C. VerCauteren. 2002. Evaluation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:34
Bird strikes with turbofan engines: is there a light-induced bias to left or right position?Barnes, W.J. and R.A. Dolbeer. 2015. Bird strikes with turbofan …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:33
Validating digital avian radar using visual techniques.Beason, R.C., C.O. Bowser and T.J. Nohara. 2013. Validating digital …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:33
Managing earthworm casts (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in turfgrass using a natual byproduct of tea oil (Camellia sp.) manufacture.Potter, D.A., C.T. Redmond, K.M. Meepagala and D.W. Williams. 2010. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:33
High return rates for relocated Red-tailed Hawks: Preliminary findings at Portland International Airport.Fukuda, J. and C. Hallett. 2000. High return rates for …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:32
Deer management at airports: A case study.Glass, J.H. 2000. Deer management at airports: A case study. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:21
Utility of TDWR and ASR-9 data to mitigate bird strikes at commercial airports.Isaminger, M.A. and M.E. Weber. 2000. Utility of TDWR and …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:20
Management of Silver Gulls to prevent bird strikes at Sydney Airport.Hutchinson, A. 2000. Management of Silver Gulls to prevent bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:20
The avian hazard advisory system (AHAS): Operational use of weather radar for reducing bird strike risk in North America.Kelly, T.A., R. Merritt, A. Smith, M. Howera and R. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:19
Reducing the presence of raptors at Kansas City International Airport.Johnson, R. and D. McMurtry. 2000. Reducing the presence of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:19
Bird strike trends and bird harassment efforts in China.Jun, Z.M. 2000. Bird strike trends and bird harassment efforts …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:19
Use of radar systems at commercial airports for bird strike hazard identification.Merrit, R. and T.A. Kelly. 2000. Use of radar systems …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:18
Dispersal of soaring raptors using radio-controlled aircraft.Loud, M. 2000. Dispersal of soaring raptors using radio-controlled aircraft. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:18
Wildlife management tools-What’s in your toolbox?Ostrom, J.E. 2000. Wildlife management tools-What’s in your toolbox?. Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:17
The use of border collies to disperse birds at Southwest Florida International Airport.O’rick, B.D. 2000. The use of border collies to disperse …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:17
Using a “Sonic Net” to deter pest bird species: Excluding European Starlings from food sources by disrupting their acoustic communication.Mahjour, G., M.K. Hinders and J.P. Swaddle. 2015. Using a …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:16
A sonic net excludes birds from an air field: implications for reducing bird strike and crop losses.Swaddle, J.P., D.L. Moseley, M.K. Hinders and E.P. Smith. 2016. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:15
Applying an SMS approach to wildlife hazard management.DeFusco, R.P, E.T. Unangst Jr., T.R. Cooley and J.M. Landry. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:15
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Migratory Bird Permits and Airports.Bulander, M.J. 2001. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Migratory Bird Permits …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:14
The International Bird Strike Committee: From European to global activities.Buurma, L. 2001. The International Bird Strike Committee: From European …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:14
Trapping feral pigeons.Bull, J.O. 1970. Trapping feral pigeons. Proceedings of the Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:14
Bird strike prevention: Bottom-up, top-down and the Canadian connection between the old and the new world.Buurma, L. 2008. Bird strike prevention: Bottom-up, top-down and the …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:13
Nicarbazin as a reproductive inhibitor for resident Canada Geese: The Oregon field study.Bynum, K.S., J.D. Eisemann, J.R. Wick, L.A. Miller and K.R. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:13
Raptors, rodents and rare weather: Managing increased migratory raptor populations at McConnell AFB, Kansas.Caister, L. 2009. Raptors, rodents and rare weather: Managing increased …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:12
Bird habitat use and bird-aircraft strikes at Beale Air Force Base, California.Cain, J.W.III, D.M. Queheillalt, M.L. Morrison and K. Christopherson. 2004. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:12
You can’t progress… or can you?Caister, L. 2011. You can’t progress… or can you? Joint …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:03
A Decade of Change for the Israeli Air Force.Carter, N. 2011. A Decade of Change for the Israeli …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:03
A review of the use and the effects of marks and devices on birds.Calvo, B. and R.W. Furness. 1992. A review of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:03
ICAO Document 9137 New and Improved.Carter, N. 2011. ICAO Document 9137 New and Improved. Joint …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:02
All Birds Are Not Created Equal: Risk Assessment and Prioritization of Wildlife Hazards at Airfields.Carter, N.B. 2001. All Birds Are Not Created Equal: Risk …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:01
The use of Border Collies in avian and wildlife control programs.Carter, N.B. 2001.The use of Border Collies in avian and …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:01
Beyond the Fence: Lessons Learned from Flight 1549.Carter, N.B. 2009. Beyond the Fence: Lessons Learned from Flight …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:00
A paradigm shift in bird strike prevention by the Israeli Air Force.Carter, N.B. and E. Cohen. 2002. A paradigm shift in …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:25:00
SMS and Bird/Wildlife Management Programs.Carter, N.B. and S.H. Cardoso. 2008. SMS and Bird/Wildlife Management …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:59
Bird Hazards.Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand. 2003. Bird Hazards. GAP …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:59
Emergency wildlife management response to protect evidence associated with the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, New York City.Chipman, R.B., K.J. Preusser, J.T. Gansowski, C.P. Cranker III, D.P. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:59
BSTAR avian surveillance and warning system.Clark, B. 2011. BSTAR avian surveillance and warning system. Joint …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:58
L-band avian radar performance at NAS Whidbey Island.Clark, B., S. Ryan and A. Breazzano. 2010. L-band avian …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:58
Effectiveness of chemical repellents in managing birds at airports.Clark, L. and M.L. Avery. 2013. Effectiveness of chemical repellents …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:57
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States, 1990–2005.Cleary, E. C., R. A. Dolbeer, and S. E. Wright. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:57
Wildlife strikes to civilian aircraft in the United States 1990-1999.Cleary, E.C., S.E. Wright and R.A. Dolbeer. 2000. Wildlife strikes …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:57
The Geese of Queens: Movement and Management of Canada Geese in Relation to New York City Airports.Clemons, S.E., A.L. Gosser, M.S. Lowney and T.J. Seamans. 2008. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:56
Evaluation and Mitigation of Bird Hazards in Ex-Vaso de Texcoco: The proposed site of a new international airport for Mexico City.Cleary, E.C. 2002. Evaluation and Mitigation of Bird Hazards in …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:56
Birds in the Vicinity of the Airport.Coleman, E. 2011. Birds in the Vicinity of the Airport. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:55
Integrating Wildlife Hazard Management into a Safety Management System (SMS).Clifton, W. 2011. Integrating Wildlife Hazard Management into a Safety …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:55
Outreach and communication within and among entities.Cooke, G.W. 2013. Outreach and communication within and among entities. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:43
Risk Fauna Management In Mexico: Accomplishments in ASA airports.Colunga, M., J. Garcia-Burgos, A. Ortiz and N. Fernandez-Buces. 2011. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:43
Impact of consuming tall fescue seeds infected with the endophytic fungus, Meotyphodium coenophialum, on reporduction of chickens.Conover, M.R. 2003. Impact of consuming tall fescue seeds infected …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:43
Estimation of the number of pre-1990 birdstrikes in the U.S.Cottrell, W.D. 2010. Estimation of the number of pre-1990 birdstrikes …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:42
Canada Goose population management at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International and Downtown St. Paul airports.Cooper, J.A. 2002. Canada Goose population management at the Minneapolis-St. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:42
The wildlife hazard control tour of BWI: Results of five-years of cooperative efforts between Maryland Aviation Administration and USDA, Wildlife Services.Cross, K. 2004. The wildlife hazard control tour of BWI: …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:41
Evaluation of dimethyl and methyl anthranilate as a Canada goose repellent on grass.Cummings, J. L., J. R. Mason, D. L. Otis, and …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:41
Translocating Common Nighthawks at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas to reduce aircraft strikes.Cummings, J.L., P.A. Pochop, J.E. Davis and D.L. York. 2002. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:40
Social media, bird strikes, and aviation safety policy.Curtis, T. 2009. Social media, bird strikes, and aviation safety …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:39
Techniques for reducing bird use at Nanticok Landfill near E.A. Link Airport, Broom County, New York.Curtis, P.D., C.R. Smith, W. Evans. 1993. Techniques for reducing …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:39
Approaches to wildlife management in aviation.McKee, J., P. Shaw, A. Dekker and K. Patrick. 2016. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:38
Wildlife translocation as a management alternative at airports.Curtis, P.D., J.D. Cepek, R. Mihalco, T.W. Seamans, and S.R. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:38
The Ornithological Situation of Military Airfield in Deblin in the Context of Bird Strikes.Cwiklak, J., M. Grzegorzewski, S. Krop, I. Kitowski, M. Curie-Skłodowska …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:38
Improving the DNA Identification Success Rate of Birdstrike Remains through Better Field Collecting Methods.Dahlan, F., C.J. Dove and M. Heacker. 2008. Improving the …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:37
Evaluation of Wildlife Warning Reflectors for Altering White-Tailed Deer Behavior Along Roadways.D’Angelo, G.J., J.G. D’Angelo, G.R. Gallagher, D.A. Osborn, K.V. Miller …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:37
Multi-engine bird strikes to turbine powered aircraftCleary, E. 2004. Multi-engine bird strikes to turbine powered aircraft. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:37
Personal Liability in the Aftermath of Birdstrikes: A Costly Consideration.Dale, L.A.. 2008. Personal Liability in the Aftermath of Birdstrikes: …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:36
Florida BASH: An Integrated Management Approach from the Ground Up.Daniel, M., C. Kara, J. Fontenot, J. Hairston, B. Constantin, …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:36
A Population of Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallapavo sylvestris) in relation to air traffic hazards at Pease International Airport.DeButts, A., M. Barden, P. Pekins and Mark Ellingwood. 2008. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:35
Bird control plan for the Atascocita Recycling and Disposal Facitity, Humble, Texas.Davis, R.A. and G.W. Miller. 2004. Bird control plan for …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:35
Toward an integrated North American bird avoidance system: Organizational and technology update.DeFusco, R.P. 2004. Toward an integrated North American bird avoidance …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:26
Resurrecting the North American Bird Strike Advisory System strategic plan.DeFusco, R.P. 2009. Resurrecting the North American Bird Strike Advisory …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:25
Comparison of Non-Lethal versus Lethal Control Methods for Red-Tailed Hawks and Other Bird Species at the Waste Management Outer Loop Recycling And Disposal Facility, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.DeFusco, R.P., K.M. Mieczkowski and C.L. Quillen. 2008. Comparison of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:25
Raptors on three RNLAF airbases, Numbers, strikes, trapping and relocation.Dekker, A. 2009. Raptors on three RNLAF airbases, Numbers, strikes, …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:24
The Bird Strike Risk, To Be Countered or Contained?Dekker, A. 2008. The Bird Strike Risk, To Be Countered …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:24
Bird strike prevention Version 3.x.Dekker, A.. H. van Gasteren and I. Both. 2011. Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:23
Large Air Transport Jet Engine Design Considerations for Large and for Flocking Bird Encounters.Demers, C. 2009. Large Air Transport Jet Engine Design Considerations …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:23
Re-examining airport land use from a wildlife and economic perspective: What are the options?DeVault, T. 2009. Re-examining airport land use from a wildlife …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:22
Accidents and incidentsAir Safety Week. 2004. Accidents and incidents. 18:10.2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:22
Wildlife in Airport Environments: Preventing Animal-Aircraft Collisions through Science-Based Management.DeVault, T.L., B.F. Blackwell, and J.L. Belant, editors. 2013. Wildlife …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:21
The history of wildlife strikes and management at airportsDolbeer, R.A. 2013. The history of wildlife strikes and management …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:21
Identification and management of wildlife food resources at airports.DeVault, T.L., and B.E. Washburn. 2013. Identification and management of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:21
Population management to reduce the risk of wildlife-aircraft collisions.Dolbeer, R.A. and A.B. Franklin. 2013. Population management to reduce …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:20
Radar technology to monitor hazardous birds at airports.Gauthreaux, S.A. and P.M.Schmidt. 2013. Radar technology to monitor hazardous …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:19
Tactile and auditory repellents to reduce wildlife hazards to aircraft.Seamans, T.W., J.A. Martin, and J.L. Belant. 2013. Tactile and …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:19
Wildlife conservation and alternative land uses at airports.Martin, J.A., T.J. Conkling, J.L. Belant, K.M. Biondi, B.F. Blackwell, …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:19
Excluding mammals from airports.VerCauteren, K.C., M. Lavelle, and T.W. Seamans. 2013. Excluding mammals …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:18
Managing turfgrass to reduce wildlife hazards at airports.Washburn, B.E. and T.W. Seamans. 2013. Managing turfgrass to reduce …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:18
Effects of vehicle speed on flight initiation by Turkey Vultures feeding on roads.DeVault, T.L., B.F. Blackwell, T.W. Seamans, S.L. Lima and E. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:17
Bird use of solar arrays at airports.DeVault, T.L., T.W. Seamans, J.A. Schmidt, B.F. Blackwell, L.A. Tyson, …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:17
Development and maintenance of airport wildlife hazard mitigation website for the FAA and its use as a communication tool.Dickey, A.M. and A.R. Newman. 2002. Development and maintenance of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:08
Why we need to compare wildlife strike data among airports to improve aviation safety.Dolbeer, R.A and M. Begier. 2011. Why we need to …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:07
Wildlife management and bird control: a visit of John F
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Proceedings Wildlife Hazards to Aircraft Conference and Training Workshop.Harrison, M.J.,  S. A Gauthreaux, Jr., and L.A. Abron-Robinson (editors.). …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:07
Avoiding serios bird strike incidents.Harrison, M.J. 1984. Avoiding serios bird strike incidents. Pages 9-12. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:06
Birds and Aviation.Solman, V.E.F. 1984. Birds and Aviation. Pages 1-8. In: M.J. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:06
Accidents and serious incidents to civil aircraft due to birdstrikes.Thorpe, J. 1984. Accidents and serious incidents to civil aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:05
Don’t fowl out.Schultz, H.A. 1984. Don’t fowl out. Pages 13-24. In: M.J. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:05
Analysis of bird strikes reported by European airlines 1976-1980.Thorpe, J. 1984. Analysis of bird strikes reported by European …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:04
1983 Air Force bird strikes.Kull, R.C. Jr. 1984. 1983 Air Force bird strikes. Pages …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:04
Worldwide birdstrike statistics of Lufthansa German Airlines.Hild, J. 1984. Worldwide birdstrike statistics of Lufthansa German Airlines. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:03
Birds and engine strike rates.Solman, V.E.F. 1984. Birds and engine strike rates. Pages 71-76. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:03
Aircraft transparency bird impact analysis using the magna computer program.McCarty, R.E.. 1984. Aircraft transparency bird impact analysis using the …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:02
Review of engine ingestions to wide body transport aircraft.Harrison, M.J. 1984. Review of engine ingestions to wide body …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:02
Microscopic identification of feathers in order to improve birdstrike statistics.Brom, T.G.. 1984. Microscopic identification of feathers in order to …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:01
Bird impact evaluation of the F/RF-4 transparency system.Simmons, R. and G.J. Stenger. 1984. Bird impact evaluation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:01
The use of small mobile radars to detect, monitor, and quantify bird movements.Gauthreaux, S. 1984. The use of small mobile radars to …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:01
On the altitudinal distribution of birds and bird strikes in the Netherlands.Buurma, L.S.. 1984. On the altitudinal distribution of birds and …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:00
Effects of interrupted light on birds.Belton P. 1976. Effects of interrupted light on birds. National …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:00
Document 1396Ruhe, W. 2004. United States Alaska Bird Avoidance Model (Alaska-BAM) …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:24:00
Blackbirds and starlings: population ecology and habitats related to airport environments.Dolbeer, R.A. 1984. Blackbirds and starlings: population ecology and habitats …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:23:59
Cattle Egret hazard assessment.Will, T.J. 1984. Cattle Egret hazard assessment. Pages 161-170. In: …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:23:59
Document 1335Predmore, S. 2006. Keynote Address. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada 8th Annual Meeting, …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:22:00
State of affairs concerning the birdstrike warning system in Central System.Becker, J. 1992. State of affairs concerning the birdstrike warning …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:22:00
Wildlife fertility control: technical review.Fagerstone, K.A., M.A. Coffey, P.D. Curtis, R.A. Dolbeer, G.J. Killian, …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:20:00
The interspecificity of distress calls.Baxter, A.T., J.C. Bell, J.R. Allen and J. Fairclough. 1999. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:20:00
Methyl anthranilate formulations repel gulls and mallards from water.Belant, J.L., S.W. Gabrey, R.A. Dolbeer, and T.W. Seamans. 1995. Methyl  …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:18:00
Document 1038Kuyk, F. 1981. Distribution Patterns of Gulls Around Schiphol Airport …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:18:00
The use of falconry as mean to persuade the birds to stay out of the airport vicinityLaty, M.. 1984. The use of falconry as mean to …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:45
Birds on airports: The reason for their presence.Laty, M. 1984. Birds on airports: The reason for their …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:45
Deer control using 7 strand vertical fence.Smith, D. and D. Kearly. 1984. Deer control using 7 …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:44
Contrrol of mammals at airports.Novakowski, N.S.. 1984. Contrrol of mammals at airports. Pages 183-186. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:44
Airport site selection and design.Thurlow, W.J. 1984. Airport site selection and design. Pages 189-194. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:43
Inexpensive multipurpose landscaping.Gilgulin, U. 1984. Inexpensive multipurpose landscaping. Pages 207-208. In: M.J. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:42
Landscape management of airports for reduction of bird populations.Hild, J. 1984. Landscape management of airports for reduction of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:41
Reducing gull use of some attractions near airports.Solman, V.E.F. 1984. Reducing gull use of some attractions near …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:41
FAA policy regarding solid waste disposal facilities.Harrison, M.. 1984. FAA policy regarding solid waste disposal facilities. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:40
Airport bird hazards associated with solid waste disposal facilities.Lake, D.W. 1984. Airport bird hazards associated with solid waste …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:40
Successful control of gulls and other birds at a sanitary landfill.Southern, W.E. and L.K. Southern. 1984. Successful control of gulls …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:39
Effectiveness of an overhead wire barrier in deterring gulls from feeding at a sanitary landfill.McLaren, M., R.E. Harris and W.J. Richardson. 1984. Effectiveness of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:39
Effectiveness of an overhead wire barrier system in reducing gull use at the BFI Jedburg Sanitary Landfill, Berkeley and Dorchester counties, South Carolina.Forsythe, D.M. and T.W. Austin. 1984. Effectiveness of an overhead …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:38
Development of bird hazard reduction for airport operational safety.Reznick, K. 1984. Development of bird hazard reduction for airport …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:38
Evaluation of effectiveness of bird-scaring operations at a sanitary landfill site near CFB Trenton, Ontario, Canada.Risley, C. and H. Blokpoel. 1984. Evaluation of effectiveness of …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:38
The bird strike situation and its ecological background in the Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup.Dahl, H. 1984.The bird strike situation and its ecological background …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:37
Bird control program – Orlando International Airport.Gonzalez, E.T. 1984. Bird control program – Orlando International Airport. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:37
Staff assistance to bases for bird hazards.Kull, R.C. 1984. Staff assistance to bases for bird hazards. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:36
Bird strike avoidance system for Dover AFB, Delaware.DeSaulniers, P. 1984. Bird strike avoidance system for Dover AFB, …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:36
Bird Strike Committee Europe.Dahl, H. 1984. Bird Strike Committee Europe. Pages 315-318. In: …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:17:35
Document 947Johnsen, A. and C.K. Aas. 2012. Using DNA barcoding to …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:16:00
Document 1116Linnell, M.A., M.R. Conover and T.J. Ohashi. 1997. Use of an …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:16:00
Mammalian hazards at small airports in Indiana: impact of perimeter fencing.DeVault, T.L., J.E. Kubel, D.J. Glista and O.E. Rhodes Jr. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:14:00
Final report WE@SEA project ROBIN Lite bird radar development aimed at maritime bird migration monitoring.Borst, A. 2008. Final report WE@SEA project ROBIN Lite bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:14:00
Nonlethal bird repellents: In search of a general model relating repellency and chemical structure.Clark, L. and P.S. Shah. 1991. Nonlethal bird repellents: In …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:12:00
An avian/airport study for standiford airport, Louisville, Kentucky results and management implications.Constantin, B.U. and J.K. Floyd. 1991. An avian/airport study for …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:12:00
Airport bird activity monitoring and mitigation: The Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) approach.Vincenzi, D., D. Ison, B. Terwilliger & S. Kleinke. 2015. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:10:00
Using Whatman FTAå© cards to collect DNA for bird-strike identifications.Dove, C.J., N.F. Dahlan, M.A. Heacker and J.F. Whatton. 2011. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:10:00
Document 1008Koistinen, J. and O. Stenman. 2012. Meteorological forecasting of arctic …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:08:00
Document 1304Pelton, M.R., H.A. Fribourg, J.W. Laundrie and T.D. Reynolds. 1991. Preliminary …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:08:00
Document 813Hartmann, J.W., S.F. Beckerman, T.W. Seamans, R.M. Engeman, and S. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:06:00
Bird movements around airports: A critical issue in the specification of avoidance systems.Buurma, L. S. 1996. Bird movements around airports: A critical …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:06:00
Document 759Grauf, C. 2012. Observing birds at airports ? some considerations …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:04:00
Crash: Sita D228 at Kathmandu on Sep 28th 2012, bird strikeHradecky, S. 2013. Crash: Sita D228 at Kathmandu on Sep …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:04:00
ROBIN, the new bird extractor on RNLAF Long Range Surveillance Radar.Buurma, L. S. and M.W. Ockelorn. 1988. ROBIN, the new …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:02:00
Document 1096Lewis, H.F. 1964. Visit to seven island airport. National Research …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:02:00
Risk Management of Wildlife in Brazil: actions at INFRAERO airports.Barbosa, T,L., L.R. Neves, R. de P. Vilamiu and T.C.C. …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:00:00
Document 772Gunn, W.W.H. 1964. 82nd Meeting of American Ornithologists Union. National …2018/02/282018-02-28 15:00:00
Experimental Control of Earthworms with Terraclor at Vancouver International Airport.Demarchi, M.W. and G.F. Searing. 1997. Experimental Control of Earthworms …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:58:00
Canada goose management at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport.Cooper, J.A. 1991. Canada goose management at the Minneapolis St. …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:58:00
The Central Science Laboratory Birdstrike Research Club.Allan, J.R. 1994. The Central Science Laboratory Birdstrike Research Club. …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:56:00
Results of the Analysis of Birdstrikes to Aeroflot Registered Aircraft for the Period from 1970 to 1979.Efanov, B.N. and E.N. Malakhov. 1981. Results of the Analysis …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:56:00
The behavioral response of birds to commercial aircraft.Kelly, T.C., R. Bolger and M.J.A. O’Callaghan. 1999. The behavioural …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:54:00
Document 1764West, B.C. and T.A Messmer. 1998. Voles. Wildlife Damage Management …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:54:00
Document 789Hansen, M. 1992. A method of identifying bird species from a …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:52:00
Document 1580Su-Aretz, S. and I. Agat. 1979. ? »Reta » repellent at Ben-Gurion …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:52:00
Document 769Guilfoyle, M.P. and R.A. Fischer. 2012. Minimizing bird aircraft strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:50:00
Bird Observation System Semmerzake.Degriek, I. L. T. 1984. Bird Observation System Semmerzake. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:50:00
The use of Border Collies in avian and wildlife control programs.Carter, N.B. 2000. The use of Border Collies in avian and …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:48:00
Document 1037Kuusela, S. and O. Stenman. 1979. Bird control at Helsinki-Vantaa …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:48:00
Resolving bird/aircraft hazards at Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, California.Cummings, J.L., J. Turman and B.V. Archuleta. 2000. Resolving bird/aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:46:00
Document 1677U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:46:00
Document 721Funderud, å. 2012. Maritime low level flying. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:44:00
Environmental assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with the new Gaza International Airport.Davis, R.A. 1996. Environmental assessment of potential bird hazards to …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:44:00
Document 1664Transport Canada. n.d. Template for the development of a airport …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:42:00
Successful actions for avian hazard control in Brazil.Bastos, L.C.M. 2001. Successful actions for avian hazard control in …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:42:00
Document 1090Leshem, Y. 1996. Evaluating the cost of bird-related damage to …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:40:00
Document 1450Searing, G.F. 2004. Wildlife hazard study for Land Force Western …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:40:00
Document 1192Merritt, R. L. 1990. Bird Strikes to U.S Air Force Aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:38:00
Document 858Hild, J. 1978. About Effects of Agricultural and Grassland Use on …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:38:00
Aeronautical studies to determine the spatial movements of hazardous birds.Baxter, A.T. and P. Cropper. 2005. Aeronautical studies to determine the …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:36:00
The use of risk assessment in airport bird control.Allan, J.R. 2001. The use of risk assessment in airport …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:36:00
Summary of Tests Carried Out at the International Ben Gourion Airport (LOD) With « Bird Repellant Reta ».Dar, D. 1976. Summary of Tests Carried Out at the …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:34:00
Document 710Fowler, H.S. 1967. Bird distribution and strike data. National Research …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:34:00
A juridical approach to the problem of bird strike prevention.Battistoni, V. 2000. A juridical approach to the problem of …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:32:00
Fertility control in coyotes:is it a potential management tool?De Liberto, T.J., E.M. Gese, F.F. Knowlton, J.R. Mason, M.R. Conover, …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:32:00
Could avian radar have prevented US Airways Flight 1549’s bird strike?Nohara, T. 2009. Could avian radar have prevented US Airways …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:30:00
Shooting gulls to reduce strikes with aircraft at John. F. Kennedy International Airport, 1991-2001.Dolbeer, R.A., S.C. Barras and R.B. Chipman. 2001. Shooting gulls …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:30:00
Australian Aviation wildlife strike statistics: 2004 to 2013.ATSB Transport Safety Report. 2014. Australian Aviation wildlife strike statistics: …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:28:00
Document 903Hunt, F.R. 1973. Bird density and the Plan Position Indicator. …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:28:00
Assessment of bird strike accident risk using event sequence analysis.Curtis, T. 1996. Assessment of bird strike accident risk using …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:26:00
Document 1582Suaretz, S. 1977. Birdstrike Problems at Ben-Gurion International Airport, LOD, …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:26:00
Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with a proposed new solid waste site – Rankin Inlet, Nunavut.Harris, R.E. and R.A. Davis. 2002. Assessment of potential bird hazards …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:24:00
Document 1239Myres, M.T. 1964. Technical details of radar equipmet detecting birds, …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:24:00
Document 1137Machalek, M.J. and R.J. Taylor. 1991. A bird-aircraft strike hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:22:00
Document 1384Rogachev, A. I. 1982. The Status of Aeronautical Ornithology Problem in …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:22:00
Document 1083Lesham, Y., J. Shamoun Baranes and G.J. Wise. 2000. Flight …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:20:00
Document 996Kingston, R. 1979. Military aircraft birdstrike analysis. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:20:00
Document 1517Smith, M. 2012. Crossing the fence: A unique approach to …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:18:00
Document 1401Ruiz, J. and P. Morera. 1986. Study Structure of Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:18:00
Document 1709Vandel, B. 2003. The bird strike problem in the view …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:16:00
Document 1499Short, J. J. and A.,J. Poulis. 1992. An annotated bibliography …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:16:00
Document 995Kimball, B.A., J.R. Mason, F.S. Blom, J.J. Johnston and D.E. …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:14:00
Document 745Gonzalez, E.T. 1984. Bird Control Program, Orlando International Airport.2018/02/282018-02-28 14:14:00
Evaluation of gull populations expected to use the proposed Niagra Road 12 landfill and potential hazards to aircraft using Grimsby Airpark.Davis, R.A. and G.W. Miller. 1991. Evaluation of gull populations …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:12:00
Document 1674Turesson, L-O. 1986. Index for Database. BSCE Papers and Documents. …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:12:00
Document 1405Ryjov, S.K. 1996. Data of statistical study of bird strikes …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:10:00
Document 804Harris, R.E. and R.A. Davis. 2000. Evaluation of potential bird hazards …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:10:00
Report on recent large bird ingestions into transport turbofan engines.Parker, R. 1999.Report on recent large bird ingestions into transport …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:08:00
Document 1698van der Wielen, P. 1967. Measures to Avoid Birdstrikes During …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:08:00
Construction or establishment of landfills near public airports.Bennett, D.L. 2006. Construction or establishment of landfills near public …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:06:00
Document 1407S.T.N.A 1981. The Airport Problem. Proceedings of the International Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:06:00
Document 1571Stevens, G.R., J. Rogue, R. Weber, and L. Clark. 2000. …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:04:00
Document 854Hild, J. 1976. Birdstrikes, German Air Force. Proceedings of the Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:04:00
Document 1004Klope, M.W., R.C. Beason, T.J. Nohara and M.J. Begier. 2009. Role …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:02:00
Document 1551Speelman, R. J. and R.E. McCarty. 1984. Improvement of Aircraft Windshield …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:02:00
Document 974Kelly, T.A. 1999. Seasonal variation in birdstrike rate for two …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:00:00
Document 713Frank, U. and Brom, T. G. 1992. The diagnostic significance …2018/02/282018-02-28 14:00:00
Exploiting avian vision with aircraft lighting to reduce bird strikes.Blackwell B.F., T.L. DeVault, T.W. Seamans, S.L. Lima, P. Baumhardt …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:58:00
Raptor strike avoidance at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport: a biological approach.Anderson, C. and S. Osmek. 2005. Raptor strike avoidance at …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:58:00
Document 1797Yacoby, V. E. 1988. Radar and Visual Observations of Sea Duck’s …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:56:00
Document 1579Stout, J.F. and E.R. Schwab. 1979. Behavioral control of seaguills …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:56:00
Document 1227Morgenroth, C. 2003. Recommendations for the official approval of gravel excavations …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:54:00
The Use of Border Collies in Avian and Wildlife Control Programs.Carter, N.B. 2000. The Use of Border Collies in Avian and …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:54:00
Mylar flags as gull deterrents.Belant, J.L., and S.K. Ickes. 1997. Mylar flags as gull deterrents. …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:52:00
Document 225Blackwell, F., T.A.W. Wilmot and E.W. Houghton. 1974. Analysis and …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:52:00
Document 1655Tipton, D. and J. Leprid. 2012. Bird aircraft strike simulator …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:50:00
CAP 680 Birdstrike risk management.CAA. 2006. CAP 680 Birdstrike risk management. UK Civilian Aviation Authority. …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:50:00
Birds, planes, and DNA barcoding.Zakharov, E.V. 2014. Birds, planes, and DNA barcoding. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:48:00
Document 678Fall, M.W. and D.E. Schneider. 1968. Pest birds and modern …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:48:00
It’s not about the honey – mitigating airport bird hazards while attracting native pollinators.Trageser, H.L., S.D. Osmek and R. Redmond. 2015. It’s not …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:46:00
Document 1803Yohannes, E. 2003. The role of local weather conditions on the …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:46:00
A quantified species-specific bird hazard index enabling a bird control decision support system.Both, I., H. van Gasteren and A. Dekker. 2010. A …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:44:00
Small mammal populations in Maryland meadows during four years of herbicide (Brominal) applications.Clark, D.R. Jr., C.A. Moulton, J.E. Hines and D.J. Hoffman. …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:44:00
Document 1412Santa Maria Air Force Base. 2008. Measures against Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:42:00
Document 1514Smith, A. E., S. R. Craven, and P. D. Curtis. …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:42:00
Document 1462Seglund, A.E., T. DeLiberto and B. Kimball. 2000. Evaluation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:40:00
Jet aircraft noise and bird strikes: why more birds are being hit.Burger, J. 1983. Jet aircraft noise and bird strikes: why …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:40:00
Document 1039Kwan, C., K. Ho, G. Mei, Y. Li, Z. Ren, …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:38:00
Document 1233Munro, 1963. Falcon trials 24&25 October 1963 Victoria, B.C. Associate …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:38:00
Document 985Kelly, T.C., R. Bolger, M.J.A. O’Callaghan, G. Fennessy, S. Sheehy and …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:36:00
Document 1654Tipton, A.R., J.H. Rappole, A.H. Kane, R.H. Flores, D.B. Johnson, …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:36:00
Document 1689Underhill, M. n.d. Integrated management of urban Canada Geese. In: …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:34:00
Grasses attreactive to hazardous wildlife.Castellano, B. 1998. Grasses attreactive to hazardous wildlife. Certalert No 98-05, …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:34:00
Document 1366Richardson, W.J., and T. West. 2000. Serious birdstrike accidents to …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:32:00
A Real-Time Bird Detection System for Near-Airfield Airspace Utilizing a Thermo-Optical Scanning System.Carter, N.2012. A Real-Time Bird Detection System for Near-Airfield Airspace …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:32:00
Document 1258Nikolaidis, E.D. and V. Koloka. 2005. Bird strike in Hellas …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:30:00
Document 1426Scorer, T. 1988. Prevention is Better than Legal Liability. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:30:00
Bird strikes in courts: the Genoa case.Battistoni, V. 2003. Bird strikes in courts: the Genoa case.  …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:28:00
Document 1449Searing, G.F. 2004. Wildlife hazard study for 19 Wing Comox, …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:28:00
Low-powered lasers: Another non-lethal tool for resolving wildlife damage.Aphis Wildlife Services. 2002. Low-powered lasers: Another non-lethal tool for …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:26:00
Document 1494Short, J. J. 1982. Evaluating the Bird Avoidance Model. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:26:00
Current status of the USAF bird avoidance model (BAM).Defusco, R. 2000. Current status of the USAF bird avoidance model …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:24:00
Document 846Hild, J. 1971. Report About Results of Bird Movement Working Group. …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:24:00
Document 798Harris, R.D. and D. Hatch. 1964. Winnipeg. National Research Council Associate …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:22:00
Document 1740Ward, J.G. 1975. Night acticity of birds near Vancouver International …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:22:00
Document 811Hartmann, G. 2000. Identification guide to bird strike remains under …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:20:00
Developing a geographic information system to manage airport operations and reduce conflicts between…Brown, B.A. and E.E. Herricks. Developing a geographic information system to …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:20:00
Document 885Horton, N. 1994. Aerodrome Birdstrike Statistics – How Useful Can …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:18:00
Bird Observation by the Skyguard Search and Tracking Radar.Becker, J. 1990. Bird Observation by the Skyguard Search and …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:18:00
Document 1362Richardson, W.J. 1994. Serious Birdstrike-Related Accidents to Military Aircraft of …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:16:00
Document 1673Turesson, L-O. 1984. BSCE Data Bank. Proposal for Implementation.. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:16:00
The costs of birdstrikes to commercial aviation.Allan, J. R., and A. P. Orosz. 2001. The costs …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:14:00
Autumn radar study of the coastal migration in western Holland.Buurma, L.S. 1977b. Autumn radar study of the coastal migration …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:14:00
Increase of Efficiency of the Mobile Bio-Acoustic System for Scaring Birds within the Airport area.Efanov, B. 1986. Increase of Efficiency of the Mobile Bio-Acoustic …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:12:00
Document 905Hunt, F.R. 1973. The practical aspects of microwave radiation on …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:12:00
Effects of grassland alteration from mowing and fire on bird activity at a Colorado airfield.Carragher, K.A., R.M. Clawges, R.L. Bunn, H.K. Pigage and J.C. …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:10:00
Document 1478Shaw P. and J. McKee. 2008. Risk Assessment: Quantifying Aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:10:00
Document 1791Wright, S.E. 2007. Bald eagles: a threatened species becomes a …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:08:00
Evaluation of propane exploders as white-tailed deer deterrents.Belant, J.L., T.W. Seamans, and C.P. Dwyer. 1996.  Evaluation of propane …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:08:00
Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with proposed sites for a landfill at Arviat, Nunavut – A Stage 1 safety analysis.Davis, R.A. 2009. Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:06:00
Collisions of red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) and black vultures (Coragyps atratus) with aircraft: implications for bird strike reduction.Blackwell, B.F. and S.E. Wright. 2006. Collisions of red-tailed hawks …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:06:00
High speed flight at low altitude: hazard to commercial aviation?Eschenfelder, P.F. 2005. High speed flight at low altitude: hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:04:00
Multiple Regression Analysis of Weather and Migration Data in Switzerland.Bruderer, B. 1974. Multiple Regression Analysis of Weather and Migration …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:04:00
Document 748Goodwin, R.W. 1964. Halifax International Airport – bird hazard survey …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:02:00
Document 588Dolbeer, R.A. 1984. Blackbirds and starlings: population ecology and habitats …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:02:00
Bird strike hazards and waste management facilities in urban landscapes.Caccamise, D. F., L.M. Reed and J. Romanowski. 1996. Bird strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:00:00
Document 1623Thorpe, J. 1988. Serious Bird Strikes to Civil Aircraft 1985 …2018/02/282018-02-28 13:00:00
Evaluation of ElectroBraide Fencing as a White-Tailed Deer Barrier.Seamans, T.W. and K.C. VerCauteren. 2006. Evaluation of ElectroBraide Fencing …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:58:00
Birdstrikes During 1985.Bakker, C. 1986. Birdstrikes During 1985. Proceedings of the International …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:58:00
Document 613Dolbeer, R.A. and S.E. Wright. 2008. Wildlife strikes to civil …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:56:00
Overhead Gridline Systems To Exclude Waterfowl From Large Bodies Of Water.Duffiney, T. 2006. Overhead Gridline Systems To Exclude Waterfowl From …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:56:00
Document 1662Transport Canada. 2002. Wildlife Control Procedures Manual.  Transport Canada, Ottawa, …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:54:00
Prediction and Detection of Bird Flights across the control zone of airports.Buurma, L.S. 1998. Prediction and Detection of Bird Flights across …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:54:00
Comparison of four particulate substances as wildlife feeding repellents.Belant, J.L., S.K. Ickes, L.A. Tyson, and T.W. Seamans. 1997.  Comparison …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:52:00
Document 1210Milsom, T.P. 1990. Lapwings Vanellus vanellus on aerodromes and the …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:52:00
Document 911Iannucci, L and M. Donadon. u.d. Bird strike modeling using …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:50:00
Using Nighttime Falconry for Roosting Blackbird Abatement at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.Boyles, C. 2011. Using Nighttime Falconry for Roosting Blackbird Abatement …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:50:00
Influence of egg oiling on colony presence of ring-billed gulls.DeVault, T.L., P.M. Schmidt, F.E. Pogmore, J. Gobeille, J.L. Belant …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:48:00
Document 935Jacoby, V.E. 1971. Analysis of bird strikes against aircraft. National …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:48:00
Flight Pen Evaluation of eyespot balloons to protect citrus from bird depredations.Avery, M.L., D.E. Daneke, D.G. Decker, P.W. Lefebvre, R.E. Matteson and …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:46:00
Document 1410Salter, A. 1974. Military Aircraft Birdstrike Analysis 1972. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:46:00
Document 1033Kusters, E. 1994. Man-made Lakes and Birdstrike Risk: Changes in …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:44:00
Visual Lapwing counts versus aircraft-Lapwing strikes.Dekker, A. and L.S. Buurma. 1988. Visual Lapwing counts versus …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:44:00
Document 1235Murai, Y., Y. Takeda and Y. Tasaka. 2010. Detection of …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:42:00
Zero-tolerance a panacea?Dekker, A. and L. Buurma. 2003. Zero-tolerance a panacea? Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:42:00
Document 1656Tobin, M.E., P. P. Woronecki, R. A. Dolbeer and R. …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:40:00
Document 1506Short, J.J. and Seamans, T. W. 1996. Tissue density determination …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:40:00
Blackbird and starling strikes to civil aircraft, 1990-2001.Barras, S. C., S. E. Wright, and T. W. Seamans. …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:38:00
Document 821Heirman, J. 1975. Further Lapwing Investigations on Beauvechain Airport. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:38:00
Monofilament lines exclude ring-billed gulls from traditional nesting areas.Blokpoel, H., and, G. D. Tessier. 1983. Monofilament lines exclude …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:36:00
Document 1738Ward, J.G. 1974. Use of falcon-shaped model aircraft to disperse …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:36:00
Document 1031Kupstein, H. and N.B. Carter. 2005. Grass species as a …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:34:00
On the predictability of spring migration of snow geese across southern Manitoba, Canada.Blokpoel, H. and W.J. Richardson. 1979. On the predictability of …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:34:00
Eurbase: Military bird strike frequency in Europe.Dekker, A. and H. van Gasteren. 2005. Eurbase: Military bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:32:00
Collecting efforts and identification standards in relation to bird strike statistics.Brom, T. G. 1992. Collecting efforts and identification standards in relation …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:32:00
‘Turn that light off please’: Update on the use of a non-lethal wildlife deterrence device.Ronning, D., S. Pelletier, C.R. Foss and T. Scott. 2015. …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:30:00
Document 723Gabrey, S. W., and R. A. Dolbeer. 1996. Rainfall effects …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:30:00
Document 1398Ruhe, W. 2008. Bird Hazard Management in the German Armed …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:28:00
Document 1715Verbeek, M. T., W. Los, L.S. Buurma and W.J.M. Hagemeijer. …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:28:00
Document 874Hoehn, A.L., M. Hagan and M. Bratton. 2009. Burrowing owl …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:26:00
Document 1374Robinson, M. 1996. The potential for significant financial loss resulting …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:26:00
Document 1293Pascarelle, S.M., B. Stewart, T.A. Kelly, A. Smith and R. …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:24:00
Document 1205Miller, G.W., R.E. Harris, R.A. Davis and C.J. Agnew. 1999. Evaluation …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:24:00
Modelling bird abundance across a range of land use types for use in a bird avoidance model.Budgey, R. 2003. Modelling bird abundance across a range of …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:22:00
Identification and control of wildlife damage.Dolbeer, R. A., N. R. Holler, and D. W. Hawthorne. 1994. …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:22:00
Document 951Kaiser, G. 1970. Weights of a number of birds. National …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:20:00
Document 792Harris R.D. 1964. Report from David Hatch at Winnipeg. National Research …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:20:00
Document 1153Martin, J.A., J.L. Belant, T.L. DeVault, B.F. Blackwell, L.W. Burger, …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:18:00
Document 1638Thorpe, J. 2003. The bird strike implications of low-cost airlines …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:18:00
Integrating Radar into the Airport Wildlife Control Environment.Thurber-Duggan, B. 2014. Integrating Radar into the Airport Wildlife Control …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:16:00
Document 891Houghton, E.W. 1968. Research on the Radar Properties of Birds …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:16:00
Evaluation of potential bird hazards to aircraft associated with a landfill expansion near Shell Lake, Wisconsin.Davis, R.A. 1993. Evaluation of potential bird hazards to aircraft  …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:14:00
Document 1547Speelman, R. 1979. Evaluating the birdstrike threat to aircraft windshield systems …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:14:00
Document 1200Mil, K. and S.C. Salem. 2012. Projectile parametric studies on …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:12:00
The relationships between bird strikes and weather: A detailed species based analysis.Allan, J., S. Manktelow and J. Bell. 2000. The relationships …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:12:00
Document 832Herricks, E.E., J.R.B. Fisher, C. Kuehner and M.J. Hovan. 2003. …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:10:00
Memorandum of agreement: Interagency commitment to reducing wildlife strikes to aircraft.Begier, M.J. and B.E. Washburn. 2004. Memorandum of agreement: Interagency …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:10:00
Document 445D’Angelo, G.J., J.G. D’Angelo, G.R. Gallagher, D.A. Osborn, K.V. Miller …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:08:00
Structural bird control – an overview.Areson, C.W. 1983. Structural bird control – an overview. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:08:00
Does tall grass reduce bird numbers on airports?: Results of pen test with Canada geese and field trials at two airports, 1998.Seamans, T. W., R. A. Dolbeer, M. S. Carrara, and …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:06:00
Document 1220Montemaggiori, A. 1992. Avian community at Rome Internation Airport of …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:06:00
Federal migratory bird permits and airports.Bulander, M. 2000. Federal migratory bird permits and airports. Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:04:00
A Revolution in Bird Control.Amir, M. 1989. A Revolution in Bird Control. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:04:00
Document 1754Wattel, J. 2000. Which Birds?. Proceedings of the International Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:02:00
Bird Strikes! Focus.Directorate of Flying Safety, Australian Defence Force. 1997. Bird Strikes! Focus. …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:02:00
Raptor and vole populations at an airport.Baker, J.A. and R.J. Brooks. 1981. Raptor and vole populations …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:00:00
Weather Dependance of Height, Density and Direction of Migration in Switzerland.Bruderer, B. 1977. Weather Dependance of Height, Density and Direction …2018/02/282018-02-28 12:00:00
Avian ecology and air-traffic safety at Vancouver International Airport: Monitoring.Demarchi, M.W. and G.F. Searing. 1996. Avian ecology and air-traffic …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:58:00
Document 673ESL Environmental Sciences Limited, Harford Kennedy Lyzun Ltd. The DPA …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:58:00
A dead hedgehog and a flock of seagulls cost France 3 million euros after runway mishap.Agence France Presse. 2005. A dead hedgehog and a flock …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:56:00
Evaluation of controlling Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) through live trapping and relocation to minimize aircraft strikes at Canadian Airports.Wernaart, M.L., T.L. Groh and P.J. Roberts. 1999. Evaluation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:56:00
A comparative study of the efficacy of red and green lasers as avian deterrents.Beason, R.C. and M. Polak. 2012. A comparative study of …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:54:00
Estimating the Physical Dimensions of Birds by Radar.Brough, T. and E.W. Houghton. 1974. Estimating the Physical Dimensions …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:54:00
Document 871Hile, A.G. 2003. Fear and loathing: the modulatory effect of …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:52:00
Document 1532Solman, V.E.F. 1974. Report to Bird Strike Committee, Europe, June …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:52:00
An assessment of the world-wide risk to aircraft from large flocking birds.Allen, J.R., J.C. Bell and V.S. Jackson. 1999. An assessment …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:50:00
Document 1138Mackinnon, B. 1996. The role and value of awareness programs …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:50:00
Document 900Humphrey, J.S., M.L. Avery and A.P. McGrane. 2000. Evaluating relocation …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:48:00
The Analysis of Feather Remains: Evaluations and Perspectives.Brom, T. G. 1988. The Analysis of Feather Remains: Evaluations and …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:48:00
Unwanted guests: Evicting bats from human dwellings.Depaepe, V. and R.H. Schmidt. 1994. Unwanted guests: Evicting bats …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:46:00
Document 717Fritz, J. 1990. Bird Control at Geneva Airport. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:46:00
Promoting GIS based bird and wildlife data collection by the airport operations and maintenance staff.Maripuu, T. 2015. Promoting GIS based bird and wildlife data …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:44:00
Document 1545Sowden, R., T. Kelly and S. Dudley. 2007. Airport bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:44:00
Document 824Helkamo, H.; Stenman, O. and M. Vickholm. 1982. Bird Control …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:42:00
Document 1120Lipcius, R.N., C.A. Coyne, B.A. Fairbanks, D.H. Hammond, P.J. Mohan, D.J. …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:42:00
Improving the Birdstrike Warning System in Central Europe.Becker, J. 1990. Improving the Birdstrike Warning System in Central …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:40:00
Gull control at Brampton Landfill Site VIB.Davis, R.A. 1990. Gull control at Brampton Landfill Site VIB. …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:40:00
Analysis with RADIOSS of a bird strike onto a helicopter blade and onto a rotor control chain.Bianchi, F. 2009. Analysis with RADIOSS of a bird strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:38:00
Bird monitoring at Vancouver International Airport: Data Report: 1994-2000 (winter).Demarchi, M.W., G.F. Searing, M.K. McNicholl and T. Mochizuki. 2000.  …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:38:00
Current status and potential of lethal means of reducing bud damage in agriculture.Dolbeer, R.A. 1986. Current status and potential of lethal means …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:36:00
Response of birds to raptor models.Conover, M.R. 1979. Response of birds to raptor models. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:36:00
Oblique color vision in an open-habitat bird: spectral sensitivity, photoreceptor distribution and behavioral implications.Moore, B. A., P. Baumhardt, M. Doppler, J. Randolet, B. F. …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:34:00
Document 1543Sowden, R. and T. Kelly. 2002. Risk analysis of high …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:34:00
Document 774Gunn, W.W.H. 1965. The reduction of bird hazards to aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:32:00
Document 920International Civil Aviation Organization. 1989. Manual on the ICAO Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:32:00
Small mammal abundance and raptor presence on John F. Kennedy International Airport.Allen, J.K. 1998. Small mammal abundance and raptor presence on …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:30:00
Document 1292Parker, R. 1994. Harmonizing Engine Design Rules United States – …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:30:00
Independent review of potential gull problems associated with the proposed South Quarry Landfill, Hamilton-Wentworth. Steetley Quarry Products, Inc.Davis, R.A. 1993. Independent review of potential gull problems associated …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:28:00
Air Traffic Control Radar Data Analysis and Bird Movements Detection.Barra, B. and B. Labozzetta. 1986. Air Traffic Control Radar …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:28:00
Document 924Jackson, V. S. and J.R. Allan. 2000. Nature reserves and …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:26:00
Document 1003Klinke, R. 1991. Avian hearing mechanisms and performance from infrasound …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:26:00
Through a bird’s eye — exploring avian sensory perception.Beason, R.C. 2003. Through a bird’s eye — exploring avian …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:24:00
Global Statistical Approach to the Birdstrike.Cesbron-Lavau, H. 1976. Global Statistical Approach to the Birdstrike. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:24:00
Document 779Hafeez, S., T.H. Khan, T.N. Khan, M. Shahbaz and M. …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:22:00
Document 1078Lemen, C.A., and M.K. Clausen. 1984. The effect of mowing …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:22:00
Wildlife collisions with aircraft: a missing component of land-use planning for airports.Blackwell, B. F., T. L. Devault, and E. Fernandez-Juricic. 2009. …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:20:00
Field Trial using Anthraquinone as a Repellent for Canada Geese (Branta canadensis), Ft. Collins, Colorado.Devers, P. and P. Reichert. 1997. Field Trial using Anthraquinone …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:20:00
Grasshopper bio-pesticide field experiment at 4 Wing Cold Lake.Gurski, K. and D. Johnson. 2014. Grasshopper bio-pesticide field experiment …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:18:00
Document 1216Mitchel, l J. 1966. More thoughts on forces associated with …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:18:00
Habitat and bird communities at small airports in the midwestern USA.Devault, T. L., J. E. Kubel, O. E. Rhodes Jr. …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:16:00
Ineffectiveness of five commercial deterrents for nesting starlings.Belant, J.L., P.P. Woronecki, R.A. Dolbeer, and T.W. Seamans. 1998. Ineffectiveness …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:16:00
Enhancement of the FAA’s on-line willdife aircraft strike database with an interactive graphics capability.Dickey, A.M., A.R. Newman and M. Hovan. 2005. Enhancement of …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:14:00
Document 1092Leshem, Y. and S.G. Gauthreaux Jr. 1996. Proposal to develop …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:14:00
Electronic Recording of Bird Tracks and Bird Numbers by Tracking Radar.Bruderer, B. 1988. Electronic Recording of Bird Tracks and Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:12:00
Document 1741Ward, J.G. 1975. The bird hazard problem at Vancouver International …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:12:00
Document 1587Szczepanik, R. 2003. Compressor blades technical condition monitoring system of …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:10:00
Evaluation of methyl anthranilate and activated charcoal as snow goose grazing deterrents.Mason, J.R. and L. Clark. 1995. Evaluation of methyl anthranilate …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:10:00
Suspending vulture effigies from roosts to reduce bird strikes.Ball, S.A. 2009. Suspending vulture effigies from roosts to reduce …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:08:00
Document 1459Searing, G.F. and R.A. Davis. 1995. A review of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:08:00
Document 817Heimbs, S. 2011. Bird strike simulations on composite aircraft structures. …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:06:00
Document 1565Steffen, R. 1994. Anti-bird Collision (ABC) Light System To Prevent …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:06:00
Document 1603Thompson, M. M.; DeFusco, R. P. and T.J. Will. 1986. …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:04:00
Document 1672Turesson, L-O. 1982. Way of Working of Bird Strike Committee …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:04:00
Interspecific variation in wildlife hazards to aircraft: implications for airport wildlife management.Devault, T. L., J. L. Belant, B. F. Blackwell, AND …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:02:00
Bird proofing hangers.Lahser, C. and W. Summers. 1999. Bird proofing hangers. Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:02:00
Living with wildlife: Canada Geese.Link, R. 2005. Living with wildlife: Canada Geese. Washington Department …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:00:00
Document 1427Scott, C.L. and J.R.C. Wooten. 1974. A Review of publications …2018/02/282018-02-28 11:00:00
Comparing two genetic markers used in the identification of diving ducks (Aythyinae) involved in birdstrikes.Eubanks, D., C. Dove, F. Dahlan and S. Drovetski. 2015.Comparing …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:58:00
Title 40, Part 258, Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, section 258.10, Airport SafetyCFR. 2003. Title 40, Part 258, Criteria for Municipal Solid …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:58:00
Bird and Animal Hazard Management Plan National Template.Australian Airports Association. 2005. Bird and Animal Hazard Management Plan …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:56:00
Comparison of three devices to observe white-tailed deer at night.Belant, J.L. and T.W. Seamans. 2000.  Comparison of three devices …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:56:00
Document 1287Ovadia, O. and N.B. Carter. 2005. A paradigm shift in …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:54:00
The use of laser for bird frightening.Briot, J.L. 1999. The use of laser for bird frightening. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:54:00
Closing remarks.Mackinnon, B. and L. Buurma. 1999. Closing remarks. Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:52:00
The Green Booklet. Techniques for the control of birds on airfields.Birdstrike Committee Europe. 1990. The Green Booklet. Techniques for the …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:52:00
Eco-friendly BASHM measures: Exceeding Expectations of an Increasingly Eco Sensitive World.Kumar, S. 2015. Eco-friendly BASHM measures: Exceeding Expectations of an …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:50:00
Birdstrike motivation program for pilots  » The Spansish Air Force Results ».Chamorro, M. M. and J. Clavero. 1996. Birdstrike motivation program …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:50:00
Document 777Gurgel do Amaral, J. 2005. The Brazilian Civil Aviation scene …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:48:00
Bird Migration – A Flight Safety Risk.Becker, J. 1990. Bird Migration – A Flight Safety Risk. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:48:00
Document 1497Short, J. J. 1994. An Annotated Bibliography of Bird Hazards …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:46:00
Document 1155Martin, L.R. 1979. Effective use of sound to repel birds …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:46:00
Document 761Gray, S. 2003. GIS and wildlife management activities at airports. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:44:00
Document 869Hild, J. 1988. Fundamental Experiences and Suggestions for Biotope-Management-Procedures on International …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:44:00
Document 1263Nohara, T.J. and R.C. Beason. 2012. Avian radar design for …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:42:00
Bird hazard to aircraft safety assessment associated with the proposed new landfill at the Deer Lake First Nation – A Stage 1 safety analysis.Lang, A.L. and R.A. Davis. 2004. Bird hazard to aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:42:00
Document 822Heirman, J. and J.F. Boomans. 1976. Low Level Flight Birdstrike Risk …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:40:00
Document 1032Kurhing. M. 1968. Microwaves Vs. Birds – Anew Approach to …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:40:00
Object detection and avoidance by birds: It’s not a matter of « outrunning » a jet.Blackwell, B.F., E. Fernandez-Jurcic and S. Lima. 2010. Object detection …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:38:00
A Granulated Insecticide to Control Invertebrates on Airfields.Caithness, T. A. 1986. A Granulated Insecticide to Control Invertebrates …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:38:00
Wildlife strike prevention.De Hoon, A. 2011. Wildlife strike prevention. Safety Focus Magazine. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:36:00
Wildlife risk management at Vancouver International Airport.Searing, G.F. 2005. Wildlife risk management at Vancouver International Airport. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:36:00
Document 1489Shivik, J.A., K.S. Gruver and T. J. DeLiberto. 2000. Preliminary …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:34:00
Document 1807Zalakevicius, M. 1994. Bird Strike Analysis in Lithuania. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:34:00
Behavioral response of gulls to a lethal control program at a New York airport.Barras, S.C., R.A. Dolbeer and R.B. Chipman. 2004. Behavioral response …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:32:00
Document 1129Lustick, S. 1973. The effect of intense light on bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:32:00
Document 770Guimard, J.-M. and S. Heimbs. 2011. Towards the industrial assessment …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:30:00
Birds and grassland on airports.Dekker, A. and F. Van der Zee. 1996. Birds and …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:30:00
Document 1132Lykos, V., A. Kiohos, A. Eleftheriou and G. Halkos. 2005. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:28:00
Enhancements to the United States Bird Avoidance Model (US BAM).Beerman, T., M. Bobo and R.P. DeFusco. 2001. Enhancements to …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:28:00
Document 966Kelly, T. 2000. Why do birds collide with Aircraft? : …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:26:00
Wildlife hazard management handbook.Airports Council International. 2013. Wildlife hazard management handbook. Second Edition. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:26:00
Document 1717VerCauteren, K.C., J.M. Gilsdorf, S.E. Hygnstrom, P.B. Fioranelli, J.A. Wilson …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:24:00
Development of a bird avoidance model for Naval Air Facility El Centro, CaliforniaZakrajsek, E., J. Bissonette and T. Cutler. 2000.Development of a …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:24:00
Document 1428Seamans, T. W. 2004.  Response of roosting turkey vultures to …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:22:00
Document 1446Searing, G.F. 1994. Wintering raptor and Great Blue Heron populations …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:22:00
Wildlife hazard management at Arizona airports.Annonymous. 2004. Wildlife hazard management at Arizona airports. Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:20:00
The use of natural and artificial line of sight obstructions as bird deterrents on and near aerodromesDeacon, N. 2003. The use of natural and artificial line …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:20:00
Document 808Harrison, M. J. 1986. Avoiding Birdstrikes. Proceedings of the International …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:18:00
Document 776Gunn, W.W.H. and E.P. Cockshutt. 1966. Strike predictions using observed …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:18:00
Document 1460Searing, G.F., D.E. Nowell, S.R. Johnson and A.D. Sekerak. 1990. Starling …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:16:00
Document 1696Unknown. 1984. Experimental Comparison of Three Bird Strike Test Techniques …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:16:00
Long Range Scaring Birds Cartridge.Briot, J.L. and A. Eudot. 1994. Long Range Scaring Birds …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:14:00
Document 931Jacoby, V. E. 1986. Ethological Aspects of Plane’s Protection Against …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:14:00
Document 1316Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. 2004. Phoenix Sky Harbor International …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:12:00
Document 1534Solmon, V.E.F. 1966. The ecological control of bird hazards to …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:12:00
Behavior and physiology in the development and application of visual deterrents at airports.Blackwell, B.F. and E. Fernandez-Juricic. 2013. Behavior and physiology in …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:10:00
Mandatory reporting of bird strikes in Europe: Who will report what to who?Dekker, A. and L. Buurma. 2005. Mandatory reporting of bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:10:00
Minutes of the 26th Meeting.Bird Strike Committee Canada. 1997a. Minutes of the 26th Meeting. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:08:00
New Attempt of Use of Remote Controlled Model Aircrafts.Briot, J. L. 1982a. New Attempt of Use of Remote …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:08:00
Document 967Kelly, T. A. 1994. BASH Team Study at Dare Country …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:06:00
Gull populations and bird hazards to aircraft in the Niagara Falls, N.Y. area, September, 1988.Davis, R.A. and R.E. Harris. 1988. Gull populations and bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:06:00
Document 793Harris, C.M. 2005. Aircraft operations near concentrations of birds in …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:04:00
EEC Regulations Regarding Reforesting of Former Farm Lands.Denmark. 1990. EEC Regulations Regarding Reforesting of Former Farm Lands. …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:04:00
Document 1651Thorpe, J.2012. 100 years of fatalities and destroyed civil aircfaft …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:02:00
Document 1189Melville, D. 1980. Bird Migration Through Hong Kong Observed by …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:02:00
The quality of identification: its effects on birdstrike statistics.Buurma, L.S. and T.C. Brom. 1979. The quality of identification: …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:00:00
Document 893Houghton, E.W. and F. Blackwell. 1972. Use of Bird Activity …2018/02/282018-02-28 10:00:00
Document 1040Kwok, R. 2011. Cleared for takeoff. Conservation Magazine 12(2). 2 …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:58:00
Effect of artificial perches and nests in attracting raptors to orchards.Askham, L.R. 1990. Effect of artificial perches and nests in …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:58:00
Use of alpha-chloralose by USDA Wildlife Services to immobilize birds.O’Hare, J., J. D. Eiseman, K. A. Fagerstone, L. L. …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:56:00
Document 1269North Atlantic Treaty Organization. n.d. Standardization Agreement on Birdstrike Risk/Warning …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:56:00
Document 688Fennessy, G., T.C. Kelly, M.J.A. O’Callaghan, P.D. Bourke, S. Sheehy …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:54:00
Document 825Henshaw, B.E. 2003. Towards multi-stakeholder cooperation in wildlife management. Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:54:00
Study of bird populations, and risk assessment of bird hazards to aviation safety, at the Leduc and District Regional Landfill, Leduc, Alberta.Harris, R.E., T. Thormin and R.A. Davis. 2009. Study of bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:52:00
Document 937Jacoby, V.E. 1977. Plane as a Deterrent and Attractant. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:52:00
Document 998Kissane, C. 2013. Reduction of wildlife on airfields through turfgrass …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:50:00
Propeller Foreign Objects Damages Testing.Devaux, J.-P. 1990. Propeller Foreign Objects Damages Testing. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:50:00
The biological protection of the Czech air force’s.Zuffa-Kunco, M. 2005. The biological protection of the Czech air force’s. …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:48:00
Bird control plan for the Ridge Landfill, Blenheim, Ontario.Davis, R.A. and R.E. Harris. 1999. Bird control plan for …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:48:00
Document 1611Thorpe, J. 1974. Bird strikes during 1972 to European Registered …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:46:00
Document 1610Thorpe, J. 1973. Six years of Bird-Strike in UK. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:46:00
The role of local community participation in the control of bird hazards at Entebbe International Airport.Bitebekezi, G.K. 2004. The role of local community participation in …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:44:00
Document 1431Seamans, T. W., and J. L. Belant. 1999. Comparison of …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:44:00
A paradigm shift in bird strike prevention by the Israeli Air Force.Carter, N.B. and E. Cohon. 2003. A paradigm shift in bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:42:00
Impact of consuming tall fescue leaves with the endophyte fungus, Acremonium coenophiatum, on meadow voles.Conover, M.R. 1998. Impact of consuming tall fescue leaves with …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:42:00
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States, 1990-2002.Cleary, E. C., R. A. Dolbeer, and S. E. Wright, …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:40:00
Document 1484Shergalin, J. E. 1990. Soviet Bibliography About Aviation and Radar …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:40:00
Document 1707van Wessum, R. 1984. The Problem of Garbage Dumps in …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:38:00
Document 1072Leeming, G. H. 1982. Military Aircraft Bird Strike Analysis 1979 …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:38:00
Blackbirds.Dolbeer, R.A. 1994. Blackbirds. Pages E25-E32. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:36:00
Document 1583Suaretz, S.; I. Agat and E. Shy. 1988. Bird Strikes at …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:36:00
Document 1252Nicholls, D. and J. Bell. 2005. An assessment of bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:34:00
Modeling bird hazards to aircraft: A GIS application study.DeFusco. R.P. 1993. Modeling bird hazards to aircraft: A GIS …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:34:00
Remote Sensing Technology and Ground-Based Observations for Evaluating a Proposed Airport Site in Conway, Arkansas.DeFusco, R.P. and R.L. Merritt. 2006. Remote Sensing Technology and …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:32:00
Behaviour of Aramid Epoxy Composite Structures to Bird Impact.Besse, J. and A. Fuertes. 1986. Behaviour of Aramid Epoxy …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:32:00
Hunting dogs as a tool for the bird control.Corse, L. 2012. Hunting dogs as a tool for the …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:30:00
White-tailed deer incidents with U.S. civil aircraft.Biondi, K.M., J.L Belant, J.A. Martin, T.L. DeVault and G. …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:30:00
Document 1483Shergalin, J. E. 1990. Results of Ornithofauna Study at Some …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:28:00
Document 1468Seubert, J.L. 1975. Current Activity Concerning the US Bird/Plane Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:28:00
Developing a plant-based vole repellent: screening of ten candidate species.Curtis, P.D., E.D. Rowland and G.L. Good. 2002. Developing a …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:26:00
Document 1211Milsom, T.P., N. Horton. 1995. Birdstrike: An Assessment of the Hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:26:00
Document 1285Ovadia, O. 2005. Ten years of birdstrikes in the Israeli …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:24:00
Document 1392Ruhe, W. 1994. New Developments for Improving the German Birdtam/Birdstrike …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:24:00
Document 983Kelly, T.C., R. Bolger, G. Fennessy, S. Sheehy and M.J.A. O’Callaghan. …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:22:00
Evaluation of the proposed new Moosonee Landfill in relation to bird hazards to aircraft safety at Moosonee Airport, Northern Ontario.Lang, A.L. and R.A. Davis. 2002. Evaluation of the proposed …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:22:00
Overhead wires reduce roof-nesting by ring-billed and herring gulls.Belant, J.L., and S.K. Ickes. 1996. Overhead wires reduce roof-nesting by …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:20:00
New Bird Impact Tests Performed at CEAT.Delor, M.M. and J. Besse. 1981. New Bird Impact Tests Performed …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:20:00
Integration and validation of networked avian radar (IVAR).Brand, M. 2007. Integration and validation of networked avian radar …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:18:00
Document 1681U.S. Department of Transportation. 2004. Airport wildlife hazard management. AC …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:18:00
Document 840Hild, J. 1968. Design of an Approach – or Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:16:00
Document 968Kelly, T. A. 2004. A Roadmap for the Development of …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:16:00
Management of Canada Geese in Suburban Areas: A Guide to the Basics.New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. 2001. Management of Canada …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:14:00
Feeding preferences and changes in mass of Canada geese grazing endovhvte-infeced tall fescue.Conover, M.R. and T.A. Messmer. 1996. Feeding preferences and changes …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:14:00
The quality of identification: a microscopic key to the determination of feather-remains.Brom, T.G. and L.S. Buurma. 1979. The quality of identification: …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:12:00
Document 1363Richardson, W.J. 1996. Serious birdstrike-related accidents to military aircraft of …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:12:00
Let no new thing arise: wildlife hazards to aviation.Eschenfelder, P. 2001. Let no new thing arise: wildlife hazards …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:10:00
Bird hazing and frightening methods and techniques.Marsh, R.E., W.A. Erickson and T.P. Salmon. 1991. Bird hazing …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:10:00
Challenges of controlling wildlife in tropical countries airports.Amutete, G. 2009. Challenges of controlling wildlife in tropical countries …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:08:00
Document 1524Solman V. E. F. and W.J. Thurlow. 1986. Reduction of …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:08:00
Document 1683U.S. Department of Transportation. 2011. Qualifications for wildlife biologist conducting …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:06:00
Document 1381Rochard, B. and N. Deacon. 2003. Bird hazard created by …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:06:00
Document 791Harmon, L. 2012. Nibbling at the edges: Using land use planning …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:04:00
Document 1372Robin, J.D.G. and W.W.H. Gunn. 1971. Whistling Swans near Wallaceburg, Ontario, …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:04:00
The Altitudinal Distribution of Identified Bird Strikes.Beason, R.C., S.E. Wright and M.J. Begier. 2009. The Altitudinal …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:02:00
Document 1147Marcal, G. 1978. Peril Aviaire. Proceedings of the Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:02:00
Patterns of bird migration over The Netherlands: A classification illustrated with radarfilm.Buurma, L.S. 1979. Patterns of bird migration over The Netherlands: …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:00:00
Document 732Gauthreaux, S. Jr and C. Belser. 2003. Bird movements on …2018/02/282018-02-28 09:00:00
Numerical simulation of bird strike impact against balanced fiberglass/epoxy composite plates.Azevedo, R.L. and M. Alves. 2007. Numerical simulation of bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:58:00
Potential bird hazards to aircraft associated with the proposed Madison Prairie sanitary landfill, near Madison, Wisconsin.Davis, R.A. and G.W. Miller. 1991. Potential bird hazards to …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:58:00
Document 976Kelly, T.A., R. Merritt and G.W. Andrews. 2007. An automated avian …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:56:00
Document 1057Laty, M. 1973b. Le probleme oiseaux en France, activite de …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:56:00
Evaluation of three damage abatement techniques for Canada Geese.Heinrich, J.W. and S.R. Craven. 1988. Evaluation of three damage …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:54:00
Progress report on operation bird track 1964 through 1969.Blokpoel, H. 1971. Progress report on operation bird track 1964 …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:54:00
Document 1607Thorpe, J. 1981. Accidents and serious incidents due to bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:52:00
Document 1241National Transportation Safety Board. 1999. Safety Recommendation A?99?86 through ? …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:52:00
Qualifications for wildlife biologist conducting wildlife hazard assessments and training curriculums for airport personnel involved in controlling wildlife hazards on airports.Bennett, D.L. 2006. Qualifications for wildlife biologist conducting wildlife hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:50:00
A new technology to repel birds: The high-intensity acoustic bird dispersion system (HIABDS).Baoshu, X., Z. Mingjun, W. Jingqun, R.A. Dolbeer and T. …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:50:00
Bird strike risk analysis on Aktion Airfield (Greece) and recommendations for improvements in bird strike prevention.Weitz, H. 1999. Bird strike risk analysis on Aktion Airfield …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:48:00
Assessment of small mammal and raptor populations on Toronto International Airport and recommendations for reduction and control of these populations.Brooks R.J., J.A. Baker and R.W. Steele. 1976. Assessment of small …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:48:00
Habitat comparison of an airport expansion project.Alexander, R.C. 2004. Habitat comparison of an airport expansion project. …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:46:00
High frequency sound devices lack efficacy in repelling birds.Erickson, W.A., R.E. Marsh and T.P. Salmon. 1992. High frequency …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:46:00
Avian visual system configuration and behavioural response to object approach.Blackwell, B. F., E. Fernandez-Juricic, T. W. Seamans, and T. …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:44:00
Eurbase, Limitations and OpportunitiesDekker A. 1998. Eurbase, Limitations and Opportunities. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:44:00
Document 1082Lesham, Y. and A. Froneman. 2003. Flight safety and nature …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:42:00
Using avian radar to examine relationships among avian activity, bird strikes, and meteorological factors.Coates, P.S., M.L. Casazza, B.J. Halstead, J.P. Fleskes and J.A. …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:42:00
Document 1613Thorpe, J. 1976. Bird Strikes During 1974 to European Registered …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:40:00
Document 843Hild, J. 1970. German System of Visual Observations of Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:40:00
Document 1387Rooseleer, G. 1981. A « know your birds » poster. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:38:00
Document 582Dirksen, S. 1999. Wildlife management and bird control: a visit …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:38:00
Implementation of a bird control program at the Winnebago Landfill and an assessment of its effectiveness, including changes to potential bird hazards to aircraft safety at the greater Rockfill, IL Airport – Autumn 2005.Davis, R.A. 2006. Implementation of a bird control program at …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:36:00
Document 757Graber, R.R. and S.S. Hassler. 1962. Effectiveness of aircraft-type (APS) …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:36:00
Document 958Kay, B.J., L.E. Twigg, T.J. Korn and H.I Nicol. 1994. The …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:34:00
Paper on the performance of the bird control service on French airports.Berman, M. M.; Briot, J. L. and Eudot, A. 1992. Paper …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:34:00
Document 1297Patterson, B. 2000. Wildlife conrol at Vancouver international airport; introducing Border …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:32:00
Document 699Fitzwater , W.D. 1988. Solutions to urban bird problems. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:32:00
Document 1254Nicholson, R. and W.S. Reed. 2011. Strategies for prevention of bird-strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:30:00
Bird hazard detection with airport surveillance radar.Bruder, J.A., V.N. Cavo and M.C. Wicks. 1997. Bird hazard …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:30:00
Document 1463Servossa, W., R.M. Engemanb, S. Fairaizla, J.L. Cummings and N.P. …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:28:00
Use of Raptors to Reduce Scavenging Bird Numbers at Landfill Sites.Baxter, A.T. and J.R. Allan. 2006. Use of Raptors to Reduce …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:28:00
International Birdstrike Committee: Best Practice Standards For Aerodrome Bird Control.Allan, J. 2006. International Birdstrike Committee: Best Practice Standards For …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:26:00
Trigeminal repellents do not promote conditional odor avoidance in European Starling.Clark, L. 1996. Trigeminal repellents do not promote conditional odor …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:26:00
Document 1140MacKinnon, B., R. Sowden and T. Kelly. 2003. Risk analysis …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:24:00
Document 837Higgs, D. 1994. Aerodrome Bird Hazard Control in the United …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:24:00
Let’s Talk Turkey: Integrating Traditional Wildlife Management Techniques to Reduce Hazards at Airports.Bowse, C.O. 2008. Let’s Talk Turkey: Integrating Traditional Wildlife Management …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:22:00
Agriculture on airfields: short-term benefit, long-term loss.Carter, N.B. and O. Ovadia. 2003. Agriculture on airfields: short-term benefit, …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:22:00
The effect of harassment by dogs on ground-nesting birds in airfields.Brandwine, S. and N.B. Carter. 2006. The effect of harassment by …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:20:00
Minutes of the 25th Meeting.Bird Strike Committee Canada. 1996b. Minutes of the 25th Meeting. …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:20:00
Document 1783Witter, I 2008. Experience of using bird hazard risk assessments …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:18:00
Assessment of the effectiveness of the bird control program at the Forward Landfill, Manteca, California – An interim report.Davis, R.A. 2011. Assessment of the effectiveness  of the bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:18:00
Document 881Horesh Z. and Y. Milo. 1998. Using Traps to Control …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:16:00
Document 1671Turesson, L-O. 1981. Code of Practice of BSCE. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:16:00
Document 1744Washburn, B. E. and T. W. Seamans. 2004. Management of …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:14:00
The Impact of a Lumbricide Treatment on Airfield Grassland.Allan, J. R. and L.A. Watson. 1990. The Impact of …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:14:00
The European Military Bird Strike Database Progress Report.Dekker, A. 1994. The European Military Bird Strike Database Progress …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:12:00
Document 930Jacoby, V. E. 1984. Possibility to Use Precision Approach Radars …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:12:00
Document 1262Nohara, T., P. Weber, A. Premji, C. Krasnor, S. Gauthreaux, …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:10:00
Document 1085Leshem, Y. 1988. Following Soaring Bird Migration From the Ground, …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:10:00
A framework for managing airport grasslands and birds amidst conflicting priorities.Blackwell, B.F., T.W. Seamans, P.M. Schmidt, T.L. Devault, J.L. Belant, …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:08:00
Document 1157Martindale, I. 1994. Bird Ingestion and the Rolls-Royce Wide Chord …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:08:00
Thermal Imagery Applied to Reducing Bird Hazards to Aircraft at Airports.Ivey, J.R. 1999. Thermal Imagery Applied to Reducing Bird Hazards …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:06:00
Evaluation of air safety issues associated with the expansion of the Mallard ridge Recycling and Disposal Facility, WI.Davis, R.A. 1993. Evaluation of air safety issues associated with …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:06:00
Bird Strikes As A Hazard To Aircraft: A Changing But Predictable and Manageable Threat.Allan, J. 2000. Bird Strikes As A Hazard To Aircraft: …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:04:00
Document 1413Satheesan, M. 1998a. Sound and Light can control bird activity …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:04:00
Field evaluation of white mineral oil to reduce hatching in Canada goose eggs.Cummings, J.L., M.E. Pitzler, P.A. Pochop, H.W. Krupa, T.L Pugh and …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:02:00
Insects, Vegetation, and the Control of Laughing Gulls (Larus atricilla) at Kennedy International Airport, New York City.Buckley, P.A. and M.G. McCarthy. 1994. Insects, Vegetation, and the …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:02:00
Jet engine certification standards.Eschenfelder, P. 2000. Jet engine certification standards. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:00:00
Bird Control Units in the RAF.Austin, T.S. 1976c. Bird Control Units in the RAF. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 08:00:00
Justification to combine FOD and BASH control into a civilian job.Ball, S.A. 2003. Justification to combine FOD and BASH control …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:58:00
Bird control management plan for the City of Guelph’s wet/dry recycling facility adjacent to the Guelph Air Park.Davis, R.A. 1995. Bird control management plan for the City …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:58:00
Document 739Ginati, A. 2012. ESA future. Proceedings of the International Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:56:00
Serious Bird Strikes To Civil Aircraft 1992-1993.Thorpe, J. 1994. Serious Bird Strikes To Civil Aircraft 1992-1993. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:56:00
Enhancing the perceived threat of vehicle approach to deer.Blackwell, B. F., and T. W. Seamans. 2009. Enhancing the …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:54:00
Document 940Jakobi, V. E. 1994. The Elaboration of Bird Strikes Means …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:54:00
Cattle guards reduce deer crossings through fence openings.Belant, J L., T.W. Seamans, and C.P. Dwyer. 1998.  Cattle guards …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:52:00
Document 906Hunt, F.R. 1974. Radar Detection of Birds in an Operational …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:52:00
Document 1375Robinson, M. 2000. Is the possibility of a costly aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:50:00
Coping with Canadaq Geese: Some suggestions for dealing with nuisance geese in rural areas.McLachlin, D. n.d. Coping with Canadaq Geese: Some suggestions for …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:50:00
Document 1166Mathew, D.N., R. Palat and M.M. Kumar. 2003. Review of …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:48:00
Compliance with Wildlife Hazard Regulations: An Air Carrier’s Perspective.Berry, V. 2002. Compliance with Wildlife Hazard Regulations: An Air …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:48:00
Document 1731Vogt, P.F. 2000. Control of nuisance birds in the airport …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:46:00
Taking habitat management one step further.Dekker, A. 2003. Taking habitat management one step further. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:46:00
Monofilament lines repel house sparrows.Aguero, D.A., R.J. Johnson, K.M. Eskridge, J.E. Knight and D.H. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:44:00
Document 1154Martin, L.E., L.M. Martin and M.R. Taber. 1998. Containment basins …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:44:00
Private Industry Initiative at Bird Control: A Success Story.Barnes, N., R Christie, S Kruse. 1999. Private Industry Initiative …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:42:00
Document 683Fechenhein, F. 1967b. First result of Crane- migration in Autumn …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:42:00
Solution propre a la France: Sensibilisation des personnels.Briot, J.L. 1979. Solution propre a la France: Sensibilisation des …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:40:00
An investigation into bird densities which might be encountered by aircraft during take off and landing.Sugg, R.W. 1965. An investigation into bird densities which might …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:40:00
Evaluation of overspraying as an alternative to seed treatment for application of Flight Control bird repellent to newly planted rice.Avery, M.L., E.A. Tillman, J.S. Humphrey, J.L. Cummings, D.L. York and …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:38:00
Document 1784Wooding, M.S. 1979. Tests of a device for the protection …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:38:00
Begier, M.J. and B.E. Washburn. 2006. Disposal of bio-solids at airports: increased wildlife hazards to aviation or not?Begier, M.J. and B.E. Washburn. 2006. Disposal of bio-solids at airports: …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:36:00
Assessment of potential bird hazards to aircraft safety associated with the proposed new landfill at the Poplar Hill First Nation – A Stage 1 safety analysis.Lang, A.L. and R.A. Davis. 2004. Assessment of potential bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:36:00
Document 1171Matijaca, A. 2008. Possible Exoneration of airport from liability. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:34:00
Document 993Kievits, J. 2008. Does Benchmarking improve flight safety?. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:34:00
The completeness and accuracy of birdstrike reporting in the UK.Civil Aviation Authority. 2006. The completeness and accuracy of birdstrike …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:32:00
Minutes of the 28th Meeting.Bird Strike Committee Canada. 1998a. Minutes of the 28th Meeting. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:32:00
Document 1034Kusters, E. 2000. Man-made wetlands and flight safety. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:30:00
Document 1710Various 1977. Development of the Theoretical Construct of Synergised Aluminium …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:30:00
Estimation of bird strike rate on a new island in the north sea.Davidse, C. T., M. Harte and H. Branderhorst. 2000. Estimation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:28:00
Document 1044Laidlaw, G.W.J., H. Blokpoel, V.E.F. Solman and M.McLaren. 1984. Gull …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:28:00
Document 1164Mathew, D.H. 2012. Bird Hazards to Aircrafts in Kochi Naval …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:26:00
Document 1195Metcalf, J.C. 2007. Bald eagle removal: making a case and …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:26:00
An evaluation of long-grass as a bird deterrent on British airfields.Brough, T.E. and C.J. Bridgman. 1980. An evaluation of long-grass …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:24:00
Document 684Federal Aviation Administration 2002. Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft in …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:24:00
Document 1343Rafal, E. 2012. Bird Detection System Deployment for Tokyo International …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:22:00
Initial evaluation of bird hazards to aircraft associated with a sanitary landfill in Fall River, Massachusetts.Davis, R.A. and R.E. Harris. 1995. Initial evaluation of bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:22:00
Document 1617Thorpe, J. 1978. The Computer Analysis Project. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:20:00
Document 1360Richardson, W.J. 1987. Potential bird hazards to aircraft associated with …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:20:00
Document 943Jarman, P. 1996. Proposal for an association of airfield bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:18:00
Document 1124Louette, M. 1974. Lapwing investigations on Beauvechain Airport. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:18:00
Document 1576Stortenbecker, C.W. 1972. Bird Dispersal with Acoustical and Visual Means. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:16:00
Document 708Fowler, H.S. 1965. The photography of small [rojectiles in the …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:16:00
French Exhibition on Birdstrike Hazards.Briot, J.L. and A. Eudot. 1994. French Exhibition on Birdstrike …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:14:00
Document 1626Thorpe, J. 1992. Recent publications on bird and aviation. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:14:00
Cyprus flamingoes commuting across the runway: adapting the aircraft’s or birds’ flight schedule?de Hoon, A., I. Charalambidou, L. Buurma and E. van …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:12:00
Document 1481Sheffield, L. M., J. R. Crait, W. D. Edge, and …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:12:00
Document 1699van Dijk, S. 2012. Four-track approach to reduce bird strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:10:00
Document 1703van Guens, A. H. 1982. Birdstrike Prevention at Airports. A …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:10:00
Document 1134Lyon, L.A. and D.F. Caccamise. 1981. Habitat selection by roosting …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:08:00
New procedures for evaluation of radar information.Becker, J. 1979. New procedures for evaluation of radar information. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:08:00
Document 1243Nebabin, V. 1996. An on-board bird recognition device for the …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:06:00
Document 845Hild, J. 1971. Mixtures of Grass-Seed for Airports. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:06:00
Document 912Ickes, S. I., J. L. Belant, and R. A. Dolbeer. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:04:00
Document 1071Leach, B.A. 1964. Biological Survey 1 Air Div. Report No. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:04:00
Document 1135Lyons. 2012. One carrier’s perspective. Bird Strike Committee-USA Annual Meeting, …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:02:00
Document 705Fortier, G.M., N. Bard, M. Jansen and K. Clay. 2000. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:02:00
Document 986Kelly, T.C., R. Bolger, M.J.A. O’Callaghan, G. Fennessy, S. Sheehy and …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:00:00
Exploiting antipredator behavior in white-tailed deer for resource protection.Blackwell B.F., T.W. Seamans, L.A. Tyson, J.L. Belant and K.C. …2018/02/282018-02-28 07:00:00
Document 1615Thorpe, J. 1977. Bird Strikes During 1975 to European Registered …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:58:00
Document 1753Watson, W, and V. Hack. 2000. Wildlife management and habitat …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:58:00
Document 1595Tareh, H.A. and A. de Hoon. 2005. Water birds, aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:56:00
Development and certification of a rugged engine relative to foreign object ingestion.Arizzi, R.J. 1979. Development and certification of a rugged engine …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:56:00
Document 1476Sharma, R.K. and C. Joshi. 2000. New technique for preparation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:54:00
Training for airport wildlife control personnel: The IBSC recommendation.Eschenfelder, P. and A. Anagnostopoulos. 2012. Training for airport wildlife …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:54:00
Electronic Counting of Birds.Clausen, P. 1973. Electronic Counting of Birds. Proceedings of the Bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:52:00
Document 925Jacobi, V. E. 1996. Study of Bird Behaviour to bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:52:00
Bird species, populations, and activities at Christchurch International Airport, New Zealand, between 1986 and 1988: implications for a preventative bird strike program.Creswell, P. D. 1988. Bird species, populations, and activities at …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:50:00
Document 1385Rogachev, A.I. and O.K. Trunov. 1977. Some Statistic Data on …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:50:00
Document 1282Ostrom. 2006. Media Response Plans ?The Forgotten Tools?. Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:48:00
Waterbird and Wetland Conservation – IWRB’s Global Network And The Current State Of The Internaional RAMSAR Convention and Bonn Convention.Aubrecht, G. 1994. Waterbird and Wetland Conservation – IWRB’s Global …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:48:00
The art of bird control.Anagnostopoulos, A. 2012. The art of bird control. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:46:00
Fedex Express’ approach to bird strike prevention.Baum, N. 2004. Fedex Express’ approach to bird strike prevention. …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:46:00
The influence of tide and wind on the birdstrike hazard at coastal aerodromes.Allan, J. and Milsom, T. P. 1992. The influence of …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:44:00
Document 1028Kuhring, M.S. and W.W.H. Gunn. 1965. Birds/Radar/Weather. National Research Council …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:44:00
Document 1067Laybourne, R. C. and C. Dove. 1994. Preparation of Birdstrike …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:42:00
Herbivory by Canada Geese: Diet selection and effect on lawns.Conover, M.R. 1991. Herbivory by Canada Geese: Diet selection and …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:42:00
Document 1560Stahl, L. and S. Johansson. 1975. Studies of Bird Reactions, …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:40:00
Document 773Gunn, W.W.H. 1964. Radar photography study of bird migration preliminary …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:40:00
Document 907Hunt, F.R. 1975. Automatic radar equipment to determine bird strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:38:00
Birdstrike prevention success and malaise in the RNLAF.Buurma, L.S. 1975. Birdstrike prevention success and malaise in the …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:38:00
3-D Radar Sampling Methods for Ornithology and Wildlife Management.Beason, R.C. and T.J. Nohara. 2011. 3-D Radar Sampling Methods …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:36:00
Document 1198Michael, R A. 1986. Keep your eye on the birdie: aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:36:00
Document 1811Zolotarev, S. and O. Silaeva. 2003. Coordination center for ornithological …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:34:00
Effectiveness of Nylon Lines for Deterring Rock Doves from Landing on Ledges.Andelt, W.F. 1993. Effectiveness of Nylon Lines for Deterring Rock …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:34:00
Document 1236Murar, B. 1994. Analysis of Birdstrikes with Military Airplanes in …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:32:00
Document 1575Stone, R.J. 1976. Synergised Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate in the Control …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:32:00
Canada Geese — A guide to legal control measures in the UK.British Association of Shooting and Conservation. 2005. Canada Geese — …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:30:00
Document 1095Lewis, C.M. 1995. Engine Bird Ingestion. Airliner, Jan?Mar, 17-19.2018/02/282018-02-28 06:30:00
Document 1290Panferova, O.I. and N.A. Nechval. 1992. Determination of number of …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:28:00
Document 1566Stenman, O. 1984. Radar Observation of the Migration of Arctic …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:28:00
Document 1179McIntosh, B.A. 1966. Interpretation of a fast moving echo on …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:26:00
Document 1100LGL Limited. 1973. The bird hazard problem at Vancovuer International …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:26:00
Status of compound DRC-1339 registrations.Knittle, C.E., E.W. Schaffer Jr. and K.A. Fagerstone. 1990. Status …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:24:00
Document 829Herricks, E.E. et al. 2004. A System Level Review of …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:24:00
Document 1128Luniak, M. 1974. Polish Ornithological Investigations having some Significance to …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:22:00
Document 1204Miller, G.W. and R.A. Davis. 1994. Assessment of potential bird …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:22:00
Aerodrome Bird Hazard Prevention and Wildlife Management Handbook.Airports Council International. 2005. Aerodrome Bird Hazard Prevention and Wildlife …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:20:00
Review of international research literature regarding the effectiveness of auditory bird scaring techniques and potential alternatives.Bishop, J., H. McKay, D. Parrott and J. Allan. 2003. …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:20:00
Document 1596Tedrow, C.A. 1998. Bird Strike Risk Assessment for United States Air …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:18:00
Document 1585Suter, W. 1978. Roosting and Feeding Flights of Black-Headed Gulls …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:18:00
Document 1325Pochop, P.A., J.J. Cummings, C.A. Yoder and J.E. Steuber. 1998. …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:16:00
Document 1268Norment, C. J., C.D. Ardizzone, and K. Hartman. 1999. Habitat …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:16:00
Document 1487Shergalin, J.E. 1994. Bibliography on Aviational and Radar Ornithology in …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:14:00
Document 722Furbeth, Dr. H. 1988. Radio-Controlled Bird Defence System (Steffan System). …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:14:00
Document 882Horesh, Z. and Y. Milo. 1994. Using Traps to Control …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:12:00
Ecological approach to managing problems caused by urban Canada Geese.Conover, M.R. 1992. Ecological approach to managing problems caused by …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:12:00
ICAO wildlife mitigation – The next step?Eschenfelder, P. 2003. ICAO wildlife mitigation – The next step? …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:10:00
Birdstrikes During 1987.Bakker, C. 1988. Birdstrikes During 1987. Proceedings of the International …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:10:00
Introduction and Welcome.Mackinnon, B., R. Dolbeer, C. Richmond, A. LaFlamme and F. …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:08:00
Document 834Herzig, M. 1978. Approaches to Protect Endangered Areas on Airports …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:08:00
Advantages and Limitations of Radio-Controlled Aircraft in Bird Dispersal.Bivings, A. E. 1988. Advantages and Limitations of Radio-Controlled Aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:06:00
Document 734Gauthreaux, S. Jr, C. Belser and D. Van Blaricom. 2003. …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:06:00
Document 1422Schilderman-Karelse, D. ÌÀ2012. Pilots and birds, can we share the …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:04:00
Document 786Hall, T.R., W. Howard and R.E. Marsh. 1981. Raptor use …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:04:00
Understanding avian vision: the key to using light in bird management.Blackwell, B.F. 2002. Understanding avian vision: the key to using …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:02:00
Document 860Hild, J. 1978. Birdstrikes on Helicopters in German Air Force. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:02:00
Document 1283Ouellet, H. and Canadian Museum of Nature. 1994. Keratin Protein …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:00:00
Control of birds in aircraft hangars.Smith, R.N. 1966. Control of birds in aircraft hangars. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 06:00:00
Strides in bird hazard control at Entebbe International Airport.Bitebekezi, G.K. 2002. Strides in bird hazard control at Entebbe …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:58:00
Document 1379Rochard, B. 1996. Airfield bird control – setting the standards. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:58:00
Document 914Ilyichev, V. D., N.A. Nechval, and V.Y. Biryukov. 1990. A …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:56:00
Bird Hazards to Aircraft.Blokpoel, H. 1975. Bird Hazards to Aircraft. Proceedings of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:56:00
The Problems of the Vector – Conrolled AL-31 F Engine damage and its reconditioning after large bird ingestion.Andreyev, A., O. Kachevsky, V. Konohkov, V. Chepkin and V. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:54:00
Document 1599Thomas, C. 1988. How Meaningful are Bird Strike Statistics. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:54:00
Evaluation of Allsopp Helikite as a bird scaring deviceSeamans, T.W., B.F. Blackwell and J.T. Gansowski. 2002.  Evaluation of …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:52:00
Document 1183McLaren, M.A., R.E. Harris and W.J. Richardson. 1984. Effectiveness of …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:52:00
Document 1746Washburn, B. E., and T. W. Seamans. 2012. Foraging preferences …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:50:00
Ensuring that landfill sites do not attract birds.Brown, S. 2000. Ensuring that landfill sites do not attract …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:50:00
Document 1016Krupka, R. 2000. Collisions of the Czech Air Forces’ aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:48:00
Bird-Airplane Collisions at Low Altitudes- Planned Preventive Actions of the Swedish AirforceGezelius, J. O. and T. Alerstam. 1972. Bird-Airplane Collisions at Low …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:48:00
Document 1148Marcal, G. 1979. Proposals of recommendations Air France. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:46:00
Document 1217MOD 1975. Analysis of Military Birdstrike Data 1973. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:46:00
Document 1380Rochard, B. 2000. The UK Civil aviation autority’s approach to …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:44:00
Document 1052Larose, M. 1996. Earthworm control at 8 Wing Trenton, Ontario, …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:44:00
Document 1519Smith, T. and D. Iwanycky. 1981. Study of Birdstrikes at Canadian …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:42:00
Document 934Jacoby, V.E. 1970. Some publications received from Dr. V.E. Jacoby, …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:42:00
Document 1271O’Donnell, M. 2012.CAST monitoring and metrics development: An industry and …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:40:00
Document 692Ferns, P. N., R.J. Cowie, J. Simons and R. Woodburn. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:40:00
Document 1260Nj‰ÛÊ, O., P. Ranestad, G.S. Braut, R. Fewings and E. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:38:00
B/W Strike and Observation modules.Maripuu, T. 2014. B/W Strike and Observation modules. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:38:00
Humanely Resolving Conflicts with Canada Geese: A Guide for Urban and Suburban Property Owners and Communities.Humane Society. 2004. Humanely Resolving Conflicts with Canada Geese: A …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:36:00
Impacts of the Snow Goose Control Program at Vancouver International Airport on Lesser Snow Geese and Agriculture in the Fraser River Delta: Screening report.Demarchi, M.W. and G.F. Searing. 1999. Impacts of the Snow …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:36:00
Document 1231Mountain, P.2012. How IBSC Standards are understood and implemented across …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:34:00
Document 1777Williams, S. 1973. Useful references from NRC files relating to …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:34:00
Bird strike risk assessment for Athens International Airport.Anagnostopoulos, A. 2003. Bird strike risk assessment for Athens International …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:32:00
The use of night landfilling to reduce bird hazards to aircraft safety.Davis, R.A. & J. Mangino. 1999. The use of night …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:32:00
Document 495de Hoon, A. 2006. Birds commuting across the runway: how …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:30:00
Density-dependent responses of gray-tailed voles to mowing.Edge, W. D., J. O. Wolff, and R. L. Carey. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:30:00
An evaluation of techniques to control problem bird species on landfill sites.Cook, A., S. Rushton, J. Allan and A. Baxter. 2008. An …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:28:00
Document 794Harris, R. 1963. Visit Vancouver International Airport October 23-63. Associate …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:28:00
The potential for managing urban Canada geese by modifying habitat.Cooper, J. 1998. The potential for managing urban Canada geese …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:26:00
Document 795Harris, R.D. 1964. Visit to Prince george and St. John airports, …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:26:00
“The Brazilian Bird Strike Reduction Program”.Brasil, J.P. 1997. “The Brazilian Bird Strike Reduction Program”. Paper …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:24:00
Document 1109Lind, H. 1971. An Attempt to Reduce the Herring Gull …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:24:00
Flight Control as a goose deterrent at Portland international airport.Gordon, S. and N. Lyman. 2000. Flight Control as a …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:22:00
Document 767Grubh, R. B. 1982a. Whitebacked Vulture and Pariah Kite as …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:22:00
Document 1382Rochard, J.B.A. and N. Horton. 1977. Birds Killed by Aircraft …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:20:00
Aviary and field evaluations of various wildlife control products and strategies for airports.Dolbeer, R.A. n.d. Aviary and field evaluations of various wildlife …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:20:00
Document 1788Woronecki, P.P., R.A. Dolbeer and T.W. Seamans. 1990. Use of …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:18:00
Document 1024Kuhring, M.S. 1966. Bird strikes (presented at No. 1 Air …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:18:00
Document 1249Netti, G., C.M. Sousa, M.J. Begler, R.C. Beason and J.D. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:16:00
Document 702Flight Safety Foundation. 1996. Military Boeing 707 strikes birds after …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:16:00
Document 1747Washburn, B. E., G. E. Bernhardt, L. Kutschbach-Brohl, R. B. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:14:00
Document 1796Yacoby, V. E. 1982. Sphere of Action and Efficiency of the …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:14:00
Management of rodent populations at airports.Dewey, J. and G. Witmer. 2000. Management of rodent populations …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:12:00
Document 1291Papp, l.A. 1996. Bird-Related Accidents in Hungarian Military Aviation. Proceedings …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:12:00
Document 915Ilyichev, V. D., V.Y. Biryukov and N.A. Nechval. 1992. Determination …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:10:00
Document 1424Schneider, E.P. 1973. The Result of the Preventative Bird-Strike Work …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:10:00
Document 1301Pekk, A. 2012. Managing the unmanageable – views on the …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:08:00
Invitation.Dahl, H. 1986. Invitation. Proceedings of the International Bird Strike …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:08:00
Bird Species Composition, Quantity and Dynamics in Area of Slovak Airforce Airports and in Their Surroundings.Dravecky, M. 1994. Bird Species Composition, Quantity and Dynamics in …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:06:00
Document 766Grubh, R. B. 1982. Bird Strikes in India. Proceedings of …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:06:00
Document 1508Shumake, S.A., R.T. Sterner and S.E. Gaddis. 2000. Repellents to …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:04:00
Document 1064Laty, M.M. 1974. Au Sujet Des Nouveaux Risques De Collisions …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:04:00
Document 727Garland, H., A. del Peral, D.M. Bird and M-A Fortin. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:02:00
Levantamento da Avifauna dos Aeroportos do Brasil – Riscos, Problemas e Soluções.Alves, Vânia S., Inês L. Nascimento and Albano S. Neto. …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:02:00
Document 1467Seubert, J. L. 1996. North American Canada Goose Populations – An …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:00:00
Five methods for studying nocturnal bird migration over Isreal.Alfiya, H. 1992. Five methods for studying nocturnal bird migration …2018/02/282018-02-28 05:00:00
Birds and airports agriculture in the coterminus United States: A review of literature.Sterner, R.T., D.J. Elias, M.V. Garrison, B.E. Johns and S.R. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:13
The potential of the NEXRAD radar system for warning pilots of bird hazards.Larkin, R.P. 1984. The potential of the NEXRAD radar system …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:12
The FAA Grant-in-aid assurances, FAR Part 139, and airport hazards.Dilk, A.J. 1984. The FAA Grant-in-aid assurances, FAR Part 139, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:12
Pocket gophers.Case, R.M. and B.A. Jasch. 1994. Pocket gophers. Pages B17-B29. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:11
Beavers.Miller, J.E. and G.K. Yarrow. 1994. Beavers. Pages B1-B11. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:11
House mice.Timm, R.M. 1994. House mice. Pages B31-46. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:10
Mountain beavers.Campbell, D.L. 1994. Mountain beavers. Pages B53-B60. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:09
White-foored and deer mice.Timm, R.M. and W.E. Howard. 1994. White-foored and deer mice. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:09
Muskrats.Miller, J.E. 1994. Muskrats. Pages B61-B69. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:09
Porcupines.Schemnitz, S.D. 1994. Porcupines. Pages B81-B83. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:08
Nutria.LeBlanc, D.J. 1994. Nutria. Pages B71-B80. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:08
Prairie Dogs.Hygnstrom, S.E. and D.R. Virchow. 1994. Prairie Dogs. Pages B85-96. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:08
Cotton rats.Hawthorne, D.W. 1994. Cotton rats. Pages B97-99. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:07
Norway rats.Timm, R.M. 1994. Norway rats. Pages B105-B120. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:07
Kangaroo rats.Howard, V.W. 1994. Kangaroo rats. Pages B101-B104. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:07
Polynesian rats.Tobin, M.E. 1994. Polynesian rats. Pages B121-B124. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:06
Roof rats.Marsh, R.E. 1994. Roof rats. Pages B125-131. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:06
Woodrats.Salmon, T.P. and W.P. Gorenzel. 1994. Woodrats. Pages B133-B136. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:05
Belding’s California, and rock ground squirrels.Marsh, R.E. 1994. Belding’s California, and rock ground squirrels. Pages …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:05
Rodent-proof construction and exclusion methods.Baker, R.O., G.R. Bodman and R.M. Timm. 1994. Rodent-proof construction …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:52:05
Franklin, Richardson, Columbian, Washington, and Townsend ground squirrels.Askham, L.R. 1994. Franklin, Richardson, Columbian, Washington, and Townsend ground …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:28
Thirteen-lined ground squirrels.Cleary, E.C. and S.R. Craven. 1994. Thirteen-lined ground squirrels. Pages …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:28
Tree squirrels.Jackson, J.J. 1994. Tree squirrels. Pages B171-B175. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:27
Woodchucks.Bollengier, R.M. 1994. Woodchucks. Pages B83-B187. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:26
Voles.O’Brien, J.M. 1994. Voles. Pages B177-B182. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:26
Badgers.Lindzey, F. 1994. Badgers. Pages C1-C3. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:25
Grizzly/Brown bears.Jonkel, C. 1994. Grizzly/Brown bears. Pages C17-C23. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:24
Black bears.Hygnstrom, S.E. 1994. Black bears. Pages C5-C15. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:24
Bobcats.Virchow, D. and D. Hogeland. 1994. Bobcats. Pages C35-43. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:23
Polar bears.Clarkson, P.L. and I. Stirling. 1994. Polar bears. Pages C25-C34. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:23
Feral dogsGreen, J.S. and P.S. Gipson. 1994. Feral dogs. Pages C77-C814. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:22
Coyotes.Green, J.S., F.R. Henderson and M.D. Collinge. 1994. Coyotes. Pages …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:22
House cats (feral).Fitzwater, W.D. 1994. House cats (feral). Pages C45-C49. In: S.E. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:22
FoxesPhillips, R.L. and R.H. Schmidt. 1994. Foxes. Pages C83-C88. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:21
Mountain lionsKnight, J.E. 1994. Mountain lions. Pages C93-C99. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:21
MinkBoggess, E.K. 1994. Mink. Pages C89-C92. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:20
RaccoonsBogess, E.K. 1994. Raccoons. Pages C101-C107. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:20
SkunksKnight, J.E. 1994. Skunks. Pages C113-C118. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:20
River ottersHill, E.PE. 1994. River otters. Pages C109-C112. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:19
WolvesPaul, W.J. and P.S. Gipson. 1994. Wolves. Pages C123-C129. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:19
WeaselsHenderson, F.R. 1994. Weasels. Pages C119-C122. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:07
ArmadillosHawthorne, D.W. 1994. Armadillos. Pages 1D-D3. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:07
BatsGreenhall, A.M. and S.C. Frantz. 1994. Bats. Pages D5-D24. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:06
ElkdeCalesta, D.S., and G.W. Witmer. 1994. Elk. Pages D41-D50. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:06
DeerCraven, S.R. and S.E. Hygnstrom. 1994. Deer. Pages D25-D40. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:06
OpossumsJackson, J.J. 1994. Opossums. Pages D59-D63. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:05
MolesHenderson, F.R. 1994. Moles. Pages D51-D58. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:05
Wild pigsBarrett, R.H. and G.H. Birmingham. 1994. Wild pigs. Pages D65-D70. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:04
Pronghorn antelopeSchemnitz, S.D. 1994. Pronghorn antelope. Pages D71-D73. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:04
Cottontail rabbitsCraven, S.R. 1994. Cottontail rabbits. Pages D75-D80. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:03
ShrewsSchmidt, R.H. 1994. Shrews. Pages D87-D91. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:03
Jackrabbits and other haresKnight, J.E. 1994. Jackrabbits and other hares. Pages D81-D85. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:03
Birds at airportsGodin, A.J. 1994. Birds at airports. Pages E1-E4. In: S.E. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:02
Bird damage at aquaculture facilities.Gorenzal, W.P. 1994. Bird damage at aquaculture facilities. Pages E5-E18. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:01
American CrowsJohnson, R.J. 1994. American Crows. Pages E33-E40. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:01
Bird dispersal techniques.Booth, T.W. 1994. Bird dispersal techniques. Pages E19-E23. In: S.E. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:00
EaglesO’Gara, B.W. 1994. Eagles. Pages E41-E48. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:01:00
GullsSolman, V.E.F. 1994. Gulls. Pages E49-E52. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:59
Hawks and owlsHygnstrom, S.E. and S.R. Craven. 1994. Hawks and owls. Pages …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:59
Horned LarksClark, J.P. and S.E. Hygnstrom. 1994. Horned Larks. Pages E63-E65. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:49
Scrub (or California) JayClark, J.P. and S.E. Hygnstrom. 1994. Scrub (or California) Jay. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:49
House Finches (Linnets)Clark, J.P. and S.E. Hygnstrom. 1994. House Finches (Linnets). Pages …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:48
Mississippi KitesAndelt, W.F. 1994. Mississippi Kites. Pages E75-E77. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:48
Pigeons (Rock Doves)Williams, D.E. and R.M. Corrigan. 1994. Pigeons (Rock Doves). Pages …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:48
MagpiesHall, T.C. 1994. Magpies. Pages E79-E85. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:47
Crowned sparrowsClark, J.P. and S.E. Hygnstrom. 1994. Crowned sparrows. Pages E97-E100. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:46
House SparrowsFitzwater, W.D. 1994. House Sparrows. Pages E101-E108. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:46
SwallowsGorenzel, W.P. and T.P. Salmon. 1994. Swallows. Pages E121-E127. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:45
European StarlingsJohnson, R.J. and J.F. Glahn. 1994. European Starlings. Pages E109-E120. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:45
WoodpeckersMarsh, R.E. 1994. Woodpeckers. Pages E139-E145. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:44
WaterfowlCleary, E.C. 1994. Waterfowl. Pages E129-E138. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:44
AlligatorsWoodward, A.R. 1994. Alligators. Pages F1-F6. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:44
Frogs and toadsMoler, P.E. 1994. Frogs and toads. Pages F9-F11. In: S.E. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:43
CrayfishFowler, J.F., W. Lorio and G. Lutz. 1994. Crayfish. Pages …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:43
Nonpoisonous snakesByford, J.L. 1994. Nonpoisonous snakes. Pages F15-F19. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:42
SalamandersByford, J.L. 1994. Salamanders. Pages F13-F14. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:42
TurtlesFowler, J.F. and J.L. Avery. 1994. Turtles. Pages F27-F31. In: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:41
RattlesnakesHoward, W.E. 1994. Rattlesnakes. Pages F21-F26. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:41
Pesticides federally registered for control of terrestrial vertebrate pestsJacobs, W.W. 1994. Pesticides federally registered for control of terrestrial …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:40
Description of active ingredientsTimm, R.M. 1994.Description of active ingredients. Pages G23-G61. In: S.E. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:29
Bird control at airports: An overview of bird control methods and case descriptions.Oranjewoud. 1999. Bird control at airports: An overview of bird …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:28
Poison control centersBenson, B. 1994. Poison control centers. Pages G63-G68. In: S.E. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:28
Specimen labelsHygnstrom, S.E. 1994. Specimen labels. Pages G67-G150. In: S.E. Hygnstrom, …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:28
Evaluation of different grass height management patterns for bird control in a tropical airport.Abreu, T.L., N.V. Grossmann, M.M. De Carvalho, D.M.A. Velho, V.C. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:27
Strategies for prevention of bird strike events.Nicholson, R. and W.S. Reed. 2011. Strategies for prevention of …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:27
Bird/Wildlife aircraft strike hazard (BASH) Management techniques.LeBoeuf, E. 2004. Bird/Wildlife aircraft strike hazard (BASH) Management techniques. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:25
International Standards and Recommended Practices: Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aiation. Aerodromes. Volume 1 Aerodrome design and operations.International Civil Aviation Organisation 2004. International Standards and Recommended Practices: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:25
Australian Aviation wildlife strike statistics: 2006 to 2015.ATSB Transport Safety Report. 2017. Australian Aviation wildlife strike statistics: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:24
International Standards and Recommended Practices: Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aiation. Aerodromes. Volume 1 Aerodrome design and operations.International Civil Aviation Organisation 2013. International Standards and Recommended Practices: …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:24
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States, 1990–2008.Dolbeer, R.A., S. E. Wright, J. Weller and M.J. Begier. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:24
Bird risk assessment model for airports and aerodromes.Paton, D.C. 2010. Bird risk assessment model for airports and …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:23
Intense short-wavelength light triggers avoidance response by Red-tailed Hawks: A new tool for raptor diversion?Foss, C.R., D.J. Ronning and D.A. Merker. 2017. Intense short-wavelength …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:22
A land-use perspective for birdstrike risk assessment: The attraction risk index.Coccon, F., M. Zucchetta, G. Bossi, M. Borrotti, P. Torricelli …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:22
Avian visual system configuration and behavioural response to object approach.Blackwell, B.F., E. Fernandez-Jurcic, T. W. Seamans and T. Dolan. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:22
The impact of variation in reporting practices on the validity of recommended birdstrike risk assessment processes for aerodromes.Allan, J., A. Baxter and R. Callaby. 2016. The impact …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:21
Threatened and endangered species at airports: Regulatory conflict and your options.Anderson, A. 2016. Threatened and endangered species at airports: Regulatory …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:21
A heuristic risk assessment technique for birdstrike management at airports.Allan, J. 2006. A heuristic risk assessment technique for birdstrike …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:21
The pigeon and the pea: what you don’t know can hurt you: A botany study of wildlife attractants at DFW Airport.Boyles, C. and A.K. Neill. 2016. The pigeon and the …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:20
Integrating Wildlife Hazard Management into Airport Safety Management Systems.DeFusco, R.P., E.T. Unangst, T.R. Cooley and J.M. Landry. 2016. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:20
Experience does not enhance avian avoidance of vehicles.DeVault, T.L., T.W. Seamans, B.F. Blackwell, S.L. Lima, M.A., Martinez …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:03
Laughing gulls at JFK Airport: Safety hazard or wildlife resource.Dolbeer, R.A., M. Chevalier, P.P. Woronecki and E.B. Butler. 1989. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:03
Pen tests of methyl anthranilate as a bird repellent in water.Dolbeer, R.A., L. Clark, P.P. Woronecki and T.W. Seamans. 1991. …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:02
Methyl anthranilate formulations to repel birds from water at airports and food at landfills.Dolbeer, R.A., J.L. Belant and L. Clark. 1993. Methyl anthranilate …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:01
Shooting gulls reduces strikes with aircraft at John F. Kennedy International Airport.Dolbeer, R.A., J.L. Belant and J. Sillings. 1993. Shooting gulls …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:01
Shotgun shooting to reduce airstrikes by Laughing Gulls at John F. Kennedy International Airport, 1991 and 1992.Dolbeer, R.A., J.L. Belant and J.L. Sillings. 1992. Shotgun shooting …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:01
Can Albatrosses and aircraft coexist on midway atoll?Dolbeer, R.A., D.P. Arrington and E. LeBoeuf. 1996. Can Albatrosses …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:00
Bird and other wildlife strikes to civilian aircraft in the United States, 1994. Interim report, DTFA01-91-Z-02004.Dolbeer, R.A., S.E. Wright, and E.C. Cleary. 1995. Bird and …2018/02/272018-02-27 21:00:00
Shooting gulls to reduce strikes with aircraft at John F. Kennedy International Airport, 1991-1997.Dolbeer, R.A. and Bucknall, J.L. 1997. Shooting gulls to reduce …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:59
Effectiveness of BBG-1 as a Grazing Repellent for Canada Geese.Dolbeer, R.A. and T.W. Seamans. 1997. Effectiveness of BBG-1 as …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:59
Keynote Address: Population dynamics: the foundation of wildlife damage management for the 21st century.Dolbeer, R.A. 1998. Keynote Address: Population dynamics: the foundation of …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:58
Aerial photography techniques to estimate populations of Laughing Gull nest in Jamaica Bay, New York, 1992-1995.Dolbeer, R.A., J.L. Belant and G.E. Bernhardt. 1997. Aerial photography …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:58
Blackbirds and starlings killed at winter roosts from PA-14 applications: implications for regional population management.Dolbeer, R.A., D.F. Mott and J.L. Belant. 1997. Blackbirds and …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:58
Ranking the hazard level of wildlife species to aviation.Dolbeer, R.A. and S.E. Wright. 1998. Ranking the hazard level …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:57
Anthraquinone Formulation (Flight Control trademark) shows promise as avian feeding repellent.Dolbeer, R.A., T.W. Seamans, B.F. Blackwell and J.L. Belant. 1998. …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:57
Ranking the hazard level to wildlife species to aviation using the national wildlife strike database.Dolbeer, R.A. and S.E. Wright. 1998. Ranking the hazard level …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:57
Aerodrome bird hazard prevention: Case study at John F. Kennedy International Airport.Dolbeer, R.A. 1999. Aerodrome bird hazard prevention: Case study at …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:56
Shooting gulls to reduce strikes with aircraft at John F. Kennedy International Airport, 1991-1998.Dolbeer, R.A. and R.B. Chipman. 1999. Shooting gulls to reduce …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:56
Birds and aircraft: fighting for airspace in crowded skies.Dolbeer, R.A. 2000. Birds and aircraft: fighting for airspace in …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:55
Shooting gulls to reduce strikes with aircraft at John F. Kennedy International Airport, 1991-1998.Dolbeer, R.A. and Chipman, R.B. 1998. Shooting gulls to reduce …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:55
Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States, 1990–2007.Dolbeer, R.A. and S.E. Wright. 2008. Wildlife strikes to civil …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:18
How do birds react to approaching aircraft? Observations from the cockpit.Dolbeer, R.A., C.S.M. Washburn and S.E. Wright. 2004. How do …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:18
Increasing trend of damaging strikes to air carrier aircraft outside the airport boundary: Implications for mitigation measures.Dolbeer, R.A. 2010. Increasing trend of damaging strikes to air …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:17
Amplified bird-strike risks related to population increases of large birds in North America.Dolbeer, R.A. 2009. Amplified bird-strike risks related to population increases …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:17
Classification of risk level for wildlife strikes.Dolbeer, R.A., M.J Begier and P.C.A. Forrester. 2016.Classification of risk …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:16
Population trends for large bird species in North America in relation to aircraft engine standards.Dolbeer, R.A. and M.J. Begier. 2013. Population trends for large …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:16
Increasing trend of damaging bird strikes with aircraft outside the airport boundary: implications for mitigation measures.Dolbeer, R.A. 2011. Increasing trend of damaging bird strikes with …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:16
Urban Takeover: Canada Geese Shifting from City Parks to Industrial Rooftops Near Midway International Airport.Dorak, B. 2016. Urban Takeover: Canada Geese Shifting from City …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:15
Non-lethal controls for “resident” Canada geese.Dornbush, C., G. Feigelson, D. Gruskin, B. Hedges, and A. …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:15
Native and naturalized turf species utilized at airports managed for wildlife hazards in the northeastern US.Dorsch, K. and D. Volger. 2010. Native and naturalized turf …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:14
Native and Naturalized Turf Species Suitable for Use on Airfields Managed for Wildlife Hazards.Dorsch, K. 2009. Native and Naturalized Turf Species Suitable for …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:14
“Birdstrike” – what’s the word?Dove, C. 2002. “Birdstrike” – what’s the word?  Bird Strike …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:14
Avian influenza: What field biologists should know.Dove, C. and M. Heacker. 2006. Avian influenza: What field …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:13
Birdstrike identification.Dove, C. 2002. Birdstrike identification. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada Joint Annual …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:13
DNA identification of birdstrike remains – progress report.Dove, C., M. Heacker and L. Weigt. 2006. DNA identification …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:12
Techniques for identifying bird strike remains.Dove, C., M. Heacker and G. Concepcion. 2004. Techniques for …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:12
Advantages of Documenting Multiple Impact Bird Strikes to US Air Force Aircraft.Dove, C.J. and M. McCullers. 2016 .Advantages of Documenting Multiple …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:11
Reporting multiple-impact birdstrikes: What’s in the soup?Dove, C.J. 2011. Reporting multiple-impact birdstrikes: What’s in the soup? …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:11
Using FTA cards to collect DNA for birdstrike identifications.Dove, C.J. 2010. Using FTA cards to collect DNA for …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:11
The birdstrike identification program at the Smithsonian Institution and new recommendations for DNA sampling.Dove, C.J., M. Heacker and N. Rotzel. 2007. The birdstrike …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:59:10
Evaluation of the effect of bird strikes on flight safety operations at international airport.Dukiya, J.J. and V. Gahlot. 2013. Evaluation of the effect …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:37
GIS BASH map for Naval Air Station Kingsville.Earwood, E. 2013. GIS BASH map for Naval Air Station …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:36
Multi-agency cooperation during an aircraft investigation.Duncan, K. 2013. Multi-agency cooperation during an aircraft investigation. Bird …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:36
Naval Air Station Kingsville (NASK) a concept reconstruction: a cultural change.Earwood, E. and M. Begier. 2016. Naval Air Station Kingsville …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:35
Strategies of Rodent Control Methods at Airports.Desoky, A.E.S.S. 2014. Strategies of Rodent Control Methods at Airports. …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:34
Integrating avian radar into daily operations at NAS Kingsville, Texas.Earwood, E.D., P. Paddock and D. Anderson. 2010. Integrating avian …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:34
Wildlife hazards to aviation.Eschenfelder , P. 2001. Wildlife hazards to aviation. ICAO/ACI Airports …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:33
Jet engine cerification standards.Eschenfelder, P. 2000. Jet engine cerification standards. Proceedings of the …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:33
Advice to flight crews concerning the wildlife hazard to aircraft.Eschenfelder P. 1998. Advice to flight crews concerning the wildlife …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:33
Phoenix Rio Salado/Tempe Town Lake.Eschenfelder, P. 2000. Phoenix Rio Salado/Tempe Town Lake. Proceedings of …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:32
Mandatory strike reporting – The time has come.Eschenfelder, P. 2003. Mandatory strike reporting – The time has …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:31
Mandatory strike reporting: The time has come.Eschenfelder, P. 2002. Mandatory strike reporting: The time has come. …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:31
Successful Strategies for Aviation Wildlife Mitigation.Eschenfelder, P. 2009. Successful Strategies for Aviation Wildlife Mitigation. Bird …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:30
Training for Airport Wildlife Control Personnel: The IBSC Recommendation.Eschenfelder, P. and A. Anagnostopoulos. 2008. Training for Airport Wildlife …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:30
New peril + old promises = bad results.Eschenfelder, P. 2003. New peril + old promises = bad …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:30
Bird strike mitigation beyond the airport.Eschenfelder, P. and R. DeFusco. 2010. Bird strike mitigation beyond …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:29
Organizational Efforts in Aviation Wildlife Mitigation – University Story.Eschenfelder, P. and A. Dickey. 2008. Organizational Efforts in Aviation …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:29
Airport wildlife hazard control.Eschenfelder, P.F. 2010. Airport wildlife hazard control. Embry Riddle Aeronautical …2018/02/272018-02-27 20:57:28
Birdstrike news you can use.Eschenfelder. P.F. (editor). 2007. Birdstrike news you can use. Airport …2018/02/222018-02-22 15:33:33
Integration of Real-Time Bird Radar Information into Commercial Air Traffic Control.Froneman, A. and R. Merritt. 2009. Integration of Real-Time Bird …2018/02/222018-02-22 15:27:10