Date(s) - 24/06/2021
12 h 00 min - 13 h 00 min
Bird Strike Canada Seminar 6: Coyotes
This event was recorded on 24 June 2021.
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Can we predict mammal-aircraft strikes? Working to prevent high-risk collision events
Presenter: Dr. Roy Rea and Brendan Carswell, University of Northern British Columbia
Wildlife strikes are a significant issue in the aviation industry; especially strikes with medium- to large-sized mammals, which pose a high risk of damage to aircraft and human safety. Despite the identified threat that mammals can pose to aircraft, few works have been published on ways to rank and predict the risk of mammalian species to aircraft. At the Prince George International Airport (YXS), mammals account for more recorded runway incidents than bird species, suggesting they pose a greater threat to aircraft and people. We used 6 years of data on runway incidents for YXS’s highest risked mammal species (coyotes) in attempts to predict ecological factors contributing to coyotes on runways.
Our analysis suggests that coyote runway incidents may be related to their circannual behavioural patterns, although our findings were limited by available data. Additionally, we provide a series of recommendations on how to better track and collect data on mammal species to build more practical risk assessment models.
Brendan Carswell received a BSc. Hons. in Natural Resources Management: Wildlife and Fisheries from the University of Northern British Columbia in 2020. Brendan spent much of his undergraduate degree working with Dr. Roy Rea, among other researchers, studying ungulate ecology in northern and central British Columbia, Canada. Brendan has worked with Dr. Rea as a research assistant at the Prince George International Airport since 2017. Brendan will soon be starting a MSc. of Biology at Memorial University where he will study the effects of interspecific ungulate densities on prey response to predation risk.
Roy Rea obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from California State University, Stanislaus in 1992 and a Master of Science, Biology from the University of Northern British Columbia in 1999. In 2014, Roy completed a Doctor Philosophiae in Ecology from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås, Norway.
Roy has worked as a Senior Laboratory Instructor in the Ecosystem Science and Management Program at the University of Northern BC since 2000 where he teaches Introductory Biology, Field Applications in Resource Management, Marine Ecology, and labs in Plant Systematics.
Roy has worked with the Prince George Airport Authority on several projects aimed at reducing potential conflicts between aircraft and wildlife since 2007 and also works jointly the provincial Ministry of Transportation on projects aimed at mitigating wildlife-vehicle collisions on highways in northern British Columbia. Some of Roy’s current research focuses on gaining a better understanding of the seasonal habitat requirements of moose in northern BC. You can learn more about Roy and his teaching and research at: You can follow me on Instagram at Wildlife of Northern BC @roy_v_rea
Fostering coexistence over conflict with urban coyotes through evidence-based methods
Presenter: Dr. Colleen Cassady St. Clair, University of Alberta
All sessions will be presented on Zoom. Seminar time is given in Pacific Daylight Time. Please adjust for your time zone. Note that Pacific Daylight Time is 7:00 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time.
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